"Ah, little tiger, you haven't gone yet?" Cai Jun looks complex way: "just really thank you, otherwise that kind of little gangster must play rogue, pit our two."

"Monitor, how can you say such a thing?" Wu Chen smiles and shakes his head. "It's not like you."

Cai Jun pointed to his eyes and sighed: "in fact, I always say that even if I don't have an eye, it has no effect. But in fact, now I feel that I am powerless to do anything... "

Wu Chen nodded, he can understand this kind of psychology. Just like the eunuchs in ancient China, after losing their male pride, their psychology was distorted, so that they had the so-called servility, and their hearts became extremely sinister and dark.

Cai Jun once had the reputation of "eagle eye" in the army, which means his excellent eyesight.

However, because of a calculation error in a blasting mission, Cai Jun was stabbed in one eye by shrapnel in order to cover his teammates' evacuation. From then on, because he was injured and could not continue in the army, he chose to retire.

After that, Wu Chen knew all about it. In short, the hardships of life made this once iron man lose his passion and self-confidence. He chose to open a tavern here.

"Monitor, what would you do if I said I could cure your eyes?"

"It's impossible. Don't be kidding." Cai Jun couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "my eyes have been almost seven or eight years. Now I'm afraid they are immortals, and they are powerless. So, little tiger, I've never thought about those illusory things. Don't comfort me

"Monitor." Wu Chen suddenly laughed, revealing his unique tiger teeth. "You may not know something. I am a small shareholder of baicaotang now, and my medical skills are excellent. Haven't you heard that Mr. Li Chun, the boss of baicaotang, was cured? That's me. "

"True or false?" Cai Jun looked at Wu Chen in surprise: "little tiger, can't you think you are so powerful now?"

Immediately, Cai Jun patted Wu Chen on the shoulder and said, "OK, let me have a look. At least after you have seen it, I can be more sure what my eyes are like, and I don't have to hold those unrealistic fantasies."

Hearing what Cai Jun said, Wu Chencai was more convinced that his monitor had never given up, which made him feel more relieved.

Sitting on the stool, Cai Jun turned on the light of his tavern to make the light more abundant. However, Wu Chen gave people medical treatment, but he didn't need these at all.

Wu Chen pretends to give Cai Jun a look. In fact, he secretly uses his skill to feel Cai Jun's damaged eyes.

At this point, Wu Chencai found that the seriousness of the matter had reached an unprecedented level. Although Cai Jun's maintenance is not bad, his eyes have been damaged for so many years, and the damage has reached 50% or 60%.

Now, even if you use your own spiritual power to warm and cure, you may not be able to cure all of them.

Thinking of this, Wu Chen couldn't help looking embarrassed.

"What? Little tiger, I said it can't be cured. Don't worry about it

Wu Chen shook his head and said to Cai Jun seriously, "monitor, I want to borrow your bedroom. I can't cure you here. Moreover, even if it makes you see the light again, I'm afraid it's impossible for you to restore your former eyesight! "

"What did you say?" When Cai Jun heard Wu Chen's words, he stood up excitedly and almost cried out: "can I see the light again? Little tiger, is that true? "

"Of course." Wu Chen shrugged to Cai Jun and said with a smile: "so, monitor, when do you want to delay it? Take me to the bedroom


Walking into Cai Jun's bedroom, Wu Chen saw the medals on his wall and the group photos on the cupboard. At a glance, he saw the group photo of himself and Cai Jun, and he couldn't help being moved.

"Monitor, you still have them for so many years?"

Seeing that Wu Chen was looking at the group photos, Cai Jun couldn't help clapping his head and laughing: "ouch, what are you talking about there? How can I not keep such an important thing? I think he's more important than life. "

Wu Chen looks at the valiant Cai Jun in the photo, and can't help clenching his fist. No matter what price he pays, he must let his old comrades in arms regain their heroic appearance!

At that time, he could do nothing to watch him leave. Now he has to make up for the regret of that day!

Thinking of this, Wu Chen waved to Cai Jun and forced him to restrain his inner excitement. "Monitor, please lie down and close your eyes. It may hurt a lot later, but you must bear with it

"Don't worry, there was once Bo Cheng who didn't use anesthetics on the operating table, and I, Cai Jun, could stand it just like him!"

Looking at Cai Jun's serious face, Wu Chen couldn't help laughing: "monitor, it's not that serious at all. We don't have to have an operation. It must be much easier than that. It's just the eyes. It's going to hurt. "

"Fart, don't you know that my eyes have been unconscious for a long time? If you have consciousness, it will work well

Just at this time, a bewildered Cai lin'er suddenly opened the door and brought in a bowl of steaming pimple soup. When she saw her father in the room with Wu Chen, she was shocked.

"It's OK, lin'er. Come in and help Uncle Wu." Cai Jun laughs heartily: "he wants to help his father treat his eyes."

"Dad Hearing this, Cai lin'er frowned and put her hands on her waist like a little tigress. She said angrily, "you're not making a fool of yourself. Doctors in big hospitals can't cure you. Even Uncle Wu, who knows how to cure you, can't cure you. Don't trouble people any more

"No, lin'er, believe me." Wu Chen gives Cai lin'er a gentle and firm smile, which makes Cai lin'er a little stunned.

It's the first time that she's grown up to see such a handsome man as Wu Chen. He's handsome in fighting and laughing

"Well, I believe you once." Tsai lin'er's face turned red and she bowed her head. She did not dare to see Wu Chen, but she did not stop her.

Wu Chen thought a little and said to CAI lin'er, "lin'er, bring me a clean bowl. Remember, it must be very clean and disinfected! Besides, give me a clean towel. "

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