On the way back, Song Zhen saw people wearing mourning clothes passing by one after another. He asked curiously: "Huaiying, is there a public cemetery nearby?"

Di Renjie answered his question: "There is no public cemetery, but the villagers nearby usually bury their deceased family members on the mountain two miles away from Longmen Grottoes."

"Wasn't it the Cold Food Festival before? Every household in the village would go up the mountain to worship."

The Cold Food Festival in the Tang Dynasty was combined with the Qingming Festival and celebrated together.

According to the "Tang Huiyao", "Cold Food and Qingming should be similar to the New Year's Day."

Ordinary people usually sweep tombs for seven days.

If it is a new burial, there will be a funeral end period after the burial ceremony.

The funeral end period refers to the period from the burial to a specific anniversary such as 100 days, one year, and three years, and there is also a ceremony called "removing mourning clothes".

The emperor and the empress have a longer mourning period, generally one year.

The official mourning period ranges from several months to one year.

The mourning period for ordinary people is generally one to several months.

During the mourning period, relatives and friends must wear mourning clothes, perform sacrifices and mourning ceremonies, and the spirit tablets of the deceased will be placed in special shrines or tombs for offerings and worship.

Simply put, the mourning period requires people to cry at the grave every once in a while, which lasts for several months.

"I have a question, will Luozhou officials count the number of new graves every once in a while?"

Di Renjie was stunned: "This, I really don't know."

He looked back at the team of people in mourning clothes going away, secretly keeping this detail in mind.

Based on his understanding of Song Zhen, Shouzheng will never be aimless.


The first thing Song Zhen did when he returned to Luoyang was to check the personnel information of the Neijiaofang one by one.

Now he feels a strong sense of crisis. Lu Leyi's family was executed because of a Goguryeo traitor in the Neijiaofang.

Now there is a problem in the Ministry of Works again.

If this situation happened again in the department he was in charge of, he would definitely be in trouble.

So Song Zhen visited the families of 253 Neijiaofang musicians one by one.

He even knew their ancestors for 18 generations.

The main point was stability.

Song Zhen persuaded people with suspicious identities and musicians whose relatives did not move to Luoyang to leave.

In just one week, more than 70 employees were fired.

This movement naturally alarmed Li Zhi, and Song Zhen replied.

"Neijiaofang is a place where people can enter and leave the palace. For the safety of your majesty and the queen, I would rather take the risk to persuade people with unknown identities to leave."

He really meant it. I cried to death.

Li Zhi was moved.

In the eyes of others, doing this is equivalent to useless work, but in the eyes of an emperor, Song Zhen is a real doer.

Of course, Song Zhen introduced this group of dismissed musicians to Huichunfang and Pingkangfang.

Re-employment after being laid off.

The prices offered by Gongsun and Pei were quite high, so the musicians had no objections, and more of them were paying respects and expressing their gratitude.

According to their original life trajectory, they would graduate after two more years in the Neijiaofang, and then they would have to go out to find a job for their livelihood.

Now it is just a little earlier, and the employment pressure is not so great now.

When the nearly two hundred sisters in the palace leave the palace in two years, they may not be treated so generously.

The female musicians who stayed in the Neijiaofang were moved by the generous treatment of those who left.

Song Zhen had to do psychological work one by one.

"I advise you not to just see the immediate benefits, but to take a long-term view."

"You staying in the palace actually have an advantage over those who leave."

"Most people would think that you have played in the inner palace for three years, and you will definitely be better than them in terms of performance experience and skills. Your development prospects are better than theirs."

"Just like the salary and welfare level of graduate students after graduation are generally much higher than that of undergraduates."

The fairy girl blinked and asked curiously: "Song Lang, what is a graduate student?"

"Uh." Oops, I accidentally let it slip.

Song Zhen's brain turned and smiled slightly: "This is the new system of the inner palace that I am about to launch."

"New system?"

"Yes, when you graduate and leave the palace, I will issue you a graduation certificate."

Song Zhen plans to introduce the later grading system into the Tang Dynasty.

First, set up grading for guzheng, pipa, huqin, konghou, guqin, sheng, and flute.

The levels are divided into 1-9 levels.

In addition to testing the musicians' performance level, they will also test the basic music knowledge of the corresponding level, referred to as the basic music knowledge.

Levels 1 to 4 do not require basic music knowledge testing.

Starting from level 5, basic music knowledge testing is required.Written test.

For the Tang Dynasty's music basic test, Song Zhen planned to focus on listening test, supplemented by music history.

That is, randomly select a song and let the musicians compose it on the spot.

The higher the level, the more difficult the song.

Thinking of this, Song Zhen clapped his hands and asked the musicians of the Neijiaofang to gather together. He announced the test of national musical instruments.

Miss Tianxian raised a doubt: "Song Lang, how to judge the difficulty of a song?"

Hey, you asked the right person this question.

As someone who had a tenth-level certificate in many national musical instruments in my previous life, I have a lot to say.

Song Zhen sat in front of a zither and played a melody on the spot.

"Let me ask you, what fingering did I use to play the zither just now?"

A musician answered: "Song Lang, you just used hook, support, wipe, hit, split, and small pinch, flower finger, and string rubbing."

Song Zhen snapped his fingers: "Yes, the answer is very good. This is the standard of Level 4."

He smiled slightly and played "Thousand Cherry Blossoms".

Bursts of cheerful melodies jumped out from Song Zhen's fingertips, and his hands quickly swept on the strings. In their eyes, they even felt that phantoms appeared.

The difficulty of this song made the musicians stunned in place.

Even Tianxian girl couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She opened her mouth slightly, but didn't say anything in the end.

She was embarrassed to mention that she had learned to play the zither.

Especially in the second half of the melody, Song Zhen's hand speed was so fast that it was dazzling. He even had time to tune the sound?

This hand speed directly made the music fanatic Tianxian girl climax on the spot!

After the song, the musicians still haven't recovered.

"This is the difficulty of the final exam."



"Tianxian, can you do it?" The female musician beside him asked with difficulty.

"I, I can't do it now."

Song Zhen put the zither aside, he stood up and smiled: "Hey, how can a woman say that she can't do it?"

"When the time comes, I will write out the repertoire for each level of exams. As long as you practice hard, I believe you will be able to do it like me."

"Really?" Many people were discouraged.

They have been practicing the piano since they were young, and naturally know that some gaps can never be made up without talent.

When they heard Song Zhen say that if they didn't pass the final exam for an instrument, they would not be able to graduate successfully.

Failure to graduate means no postgraduate certificate.

It's over, it's hard to find a job.

Woo woo woo, it's too hard for me.


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