When something goes wrong, someone has to take the blame. The elders of the clan will never admit that they are at fault.

Unfortunately, Lu Wei from the fifth branch of the Northern Ancestors gloriously became the scapegoat.

It's not really a blame, because Lu Wei was just a bully, using the five surnames and seven big families to avenge himself.

Now, the fifth branch of the Northern Ancestors is not a good person on both sides.

Not only was it kicked out of the family tree by the Fanyang Lu family, but it was also kicked out of the camp by the five surnames and seven big families.

In order to protect themselves, the people of the fifth branch of the Northern Ancestors removed the title of the elder of Lu Wei's grandfather and kicked all 52 people of Lu Wei's lineage out of the family tree.

The most ridiculous thing is that in the ancestral hall, the angry clan members threw down all the spirit tablets of his ten generations of ancestors in front of Lu Wei and burned them in public.

This kind of behavior was extremely ruthless in ancient times.

The 52 people who were kicked out were confused, and many of them were innocently implicated.

It was completely different from their previous attitude. When Lu Wei was favored by the Five Surnames and Seven Families, they came one by one to praise him as an outstanding young man of the Fanyang Lu family.

But what about now?

They denounced Lu Wei, accusing him of ruining the family tradition and insulting their ancestors! Dozens of people beat up Lu Wei's family and left.

Having lost his status as a son of a wealthy family, Lu Wei had no relatives and could only rely on his cousin who married a wealthy businessman.


Song Zhen didn't know that so many things had happened in just one day.

Anyway, he wouldn't care about Lu Wei's life or death. In his opinion, Lu Wei was just talking and didn't do anything that touched Song Zhen's bottom line.

Moreover, in Song Zhen's hands, Lu Wei was just a chess piece.

Without this pig head, it would not be so easy to deal with the Five Surnames and Seven Families.

"Emperor's edict, Song Zhen receives it!"

"Menshi: Song Zhen has made great contributions in capturing the traitor Duan Zhengxuan. I admire his great talent for music, so I hereby crown him as the fifth-rank Jiaofangshi, and concurrently the fourth-rank Chief Music Minister, the eighth-rank Xielülang, and the sixth-rank Jianxiu Dali Temple Secretary. In the second year of Xianqing, Dingsi year, Jiachen month, Yisi day. (April 18, 657)"

Song Zhen was stunned. Good guy, you are stacking buffs here?

Di Renjie and Xue Zhengqing were even more stunned. What they received was just the appointment documents.

But Song Zhen was different. The saint issued a special edict for him.

There was no such thing as an imperial edict in the Tang Dynasty. It was generally called an edict.

Among them, edicts are divided into seven forms: book, edict, comfort edict, daily edict, imperial edict, and imperial edict.

"Book of Commendation", i.e. the edicts for establishing the empress, the crown prince, the princes and the officials above the third rank, are written on bamboo slips, which are very impressive.

There are two types of "Book of Commendation". The first type is used for great rewards and punishments, granting high official titles, etc., and the internal processes are written on silk yellow paper that will not breed insects.

The third type is "Book of Commendation", i.e. the letters of praise and certificates issued to the ministers, which are also written on silk yellow paper.

Xue Zhengqing said in his heart, "Wow, I, the third rank Dali Temple Minister, have not received the Book of Commendation yet, but you, Song Lang, are really good, you are worthy of being my elder brother!"

Song Zhen took it with a smile, looked down, and saw that the ministers of the Central Secretariat, the Minister of the Central Secretariat, the Minister of the Central Secretariat, the Minister of the Imperial Secretariat, the Minister of the Imperial Secretariat, the Minister of the Imperial Secretariat, and the Minister of the Imperial Secretariat all signed below the edict, and there was also Li Zhi's seal.

It really looks like a full sense of ceremony.

The eunuch who announced the decree smiled and said, "Congratulations, Song Shouzheng."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace. It's a great honor for Huang Sijian." Song Zhen stuffed something into his pocket, and the eunuch immediately smiled.

"If there's nothing else, then Anu will go back to the palace."

"See you back to Huang Sijian. Please."

The eunuch left the red official robe and Song Zhen's new fish token behind, and followed Huang Sijian out of the Dali Temple.

Song Zhen suddenly thought of something. Wait, my position seems a bit strange?

I'm a fifth-rank Jiaofang Envoy, and a fourth-rank Chief Music Official. So am I a fifth-rank or a fourth-rank?

"Congratulations, Shouzheng." Di Renjie came over with a smile to congratulate him.

"Congratulations, same."

Song Zhen raised his doubts, and the old man Xue Zhengqing answered.

"It seems that this is the first time I have seen the position of Chief Music Official. It seems that His Majesty has specially established it for you."

Di Renjie nodded: "Yes, in fact, this is an honorary title."

I understand. In the final analysis, I am still a fifth-rank official. Only the position of Jiaofangshi has real power, and the others are just nominal.

However, Li Zhi did not remove my position as Dali Temple Secretary. I guess he thinks I am too idle?

The position of Jiaofangshi is indeed very idle. The main work is to recruit personnel for Neijiaofang and arrange courses for foreign students. There is nothing to do on weekdays. After all, the Tang Dynasty did not have the practice of Neijiaofang touring performances.

The working time of Neijiaofang female musicians is generally three to five years. The more outstanding ones's wife, it may be longer.

Li Zhi also allocated a mansion for Song Zhen, near the palace.

In this way, Song Zhen owns three houses in Luoyang.


I didn't expect that I, a modern college student who has not graduated, would become the owner of three houses in Dongdu in just half a year after traveling back to ancient times.

If I stayed in modern times, I'm afraid that it would be difficult to buy a toilet in the prosperous urban area of ​​Luoyang after working for a year.

Moreover, these three houses are not small. Although one is in the southwest, one is in the northeast, and one is in the northwest, they add up to more than 800 acres. According to the Tang Dynasty's conversion of 540 square meters per acre, how big are they?

I won't say it anymore, I kowtow to God.


At the time of Xu the next day, Li Zhi and Wu Meiniang couldn't wait to leave the palace.

They arranged more than a hundred plainclothes Qianniuwei to defend near Pingkangfang early, and if they found someone making trouble again, they would be shot on the spot.

However, Li Zhi overestimated the courage of the Five Surnames and Seven Families. How could they dare to do that?

And this time, some of their clansmen came to watch the show secretly, mainly young people.

Song Zhen generously gave them 100 tickets. After watching the show, please write down your impressions.

For this performance, Luoyang Pingkangfang specially built a super luxurious theater building according to Song Zhen's idea at a cost of 1,000 guan.

The theater building is divided into five floors, each floor has nine private rooms, 300 seats, and nine seats per table.

Yan Liben, the Minister of Works, and Liu Xiangdao, the Minister of Justice, are neighbors. The two are quite familiar with each other. It may be related to the similar way of being an official. Both of them are more cautious.

They brought their whole family to join in the fun, mainly to watch the show for free.

When the two good brothers went upstairs, talking and laughing, they accidentally glanced at the people behind them. Why do they look so familiar?

I Zhuo? Isn't this His Majesty and the Queen? Why are they here too?

Are you going to die? Turn your butt towards the emperor?

They quickly gave up their seats and let the saint go upstairs first.

"Greetings to His Majesty and the Queen." Yan Liben and Liu Xiangdao saluted together.

Li Zhi waved his hand very casually: "I came here this time, just like you, just to watch the show, no need to be restrained."

Then more ministers found that the emperor was here too? They hurried over to greet him.

Li Zhi and Wu Meiniang were not arrogant, so they simply said: "Why don't you sit with me and share the good show?"


When this was said, some were happy and some were worried.


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