"Little tiger, why do you have to do that to officer ye?" Cai Jun went out of the door and asked, "in fact, police officer Ye is a very kind and responsible policeman. The people around us all respect her very much."

"It's nothing. I just think she's too young. I'm afraid she's too honest sometimes." Wu Chen frowned slightly. "Like her, although she is upright, have you never heard of such words? It's called "just over easy to break." like Ye Xuan, he will definitely suffer losses in the future. It's better to let me teach her a lesson now than to suffer losses in the future

"Well, I see."

Wu Chen glanced sideways at Cai Jun and suddenly laughed. He patted each other's chest and said, "monitor, I didn't expect that you were not ambiguous in beating those little gangsters just now. It seems that your skill is still there."

"Of course." Hearing Wu Chen praise himself, Cai Jun also laughed with pride: "you don't think my eyes don't work very well these years, but I keep exercising every day. These Kung Fu are not wasted."

Wu Chen nodded, raised his hand, cut off a taxi by the side of the road and signaled Cai Jun to get on.

"Little tiger, let's just walk back. It's not far. What else can we do?"

"Not to you." Wu Chen shook his head. "I'll take you to buy a suit now."

Hearing the speech, Cai Jun quickly shook his head: "how can I do that? I have a lot of clothes. How can I let you buy clothes for me? Absolutely not

"Big brother." Wu Chen sighed and said, "what are you thinking about? I'm going to buy you a suit and let you go to work? Otherwise, I will take a big man shopping when I have nothing to do? "


Suddenly surprised, Cai Jun got on the bus suspiciously, and immediately whispered to Wu Chen, "little tiger, what's your job? Lin'er is still waiting for us at home

"It's OK. I've already called her. There are neighbors there to take care of her. Anyway, we won't spend too much time

Cai Jun listened to Wu Chen's words, nodded slightly, did not continue to say anything, turned his eyes to the window, did not know what to think.

The two men bought a suit of black suit suitable for Cai Jun, not to mention. After they dressed Cai Jun in this way, his temperament became different and he looked handsome.

"Here we are."

When the car stopped in front of the Li Guo building, Cai Jun looked at Wu Chen in surprise. He couldn't believe his eyes: "little tiger, isn't this the place you're talking about

"Of course, why else would I bring you here?"

Wu Chen led Cai Jun into the Li Guo building. As soon as the security guard saw Wu Chen, he ran over happily: "Hi, Mr. Wu, are you here to find the president? Do you smoke? "

"One." Wu Chen smiles at the security guard, takes the lighter, lights a cigarette for himself and Cai Jun, and laughs at the security guard: "thank you."

When the security guard heard Wu Chen's thanks to him, he immediately stood at attention like a chicken's blood: "you're welcome. This is what I should do."

Cai Jun naturally noticed this. When he turned to the elevator, he asked curiously, "little tiger, what's your identity here? This is the founding group. How do you feel like you are in your own home? "

Wu CHENXIAN skillfully pressed the elevator button, touched the tip of his nose and laughed shyly: "it's nothing. It's just that I'm very familiar with the president of Liguo group. It's a cooperative relationship. By the way, I forgot to tell you that your future job is to work as a bodyguard for the president of Liguo group, and it's the kind that can protect her for a long time. "

Wu Chen said to himself, as if he was explaining a very common and ordinary problem, but he didn't see Cai Jun beside him. He was already full of surprise and disbelief.

"Here we are."

When the elevator door opened, Wu Chen and Cai Jun came to Li Xiaoxi's office door. He knocked on the door gently and pushed the door in regardless of whether there was anyone inside.

"Wu Chen, next time you come in, can you wait until I agree?" Without raising her head, Li Xiaoxi began to smile: "you are more and more casual now."

Cai Jun's eyes are big, not because of Li Xiaoxi's beauty, because he has long heard of the beauty of the president of Liguo group. What he didn't expect most was that Wu Chen was so familiar with her that he could just push the door, just like his own home?

Are they two lovers?

Thinking of this, Cai Jun is more and more admired for his old comrade in arms. I didn't expect that he would be able to soak such a beautiful woman. It's so nice to be young!

"Well, I'm not afraid of wasting your time." Wu Chen smiles, pushes Cai Jun in front of him and says to Li Xiaoxi, "Xiaoxi, this is the bodyguard I invited for you. I feel that Wu Jing will definitely do something for you recently. After all, we have done so much for him last time. "

"Besides, this is my old comrade in arms. He's very good at it!"

Li Xiaoxi took a look at Cai Jun, and when she heard that it was Wu Chen's old comrade in arms, she took the initiative to extend her hand to say hello to him: "Hello, I don't know how to call him?"

"My name is Cai Jun, Wu Chen's comrade in arms."

Li Xiaoxi said with a smile: "OK, you can protect my safety from now on, my comrade in arms of Wu Chen. I'm very relieved."

"Of course." Wu Chen thought for a moment and continued: "by the way, Xiaoxi and Cai Jun still have a daughter. It's time to go to school. Please find a better university in our town and let her study. In addition, in order to protect him and make it more convenient, you can arrange a house for him near your home. "

Li Xiaoxi glared at Wu Chen: "you are really a lion, but what you say is reasonable. Just do as you say. Just say it to Xiao Yu later."

"Thank you."

When Cai Jun heard the speech, he was immediately worried and said to Li Xiaoxi, "Mr. Li, this is not good. How can you promise him? He's talking nonsense. I don't have such great ability. As the saying goes, I can't take any of these things if I don't get paid for my work! "

As soon as Li Xiaoxi wanted to say something, Wu Chen took the initiative and said seriously, "monitor, the reason why I give you so much is because you are very reliable and can definitely protect her. When I say protection, it's the kind of people who have to protect their goals even at the expense of their own lives. Do you understand? "

"Nonsense, of course, I know that this is a minimum bottom line for soldiers!" Cai Jun listened, immediately anxious: "if I become a bodyguard, even if I fight for my life, I have to protect President Li!"

"What excuse does Mr. Cai have?" Li Xiaoxi blinked, "since you have such determination, do you still think you can't accept these things?"

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