"Really? Mrs. Zheng, do you really feel no pain at all? "

The old lady who angrily scolded Wu Chen as a "quack" was stunned when she saw this situation. She had no idea that Wu Chen was really such a god! I cured my old sister's problems directly!

"Of course, it doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt at all!"

As soon as people around see this situation, they immediately feel that baicaotang is an old shop after all. It's really not necessary to use this kind of gimmick to cheat people. It must be true, it seems.

For a moment, those who were a little hesitant before, now with a try attitude, rushed to Wu Chen's face and asked.

"Listen to me, everyone." At this time, Li Xiaoxi suddenly stepped out with high heels and said loudly, "please line up in an orderly way. Our activity lasts for one day, and we can all get it."

Because of Li Xiaoxi's beauty, the eyes of the whole pharmacy suddenly brightened. Even some people who had no problems lined up to see Li Xiaoxi's beauty.

Although the problem of order has been solved, it must be noted that Wu Chen's "medical skills" are all based on spiritual support.

If such a "battle" lasts for one day, his body will die first, regardless of his spiritual power.

What should we do?

By the way, last time, there were a lot of residues in his body. If he could absorb and digest these forces, could he get other unexpected gains?

Thinking of this, Wu Chen can't help but concentrate on two things. He treats the people in front of him and uses his own spiritual power to cure the patients in front of him. On the other hand, he runs his own skill and spiritual power without any sound.

The next moment, he found something that surprised him:

With the continuous operation of his skills, the residual medicine power in Wu Chen's body formed a small whirlpool. The whirlpool was just like the spirit spring water near the serpentine grass. It constantly absorbed the surrounding spirit power and poured it into his body.

In this way, Wu Chen's spiritual power seems to be constantly outputting and replenishing. Such a come and go, but Wu Chenfei did not feel tired, but felt that his strength has increased a lot!

In this way, in about two hours, Li was surprised to find that today's passenger flow is at least two or three times that of the same period of time every day!

What's more, the people who are seeing a doctor have already lined up on the street outside the door. Some good people, as soon as they see the banner, directly enter the queue and line up curiously.

The customers of several pharmacies around are basically attracted to baicaotang. Baicaotang, which used to be a small house because of its high-end route, is now full of customers. It's unbelievable!

However, once the business is too hot, it will be hated. After a while, a young man came in, pushed away the person in front of him with an arrogant face, and sat down in front of Wu Chen.

"Excuse me, sir. Please line up."

Seeing that the young man was so arrogant, Li Xiaoxi was angry and said, "if you don't get out of the way, we won't see a doctor for you."

"I came to see a doctor, not for you." The young man rolled his eyes and said fiercely, "what are you little girls shouting about there?"

This is too much to say. Not only Li Xiaoxi himself, but also Li Lao and the patients around him are angry because of this young man's words.

However, Wu Chen gently waved his hand, motioned the crowd not to speak, and immediately responded with a smile to the young man: "this gentleman, I don't know what's wrong with your body? What can I do for you? "

"It's nothing. I just feel that I have problems all over my body. How can you treat it?"

Wu Chen was a little silent, and everyone around him could see that this guy was clearly looking for trouble. He didn't even mean to be restrained at all!

"Human is a combination of mind and body. Mind controls the movement of body, just like controlling a car." Wu Chen thought for a while, and suddenly said, "because your heart thinks about whether you will have any physical problems every day, so your body will have the same conditioned reflex, the nerve will give a response, making you become extremely painful and feel pain everywhere."

Wu Chen's statement has made people around him and Mr. Li and others feel stunned. Before that, I didn't expect that there would be such a statement.

However, Li Xiaoxi can tell what Wu Chen means - you just have nothing to do with yourself.

"How can you treat me after you have told me so much about Balabala? If you don't treat me, I'll leave! Anyway, it's the sign of your herbal hall

"No," he said When Wu Chen heard the speech, he waved his hand and yelled, "brother, I'm here to cure heartless. You're right to come to me, do you understand?"

"What are you talking about?" The young man said angrily, "who do you think is lacking in mind?"

"No, how could I say that!" Wu Chen waved his hand and suddenly grasped the young man's arm. He sneered, "I haven't treated you yet. How can you be excited?"

With that, Wu Chen quickly infused the man's body with spiritual power. Spiritual power was like countless snakes, nibbling at his meridians and blood vessels! suffer unspeakably!

"How's it going? Do you feel much more relaxed now? "

How can a young man suffer such severe pain? Crazy cry up, as if they were torn to pieces in general, pain spread all over the four limbs!

"Pain, pain - what have you done to me?"

Wu Chen shrugged helplessly and said with a smile, "don't you have pain all over your body? Now I'm going to check your health. What's wrong with you? "

"What have you done to me? Let me go

Wu Chen slowly released his hand, but the young man was still in agony and nearly died on the wall. It's like being tortured - unbearable pain!

"You wait for me, wait for me!" The young man rushed out of the thatched cottage crazily and kept shouting: "you and the thatched cottage will be finished sooner or later!"

Wu Chen shrugged helplessly, waved to the man and yelled, "welcome to come again next time!"

All the people present were ashamed to hear that. Wu Chen's face was not so thick!

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