"Xiaochen, I don't know what you do?" Joe's father was more calm. He glanced at the gift Wu Chen had brought, and said faintly, "we are a small family, and although Yulan has been married once, I know that in this era, this is nothing. But if you're a boss, what do you want to know about her? "

After Qiao Fu said this, Wu Chen could not help nodding. The implication of his words is that Wu Chen's appearance is extraordinary, and he is generous. His daughter is not so excellent. Why can she get his favor?

In fact, this also contains Qiao's father's worry about Wu Chen - if you are a boss and already have a wife, you just regard Yulan as your junior, what should you do?

Wu Chen laughed, straightened out his language and said, "uncle, I know what you are worried about. I'm in the green water village now. I usually help with baicaotang because I have some shares there. Besides, Yulan has opened a beekeeping farm in our village, mainly for brewing honey. We both have the economic foundation, and I will devote myself to Yulan. Isn't that enough? "

"What? Do you think Yulan has a beekeeping farm of her own Joe's mother couldn't help her excitement and surprise, and cried out, "how can it be? My own daughter, I know. Where did she get the money? "

"I gave it, of course."

On hearing this, Qiao's father was obviously relieved. He said to Wu Chen with some embarrassment: "Xiao Chen, I'm sorry that I asked you so many rude questions when you came, but I hope you can understand my hard work as a father."

"I know everything." Wu Chen nodded, and his impression of Qiao's father was better.

When the atmosphere gradually became harmonious, the door was suddenly opened, and immediately a panicked man ran in. It's no one else. It's Qiao Yulan's brother, Qiao Shan!

That is, the man who wanted to do something wrong with Qiao Yulan last time.

Wu Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at Qiao Shan who broke in. He didn't speak.

"What's the matter with you? Why is it like losing a soul? Come on, what's the matter As soon as Qiao's father saw his son's appearance, and he was in front of his future son-in-law, he immediately felt that his old face could not be put down. He quickly pulled Qiao Shan over and said angrily, "what's the matter?"

"Dad, that, that group of creditors came again! They said, "if you don't return the money today, you'll drive us out of the house!"

Wu Chen finally couldn't help it. Before his father spoke, he asked, "uncle, what's the matter? How much do you owe? Didn't I give you 100000 yuan last time? "

"You, it's you! Why are you here! " Qiao Shan found Wu Chen at this time. He was so scared that he almost wanted to hide himself!

Joe's father didn't pay attention to him, but scolded him: "useless things, don't go away!"

Then he motioned Wu Chen to sit on the sofa and said slowly, "well, I'm to blame for everything. I wanted to make my family better at first. I invested in a business with a friend. The business investment needed some money. Because I didn't have too much money, I borrowed a little loan. Who knows, that guy lied to me and disappeared after he took the money away. "

"That is to say, what is the exact amount you owe now?"

"About 700000." Father Joe sighed helplessly“ I mortgaged the photos of this house to them at the beginning. If this house can be counted as money, it should be worth 500000 yuan. "

Wu Chen's brow was frowning. So much money really made him a bit embarrassed for a while.

However, before he could speak, the door was smashed open with a roar, and then a group of strong men with iron spanners burst in, pointing to the people in the house and swearing:

"Do your family have money to pay their debts? If it's not clear today, get out of here! "

Huang Mao, the leader, put his machete in the floor with a slap, and his face was full of arrogance and disdain.

"Brother, I'll pay them back their money, but can I give them some time off?" When Wu Chen said this, he had already figured out how to help the Qiao family solve this problem in a short time. After all, Joe's father is very good. It can be seen that he should be good to Qiao Yulan.

But at this time, Huang Mao was addicted to playing. He pulled out the machete and put it directly on Wu Chen's neck. He laughed: "give it back to me? How long have you been saying that? I just want money today. What can you do? The limit of kuannima

Wu Chen felt the chill of the blade on his neck, and looked worried at Qiao Yulan. He waved her hand slightly and immediately said to Huang Mao with a smile: "brother, it's just a few hundred thousand yuan. It's not a big amount. Why use a knife or a gun? How bad is it to hurt peace? "

"Damn, don't pretend to me. I'll let you take the money as soon as you want. If you don't take it, get out of here!" With that, Huang Mao looked at Qiao Yulan, with an obscene smile on his face: "if you want to say it's OK to be lenient for a few days, then let the little girl accompany me for a few days, and I'll be lenient for you for a few days. Brothers, don't you think so? "

"Yes, yes, boss. I'll have a good time with such a coquettish girl."

As the saying goes, if a dragon has scales, it will die if it touches them. These idiots don't know. At the moment, they have touched Wu Chen's bottom line. I'm afraid they will feel Wu Chen's anger if they go on.

"I'll give you a chance to go. Otherwise... "

With that, Wu Chen looked at Qiao's floor. Well, it's not too high. Three stories is just enough.

"Or you will be paralyzed?" Huang Mao raised his knife and patted Wu Chen on the cheek. He stuck out his neck like Zhang Xueyou in the TV and yelled, "what's the matter with you?"

"Good." Wu Chen nodded, "since you like this knife very much, take it well."

With that, Wu Chen's figure flashed behind him like a ghost, and then suddenly broke his wrist with a machete, which made a sound of bone fracture.

"Ah The little gangster made a hysterical roar: "pain, it's killing me!"

However, all this did not end, Wu Chen took advantage of the crowd did not respond to the time, one after another to punch around the little gangsters, all down!

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