"Excuse me, is this Song Lang?"

As soon as Song Zhen arrived at the entrance of Huichunfang, one of the Yanu ran over and asked in a low voice.

He smiled and nodded, and immediately someone helped him to lead the horse.

"Song Lang, please come in, our boss has been waiting for a long time."

After Song Zhen entered the door, he simply scanned and found that Huichunfang in Luoyang was the largest and most luxurious one he had seen so far.

It can be imagined that Huichunfang has developed quite well in Luoyang.

The Yanu lowered her eyebrows and said, "Thanks to Song Lang's songs, we have eaten three of our colleagues in these few months."

So that's it.

The singing and dancing styles of later generations are very different from this era. Whether in terms of melody, rhythm, or form of expression, they can bring people a very novel auditory enjoyment.

The most important thing is that this is the Tang Dynasty, which is extremely tolerant of culture. If it were another dynasty, it would not work.

"Song Lang, the private room prepared for you has arrived. The host will come to see you later."

"Okay, sorry for the trouble."

"Song Lang, you don't have to be polite. Just tell me what you want." Yanu bowed and left.

She also wanted to stay in the private room for a while. After all, this was a big celebrity in the clan. It was no exaggeration to say that even if the patriarch of the Gongsun clan came, he would have to respectfully pay homage to Song Zhen.

Leading people to make money is like having parents again.

Song Zhen sat down and looked at the room. The decoration was very beautiful. There was even a calligrapher who wrote the inscription "Magpie Bridge Fairy" for him, which was luxuriously framed and hung in a prominent position on the wall.

In an unknown corner of the room, sandalwood was burning. This thing is not cheap.

It's good to have money.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door, and Song Zhen called softly: "Come in."

A handsome man walked in, but Song Zhen saw at first glance that he was a woman.

The most obvious difference between men and women is the Adam's apple.

This woman has a plump figure, fair skin, and rouge on her face.

"Song Lang, I've been waiting for a long time."

Song Zhen said with a smile: "Okay, stop pretending. I know you are a woman. Aren't you tired of speaking with a high voice?"

The other party was obviously stunned and a little at a loss.

She never thought that Song Zhen could tell the difference?

She asked curiously: "Song Lang, how do you know?"

Song Zhen pointed at her throat with his hand: "Also, your voice."

Any normal man who has received nine years of compulsory education can tell at first glance that the other party is a woman dressed as a man when he comes to ancient times.

The difference in so many physical features such as Adam's apple, forehead, nose bridge, skeleton, face contour, beard and hair, tender skin, chest, etc., the most obvious one is nothing more than the voice.

No matter how a woman disguises herself, the most basic pronunciation is difficult to imitate, not to mention that in ancient times, there was no professional false voice learning process.

Don't use special cases to deny general rules.

If you can't see it, there is only one reason, that is, it is forced to be plot-driven and make the man stupid.

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from the clever Song Lang." The woman said with a wry smile, "Let me introduce myself first, my name is Gongsun Qing. Song Lang can call me Qing'er."

"I'd better call you Gongsun Lady." I wanted to call you Gongsun Girl, but the word "girl" only appeared in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Gongsun Qing brought the account book over and asked Song Zhen to take a look.

Song Zhen just glanced at the total amount casually. Wow, it suddenly soared by 100 strings in ten days?

100 strings in ten days, what is the concept? It can no longer be described as robbing money, this is printing money!

The monthly salary of the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty was only 6,500 coins, of course, this was only part of the income.

"Song Lang, don't you want to continue to watch?"

Song Zhen shook his head and said, "If you employ someone, trust him. If you doubt him, don't employ him. I believe you are smart people."

Gongsun Qing nodded. Now the Yanu of Pingkangfang has been asking around for Song Zhen's whereabouts.

The boss behind Pingkangfang should have a background, otherwise he wouldn't have heard the news and knew that Song Zhen was coming.

Gongsun naturally felt a sense of crisis. If Song Zhen didn't choose to cooperate with them in the future, it would be a disaster for Huichunfang.

"How long does Song Lang plan to stay in Luoyang?"

"It depends on the situation. I'll leave when I'm done." Song Zhen grinned, "Maybe, I won't leave. I can't say for sure."

Gongsun Qing bowed his hands and saluted: "Then Qing'er wishes Song Lang a smooth career."

Song Zhen turned his head and looked out the window. The sound of stringed instruments was pleasant to the ears.

At this time, "Missing Through Time and Space" was playing outside.

He suddenly felt something, stood up and walked out of the door, turned around and asked: "Excuse me, can I go on stage?"

Gongsun Qing smiled and said: "Of course, you are welcome."


As soon as Song Zhen left, Yan Liben returned to the mansion.

Seeing this, the guard at the gate quickly reported: "Alang,Just now, a man named Song Zhen came to ask you about it."

Song Zhen? Yan Liben paused and asked anxiously, "Is he Shouzheng?"

"Yes. He also said that if Alang came back and had something to look for him, he could go to Huichunfang to find him."

Yan Liben's face was overjoyed. He took back his half-stepped foot, did not even enter the door, and turned to get on the carriage.

"Go to Cui Mansion! Quick!"

Women of the five surnames and seven families are generally not allowed to go out, probably to avoid women's free love and affect family marriage.

Yan Liben spent a lot of effort to persuade Cui Qiuhua to let Cui Mengzhu go out.

"Teacher, you mean? He's here?"

"Yes. Now he is in Huichunfang."

Hearing this place, Cui Mengzhu couldn't help but frown. Although she had never heard of Huichunfang in history books, she knew what the famous Pingkangfang was.

"Why would he go to that kind of place? "In the inherent concept of modern people, brothels are places of prostitution.

Yan Liben saw her expression and knew that she was thinking wildly. He explained briefly: "Song Lang is a man of temperament. I trust his character. "

Cui Mengzhu pursed her lips and did not reply.

Song Zhen walked onto the stage, and the musicians on the stage immediately stopped playing and stood up to salute.

The audience looked at him in confusion.

Song Zhen walked to the guzheng, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

For some reason, he suddenly felt confused and his heartbeat was very fast.

When he separated from everyone just now, he arranged for Wang Wu to go and find out the location of Cui's mansion, intending to visit Cui's mansion after the matter in the palace was over.

In addition, there were two letters in his package, written by Cui Qiufang and Lu Yang for him.

This was his token of entry into Cui's mansion. With these two letters, the servants of Cui's mansion would not embarrass him.

He wanted to go in and confirm in person whether Cui Mengzhu was Li Mengting?

Song Zhen couldn't help but think of the time when he and Li Mengting watched "Journey to the West". At that time, he held her in his arms and whispered in her ear: "I am from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and I meet Her Majesty the Queen. "

This sound made Li Mengting laugh. She raised her head, gently touched his lips, and called out in a tender voice: "Brother Yudi."

"Hiss--so corny."

"I think so too. I won't call you that anymore in the future." Li Mengting nodded in agreement.

"Do you think we will have an afterlife?"

"How could there be? I'm an atheist!"

"Well, I'll run away in the next life and find another beauty."

"You dare! In the next life, no matter where you run to, I will find you!" Li Mengting raised her little pink fist and said viciously.

"Hehe, then you must remember to come."

"I want both this life and the next life."

Thinking of this, Song Zhen opened his eyes, and his slender fingers moved.


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