What Li Zhi was holding was the evidence of Duan Zhengxuan's collusion with the enemy.

This handbook was a letter sent by Duan Zhengxuan through the Goguryeo woman, but he never thought that this old man actually hid a letter and didn't send it?

Now the evidence is solid, and he can't argue.

At the same time, he also caught several traitors, including but not limited to the army and the court.

Li Yifu's face was happy. He was thinking about how to retaliate against Duan Zhengxuan in the future.

Because Duan Zhengxuan reported someone for favoritism in Wang Yi's plan, and asked His Majesty to send someone to re-examine.

Then it was found out that he was on his head. Although His Majesty did not punish him, he must have something against him in his heart.

It's so satisfying!

Which crime is more serious, robbing a woman or treason?

Is there any need to talk about that?

However, when Li Zhi checked the case file, he found a blind spot.

"The traitor of Goguryeo has been lurking in the Neijiaofang for many years?"

He was immediately shocked and broke into a cold sweat. Good guy, there was a landmine buried next to him and he didn't notice it for so many years.

Then the question is, how did that woman get in?

Li Zhi instantly thought of someone!

Damn, Lu Leyi, it's you, right?

How did you become the Jiaofang Envoy? You can actually recruit spies from other countries into the Neijiaofang?

Do you eat shit?

Or are you also a spy?

Li Zhi immediately thought of an incident. At that time, he recruited the female prostitutes of Huichunfang to perform in the palace. This guy jumped out in a hurry and criticized the new music for being unsophisticated and unworthy of being in the palace.

So it was you?

Li Zhi's facial muscles twitched, and he summoned the Minister of Punishment to the Imperial Study and asked him to draft a crime edict.

Execute Lu Leyi's whole family together.

It's better to kill the wrong person than to let him go!

Poor old Lu, he was sitting at home when disaster came from the sky. He didn't know what happened, and suddenly his whole family was arrested and thrown into jail.

"Who solved this case? Who was the informant?"

Liu Xiangdao, the Minister of Criminal Affairs, replied: "It was solved and reported by two inspectors, Song Zhen and Di Renjie."

"Song Zhen?" Wasn't he the inspector of the Xielü Lang? How did he become the inspector of the Dali Temple?

Liu Xiangdao was very smart. He replied that he didn't know and you should ask the Ministry of Personnel about this.

Then Yang Hongwu, the assistant minister of the Ministry of Personnel, was summoned to the palace. As soon as he came in, he was scolded.

Li Zhi drank a sip of water and said lightly: "Why didn't you report to me when you took office?"

Yang Hongwu said aggrievedly: "Your Majesty, I had already written Song Zhen's name on the memorial on February 16."

Li Zhi frowned and ordered people to search. When he looked, he saw that it was really there.

He knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't pursue it anymore.

From the timeline, Song Zhen first entered the Eastern Capital as the Inspector of Dali Temple, and then was given the title of Inspector of Xielü Lang in March, and taught the musicians to play "Floating Light" in the Neijiaofang.

As for Di Renjie, that was later.

"Call Di Renjie and Song Zhen to the palace."


"Forget it, no need to call, just let Di Renjie take the position of Dali Temple, remove the word "inspection", as for Song Zhen, let's talk about it later."

Due to the arrival of Song Zhen, Di Renjie's life was completely changed. According to the original historical trajectory, Di Renjie had to wait until the Yifeng period to be promoted from the post of Law Cao of Bingzhou Dudufu to Dali Temple.

He waited for this position for a full twenty years.

But now, everything has changed, and he will have more time to show his talent.

Maybe, it is no longer necessary to be appointed as prime minister at the age of 61?

Yang Hongwu hesitated and asked: "Then your majesty, the post of Dali Temple ..." You can't leave it empty, right?

Li Zhi looked at Liu Xiang, the Minister of Justice, and said, "Besides Di Renjie and Song Zhen, are there any other people assisting in the investigation?"

"Yes, General of the Central Guards, Yuchi Baoqi."

Li Zhi nodded silently. He didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, Duan Zhengxuan was Di Renjie's superior, and he had no right to arrest him. As for why he didn't ask Luozhou Prefecture and the Ministry of Justice, we'll find out about this later.

"I'm asking you about the people in the Dali Temple."

"There is also a Dali Temple Secretary named Xue Zhengqing."

"Then the position of Dali Temple Minister is him."


When Xue Zhengqing received the appointment letter, he was completely stunned.

What's going on? How come it's my turn to be the Dali Temple Minister?

Damn, do you think I deserve it?

If I want to do it, it should be Song Lang or Lao Di. With my mediocre skills, if you let me sit in that position, don't you want me to die early?

"It's over, it's over." Xue Zhengqing anxiously stepped on the spot.

The position of Dali Temple Minister is different from that of Dali Temple Assistant. Putting aside the position, the matters handled are different.

Have you heard of the three-court trial?

For major cases, the Dali Temple Minister,The Minister of Justice and the Chief Censor jointly tried.

That's right, the first thing Xue Zhengqing did when he took office was to have the three courts try his former boss Duan Zhengxuan. Fate is so funny.

However, he is panicking now!

Xue Zhengqing has been working in the Dali Temple for more than 20 years, and he has always been slacking off.

As a result, one day, you told him that he had touched the position of Dali Temple Minister?

I want to cry but I have no tears!

Saint, I don't want to be promoted, I just want to slack off!

The problem is, this is the saint's appointment, he has no way to refuse, so he has to accept his fate obediently.

Song Zhen and Di Renjie walked in with a grin: "Congratulations, Old Xue, oh no, I should call you Xue Siqing."

"No, Song Lang, please don't joke, it's not funny at all."

"I think you should be happy now. You have risen from a sixth-rank official to a third-rank official all of a sudden. It's really like a little cow taking a plane. Tsk tsk."

"What do you mean?" Xue Zhengqing asked puzzledly.


"What does awesome mean?"

"It's..." Song Zhen explained with a smile, first from a physiological point of view, then from the wording.

Xue Zhengqing's old face turned red, and he asked weakly: "How about, Old Di, you do it?"

Di Renjie was startled, and he waved his hands hurriedly: "No, no, no, Xue Siqing, don't tease me, how can I be qualified to be the Dali Temple now?"

Xue Zhengqing smiled bitterly: "Do you think I am qualified?"


This is probably the first person in history who is still unhappy even though he became a third-rank central minister?

By the way, Di Renjie's promotion was also very fast. It only took five months to be promoted from the seventh rank to the sixth rank.

My brother is awesome!

"By the way, Song Lang, why didn't the saint let you be the Dali Temple Secretary?"

Song Zhen spread his hands: "How can I know the saint's mind? Maybe? My destination may not be the Dali Temple?"

Because the three-court trial had not yet begun, Xue Zhengqing did not know that the music bureau envoy Lu Leyi had also been arrested.

Seeing that Xue Zhengqing still looked bitter, Song Zhen patted his shoulder with a smile and said: "Old Xue, is it okay to call you Old Xue?"

"Of course it's okay, you can call me Brother Xue." Xue Zhengqing bowed solemnly to Di Renjie and Song Zhen, toasted with both hands, and put the cup very low.

"In the future, I, Xue Zhengqing, will have to rely on you two."



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