"Ouch? Brother Wu is young and promising The nearby card friends also laughed, "when I was your age, I was still looking for a job everywhere. You are a smart young man who can make a lot of money!"

"Come on, you can pull it down. You can't catch up with Angkor now."

Boss Chu touched his head and laughed: "Angie, if you want to buy any building materials, just follow the bet we just said. 30% off, and 30% off for the whole show!"

"No way!" Wu Chen eyebrows pick, quickly refused: "I want to buy is not a little bit, and 30% off, you still have profit to speak of?"? Absolutely not. You can't be like that! "

Chu boss also some annoyed, eagerly said: "as the saying goes, willing to gamble admit defeat, since it is a bet, then we must fulfill! Listen to me, 30% off. If you think it's cheap, hehe... How many mahjong skills do you teach me

Wu Chen thought about it, then nodded his head and agreed to boss Chu's request.

After all, if you refuse boss Chu's request, I'm afraid he will be more angry and think that you don't give him face. On the contrary, it seems very artificial.

"All right, that's what you say." Wu Chen smiles and hands his list to boss Chu, saying: "brother, this number is quite a lot."

Boss Chu took the list and couldn't help taking a breath of air.

Oh, good guy, there are so many building materials! Looking at the number, it's not the small number of 120000. This time, I've lost a lot.

However, another way to think about this problem, since we can build a building of this scale, the origin of Wu Chen is absolutely not simple. At least it can be regarded as a person with a head and a face, and it must not be as simple as a villager.

Think of here, Chu boss's in the mind how much relieved a lot. Naturally, he is different from those young peddlers who have been wandering in the world for many years.

So, he patted his chest and laughed with pride: "it's OK, Angkor, what you want is wrapped in me! Give me an address and I'll have it sent right away. "

With that, boss Chu patted several players on the shoulder and said, "brothers, let's have lunch together at noon. I just want to invite this little brother Wu to have a drink and make a friend."

Wu Chen knew that he had taken so many building materials from others at a cheap price, and he felt a little guilty. Since boss Chu was kind-hearted and entertained himself, if he didn't go, it would be something else.

So Wu Chen nodded with a smile: "OK, thank you for your hospitality in advance. Let's have a bite at the pub nearby. I'll treat you to it! "

"Well, how can I do that? It's my turn."

Say, a few people then pull a gang to go to nearby a homely dish restaurant.

As soon as I got into the hotel, I saw a young and beautiful girl coming over and bowing politely to several people: "welcome to the hotel. Please help yourself to what you want."

When Wu Chen saw the girl, he couldn't move his eyes away from her——

I don't know why, he suddenly felt that this girl was very familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Oh, Angkor, good eyesight." A card friend laughed unkindly and whispered in Wu Chen's ear: "this shop is a one eyed dragon. It's not easy for father and daughter to run this shop, so Lao Chu told us to come here for dinner. You don't have to say, this family's food is really good, especially this girl, who is really interesting. My son-in-law is also interested in this girl. Well, I don't want to... "

Wu Chen listened to him and nodded.

Indeed, in a family like this, no matter how beautiful the girls are, they have never been to school. Moreover, with such a disabled father, many problems can't be solved. How can people like boss Chu and his friends look up to him?

"Waiter, please bring us a menu."

Wu Chen gave a gentle smile to the girl, and Wu Chen was a good-looking man. With that kind of smile, his killing power to the little girl was great.

"OK... OK." The girl looked at Wu Chen in a daze, shyly and shyly handed the menu to Wu Chen, "Sir, please order."

"Brother Chu, you'd better order. I don't know much about it." Wu Chen embarrassed to Chu boss smile: "this dish don't order too much, enough to eat."


Boss Chu skillfully ordered eight dishes, ordered several bottles of wine, and told the waitress to deliver them quickly.

"Angkor, I don't know what your career is?"

So far, this is the most concerned thing of boss Chu. If he can know what the other party's job is, he can make specific countermeasures.

Their profession, of course, depends on people.

Wu Chen naturally saw the other party's intention. According to Wu Chen's original temper, he must have said that he was a homeless man. Now the situation is different.

In desperation, he had to say: "I plant herbs with my villagers in Lvshui village. At the same time, I have some shares in baicaotang."

"My God! Baicaotang? Some time ago, I heard from Mr. Li that there was a young miracle doctor coming to the herbal hall. Is it brother Wu who you are A card friend who knew the news quickly took over: "if that's true, Angkor, you are really powerful!"

"It's not a miracle doctor. It's true to be young."

Boss Chu slapped the table and said with a smile, "don't be modest, Angie. A man with flexible mind like you must be young and promising! I'll give you a toast when the wine comes

Just then, the young waitress suddenly pushed the door and came in. Maybe it's because I didn't notice the threshold. I tripped her in a moment, and the bottle in my hand suddenly flew out!

Seeing that he was about to hit Wu Chen head-on, he tilted his mouth slightly, caught a bottle of wine with one hand, then quickly turned around and put the wine on the table. And finish this action, almost a second!

The next moment, Wu Chen once again caught a bottle of wine, the other hand out to embrace the girl's waist, her fall to stop the action.

Wu Chen gently laughed: "be careful next time."

Said, Wu Chen will help the girl up, but did not notice a few people around that look like monsters.

After a while, boss Chu squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Angie, your skill is really wonderful!"

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