"Come on, Huzi, no matter what the Murong family has done, we have to let it go with our present strength." Cai Jun frowned and sighed: "after all, our strength is too limited."

"Tea is ready."

Cai lin'er brings the tea to Wu Chen and Cai Jun, and carefully looks at Wu Chen's face and expression. She doesn't know what she is thinking.

Unexpectedly, Wu Chen happened to be looking at her too. Their eyes collided with each other, which made Cai lin'er feel guilty. She lowered her head in a hurry and did not dare to see Wu Chen.

"Lin'er should be old enough to go to school, isn't she?" Wu Chen deliberately raised the question, "where do you go to school?"

"I... I've always taught myself at home."

When Cai lin'er heard Wu Chen talking about this issue, she couldn't help looking a little gloomy, as if she had been hurt.

"It doesn't matter." Wu Chen shook his head, took a sip of tea and continued, "do you want to go to school?"

Tsai lin'er took a careful look at her father. Seeing that he didn't look at himself, she thought for a while and then nodded her head gently: "well, we don't have money, and I have to help my father."

"You don't have to worry about that." Wu Chen laughed: "you think, your father's eyes are good now, and he can do more than that. He can find a stable job. But what about you? Don't you go to school all your life and always be a little waiter? "

"Yes, lin'er, you can go to school if you want. Dad cashes out this pub, and I'll find a job. It's enough for us


As long as she goes to school, can she communicate with such a handsome man as Wu Chen? Otherwise, I always feel that I don't deserve him. Ah, what am I thinking

Just then, there was a huge noise outside the room, followed by the unique sound of broken glass and beer bottles.

"What's the situation?"

Wu Chen couldn't help laughing, and looked at Cai Jun: "can't someone be looking for our trouble?"

"Could it be the little gangster?"

Wu Chen patted Tsai lin'er's head with a reassuring smile on her face and said to her, "nothing's wrong. You're in the house. I'll go and have a look with your father."

As soon as I went out, I saw several beer bottles filled with alcohol ignited. It was like a miniature burning bottle was thrown in. The fire swept the floor of the restaurant and even started to burn the table.

"Damn, boss, it's this shop. I don't understand my hatred even if I burn it!"

"Oh, I think you are in love with that little girl. Good boy, you are going to be burned to death."

Wu Chen raised his eyebrows and motioned to Cai Jun not to act rashly. In a moment, Wu Chen waved his hand gently in each other's startled gaze, and the fire in the whole room suddenly disappeared!

"Interesting. Since some of you are here, why don't you come in and have a seat?" Wu Chen put his foot on the bottom of the stool, lifted it up and smashed it at the other side: "don't be embarrassed, please sit down!"

The stool just hit the little gangster's cheek. Wu Chen didn't know how big it was. He just saw his front teeth flying out of his mouth, dripping with blood

"Boss, it's this bastard!" The little gangster angrily covered his mouth, pointed to Wu Chen and scolded: "you bastard, now our boss is here, what do you do?"

"The boy vividly explained to us what it's called Wu Chen to Cai Jun, can't help laughing, "squad leader, you see their embarrassed, also dare to come here wild."

Cai Jun didn't speak, but Wu Chen knew that his anger had reached the extreme at the moment.

Indeed, if Wu Chen wasn't here today, I don't know what kind of trouble I would encounter. In the past, the reason why he didn't resist was that his eyes were injured and his inferiority complex made him smooth.

And now, his most primitive desire to fight, which has been suppressed for so many years, is finally ignited by these arrogant little gangsters.

"Who told you that you could smash my shop at will?" Cai Jun suddenly showed a cold smile on his face. He pointed to these little gangsters and said coldly, "in that case, you're all here to settle the accounts for me."

Wu Chen nodded and arched his hand to Cai Jun: "monitor, half a person, do you still need to be reasonable in this situation?"

"Like..." Cai Jun shook his head, "no need."

Voice just fell, two people like agile cheetah general, frantically rushed out!

How can those little gangsters react? Wu Chen and Cai Jun dare to resist when they are together with 20 or 30 people. What's terrible is that the boss is obviously disabled. Why does he suddenly have good eyes and... Terrible skills?

Wu Chen shot at the gangsters one after another. It was the most primitive force and action. There was no fancy, only the power of tyranny!

In this way, the two little gangsters around Wu Chen were beaten out by him in an instant!

As for Cai Jun, he is directly against the strongest of these little gangsters, which is what they call the gangster head. Although he has been at home for so many years, he has not been exposed to the training in the army.

However, only he himself knows that in the night when everyone else sleeps, he exercises his body and trains himself like an army. Even though his mentality has changed, he does not dare to go to anyone's trouble.

However, his fist is as powerful as ever!

How can these gangsters be two experienced veterans? Even if there are 20 more, they can't win by their messy playing style.

Almost only a few minutes later, the gangsters all lay on the ground, grinning and crying.

The onlookers kept taking pictures with their mobile phones. Naturally, they were little gangsters who knew this area and kept away from them. Now they were knocked down by one old man and one young man. How could they not be excited?

Even, Wu Chen's video was taken and sent to a social software, which caused quite a stir, and was also seen by Wu Chen's enemies.

Of course, that's all in the future.

Wu Chen and his wife just wanted to say something to the gangsters who fell to the ground. Then they heard a siren from a distance. Cai Jun's neighbors saw that some gangsters were coming to smash up. They were afraid that something might happen, so they called the police. But they didn't expect this!

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