The next morning, Wu Chen rode his tricycle to pick up Qiao Yulan into the city. After the last repair, Wu Chen can be sure that his car won't break down as he did last time.

After all, you get what you pay for, and the boss's after-sales service is also very good.

In the town, Wu Chen inquired around and soon found a franchisee of beekeeping. Wu Chen didn't have much hesitation in such a sure thing. He took a good look at a business with good resources, paid the money happily and took back his own resources.

The next two people naturally went directly to the orchard near the village. In theory, the best place to choose is the hillside near the sun, which can ensure sufficient light. It is backed by the mountain as a barrier, with natural shade on it. It can also pass the south wind in summer, and block the cold of the north wind in winter. This is the best place.

And the location of the orchard, just in line with all the reasonable conditions, even the orchard has been a good harvest. When the orchard owner heard that Wu Chen wanted to build a beekeeping farm near here, he was very happy. After all, it was a win-win project.

And... The price Wu Chen offered him was quite generous. One year's rent could almost cover the money he earned in half a year. For him, it was just a surprise.

When everything was ready, Wu Chen sent someone to install the hive and put the colony in place. The next thing he had to do was to operate by himself.

"Sister Yulan, what I want to say is that from now on, you only need to observe the state of the bee colony regularly. I'll take care of the rest. I'll make sure it's all right! "

When Qiao Yulan heard Wu Chen say this, she was stunned and thought that Wu Chen was bragging. However, Wu Chen guessed her thoughts and gave her a smile

"Yulan elder sister, you go out first, let me deal with the rest."

Seeing that Qiao Yulan and the orchard owner had gone far away, Wu Chencai carefully examined the bees in the hive. He suddenly found that the bees didn't look as active as he thought, or even dead.

Wu Chen thought about it and knew the reason. These bees may have been full of vitality, but on the way of transportation, because they were not taken care of so well, their enthusiasm all disappeared, so that the present situation appeared.

However, this is not a problem for Wu Chen at all.

Thinking of this, Wu Chen quietly runs his internal skills and slowly outputs his internal spiritual power to the bee colony.

Feeling the majestic and pure spiritual power released from Wu Chen's body, the bees seemed to beat the blood of a chicken suddenly, and their wings moved at the same time with a "buzz". They kept gathering in Wu Chen's palm, greedily sucking the pure spiritual power.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's how it's going to move?"

Wu Chen also found the queen bee hidden in it, and found that its size was not as big as expected, and it looked like it was in a sub-health state.

"Ouch, you little fellow, you are really dishonest." Wu Chen shook his head. "As queen bee, shouldn't you be stronger? Otherwise, how can I lead my subordinates? I'll give you a small stove. "

With that, Wu Chen concentrated his spiritual power and sent it to the queen bee. Sure enough, like the black leopard, their little bees have a very strong sense of spiritual power.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with what is said in Gongfa.

All things have spirit, so spiritual power is also very sensitive to them.

Under Wu Chen's gaze, the queen kept growing and growing stronger with the speed visible to the naked eye. Her feet were thick, her chest was wide, her abdomen was long and plump, and her whole body was fluffy. At first glance, she was a very good queen.

"Well, it's all settled. Is it time for you to work?"

Seems to be able to understand what Wu Chen said, those little bees actually all fly out to pick honey! Look at that, if someone wants to stop them, I'm afraid they will sting each other mercilessly.

"Xiaochen, was that our bee? Why are they all flying away so suddenly? " Seeing such a scene, Qiao Yulan was startled. She rushed in and asked Wu Chen, "is this really OK?"

"Of course it's OK. They're going to collect honey." Wu Chen said with a smile, "in the future, what you have to do every day is to harvest honey. There is no need to leave some honey to feed back to them as mentioned in the breeding technology. Because our bees are not the same as others at all! "

"True or false?"

Seeing what Wu Chen said, Qiao Yulan didn't ask any more questions. She just chose to believe him. After all, up to now, Wu Chen is making up his mind.

Sure enough, in the evening, the bees came back with a full load, and soon there was a harvest in the hive. What's more, these little bees are just like they don't know how tired they are, and they are still buzzing around.

"Wu Chen, you are a God. How did you do it?"

Qiao Yulan, excited like a child, squatted down in front of Wu Chen. Grinning and curious, he kept staring at the beehive like a baby, just like a miser.

"Well, are you full of achievement when you see the harvest of these little guys?"

"Yes." Qiao Yulan gently stroked her hair, which almost exposed her proud double peaks in Wu Chen's sight. She was originally wearing a low collar dress, coupled with Wu Chen's condescending perspective, she had a panoramic view, and Wu Chen dropped her eyes.

"What are you looking at?"

As soon as Qiao Yulan looked up and wanted to say something to Wu Chen, she found that Wu Chen's eyes were staring at her chest. She stood up and said, "you little villain, you can't learn well all day long! If you want to do this again, I have to dig out your eyes. "

"Hey, hey, hey..." Wu Chen knew that he didn't care, and he didn't explain any more. He just laughed awkwardly at Qiao Yulan.

The atmosphere between the two people was a little awkward for a while. Wu Chen was caught by peeping, and of course he didn't dare to say or do anything.

But I don't know, at this time, Qiao Yulan's heart was full of regret - how could she be so stupid? Let him see it. Anyway, she had seen it. Now, they were embarrassed. What should we do?

Finally, Magnolia Qiao broke the peace: "in order to reward you, go to my house tonight, and I'll make delicious food for you, OK?"

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