The reason why this doubt can prove the innocence of Fengqing's family is also because Fengqing and Wu Chen went to find fengqingming just now.

Obviously, Fengqing also found that fengqingming was missing, so he came up with the idea of fengqingyang's body. No matter what he thought, he would think that Fengqing would not catch fengqingming, otherwise he would not be interested in fengqingyang's body.

The second is that, after being hidden behind the scenes for such a long time, the mind and strategy are absolutely extraordinary.

Fengqing couldn't find fengqingming at that time, so she planned to take fengqingyang's corpse. It happened that the fanaticism he showed was not in line with the character of the black hand behind the scenes.

As soon as the event of fengqingming is over, Fengqing's family members appear. It doesn't make sense.

But Wu chensi thought before and after he found out that he had ruled out the suspicion of Fengqing's family, so it should be treated carefully. Maybe Fengqing's family came out just because of the power behind the scenes.

Wu Chen's affirmative attitude was inevitably asked again by the owner of Haishen island. Why is he so sure?

Anyway, it's not a secret. Wu Chen told the story to Chongren, and then he ruled out the suspicion of Fengqing.

Then Fengming asked, "Wu Chen, do you have any decision now?"

In fact, what he asked was the speculation about the backstage man. Wu Chen naturally had his own idea and said, "the Feng family was the top of the four families at that time, and its name was not flattered. If it is the same as our idea, there is someone behind it who really controls everything, then it will only be stronger than the four families!"

As far as Wu Chen knows, there are few people who can compare with the wind family at that time, but there is an ancient family that has already perished.

"What you want to say is long Jia Long Hao!" The owner of Haishen island had already spoken out the name by Wu Chenzhi, but his face was still unbelievable.

Fengming and pinglao's face suddenly changed. They knew very well what the name Longhao meant. It was a very terrible ancient family and the absolute ruler of the world of cultivating immortals.

But the dragon family died hundreds of years ago, and the reason for its death is still unclear. In short, all the dragon family died overnight, just like the wind family.

However, at that time, the position and overwhelming strength of the dragon family were the strongest in the whole world of cultivating immortals.

After this happened, the story that the strongest family lost all night quickly spread all over the world of cultivating immortals. Everyone was terrified that the people who destroyed the dragon family would find themselves.

However, the murderer did not appear, and nothing else happened afterwards.

The killing of the dragon family was supposed to be a mystery and buried forever, but on that day, someone discovered a terrible thing.

The dragon family was not destroyed, because the body of Long Hao was not found at all. I don't know where he went.

However, it was this terrible discovery that led Xiuxian kingdom to guess that the person who destroyed the dragon family was long Hao himself. After all, there was no other turmoil in Xiuxian kingdom.

If Long Hao didn't die, why didn't he take revenge on the murderer? He didn't even show his face.

All the speculation points to that long Hao slaughtered his family, and then became a hermit, because up to now, Long Hao has never shown his face.

However, with the passage of time, this matter has gradually become a legend, few people seriously think about it.

But if you think about it carefully, I'm afraid you'll find that there's no reason for Long Hao to kill his family or even escape without showing his face. There is only one possibility that this kind of thing will happen, that is, there are stronger people than the dragon family. They killed the gate of the dragon family and finally took long Hao away.

This is only speculation, and there is no evidence to prove it, not to mention the fact!

When it comes to the dragon family now, it's because the Feng family is the largest family after the dragon family. After the dragon family completely died out, the Feng family has the status of repairing the fairyland.

If someone is really manipulating the Fengjia, he is naturally the most suspect of the Longjia, and the person behind it has the conjecture of Long Hao!

Wu Chen reveals his thoughts. Fengming, pinglao and the owner of Haishen island are all silent. This ancient dragon family is not as simple as Fengjia.

If Long Hao is really alive, then his purpose of controlling the awakening body of Fengjia is not as simple as controlling Xiuxian world.

"Wu Chen, how reliable is that?" In fact, the owner of Haishen island has already believed Wu Chen's words, but the impact is too big to accept.

But pinglao and Fengming have already accepted this matter. Pinglao immediately said: "Haidong tour, make preparations quickly! If it's Long Hao who's behind the scenes, it's definitely related to Feng Qing! "

It was the first time that Wu Chen knew the name of the owner of Haishen island was haidongyou. As soon as pinglao spoke, he respectfully agreed.

At that time, Wu Chen was also very strange. To say that pinglao's inference was right, even if Fengqing didn't have direct contact with the behind the scenes, they definitely had a secret. Otherwise, it would not have been so coincidental. As soon as fengqingming was released, they appeared.

But that's the problem. Even Wu Chen may not be able to beat them after a fight. Now pinglao tells haidongyou about it. In fact, he is in a bit of a dilemma. After all, Wu Chen doesn't believe that fengbuyan will tell him his secret.

So, unless haidongyou still has a hand, what capital does he have to negotiate with fengbuyan and even want to know other people's secrets?

Just as Wu Chen was still immersed in this kind of thinking, Ping Lao said: "Fengming, are you going to protect Wu Chen?"

Feng Ming was stunned, and his trademark smile suddenly appeared. He said kindly, "Wu Chen is half of my apprentice. I'll protect him for the time being."

"Then tell me how to solve it!" Pinglao asked faintly, but he was talking with Fengming equally.

Feng Ming frowned and said, "Feng Qingming, do you think it's ok?"

Referring to fengqingming, pinglao's expression was stunned, and then he gave a happy smile and said, "fengqingming, naturally feasible!"

"But pinglao, that..." haidongyou flashed a bit of embarrassment, but he was interrupted by pinglao before he could go on: "no one can use the Haishen Trident. Even if you get it, it's just a decoration. OK, you should lose it!"

"Yes Haidongyou reluctantly replied, and then he left.

Originally said is the sea god Trident matter, that is not oneself later may use the sea god Trident aboveboard?

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