On the other side, Cui Mengzhu came to urge marriage again.

Song Zhen thought about it and decided to find a time to hold the wedding.

As for what the five surnames and seven families think, it’s none of my business.

“If our first child is a daughter, Old Song, do you want to arrange a baby marriage with Di Pangpang’s son?”

“This, isn’t it a bit bad?” Song Zhen felt strange.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and he has always been very opposed to this kind of arranged marriage.

Although, among Di Renjie’s four sons, except for Di Jinghui who is the most disappointing second-generation official in history, the other three are pretty good in terms of character and ability.

Historically, Di Renjie once served as an official in Weizhou, with good political achievements and deeply loved by the people. The locals built a shrine for him and went to worship whenever they had time.

Then his good son Di Jinghui also came to Weizhou. This guy was rebellious and went against his father. He was arrogant and domineering, did not do anything, and extorted money from the people everywhere.

This aroused public outrage, and the people cursed him day and night, and finally took their anger out on Di Renjie, smashing the ancestral temple.

My father's reputation was ruined in an instant.

However, Di Jinghui's middle characters were different from those of the previous three brothers, and it was very likely that he was born to a concubine.

After all, how could Wang Muzhi, who was well-educated and well-mannered, give birth to such a bastard son?


The next day, Di Renjie asked for leave and accompanied his wife Wang Muzhi to the clinic for a prenatal check-up.

Then Song Zhen came to take over.

He picked up the report on the "Buddha Head Case" and read it.

At some point, Xue Zhengqing appeared behind him.

Seeing that Song Zhen was concentrating, he didn't go up to pay his respects, so as not to alarm his elder brother.

"At the scene of the crime, was the Buddha's head cut off by Xue Zhong, an insider in the Ministry of Works?"

According to Xue Zhong's account, he had a transaction of two strings of money with the thief.

The last string of money was the thief who took the initiative to put the money bag at his door.

Song Zhen was very puzzled.

How could there be such a thief who kept his promise?

So he rode to Xue Zhong's house.

Xue Zhong lived in a village outside Luoyang City. The village had a large population, more than a hundred households.

Song Zhen stood outside the yard, and he fell into deep thought.

Xue Zhong's house was surrounded by a two-meter-high wall, and the door was closed. How did the thief get in?

Song Zhen knocked on the door gently, but after looking for a long time, no one responded.

An old man passing by advised: "Stop knocking, there's no one in the room."

"What do you mean?"

"This family's surname is Xue, and his wife left half a month ago."

Song Zhen frowned: "Left?"

"Yes, Xue is a gambler. He could have lived a good life with his salary, but because of this bad habit, he has no food to eat. Which woman can stand it?"

"I heard that at the beginning of the month, people from the gambling house came to collect debts. Is that true?"

The old man shook his head: "I don't know about this, ask the neighbors next door."

Song Zhen came to the house on the right and knocked gently on the gate.

The yard next door formed a sharp contrast with Xue Zhong's yard.

Others have fences, while Xue Zhong's is a blue brick wall, the difference is a bit big.

Not long after, a young woman came out to open the door, and when she saw that it was a stranger, she subconsciously closed it.

Song Zhen held it with his hand, and he took out the fish talisman.

"Young lady, don't be afraid. I'm a Langguan from the Dali Temple."

Hearing that he was a government official, the woman seemed relieved and welcomed Song Zhen into the house.

She poured a glass of water for Song Zhen and sat opposite him.

"Laoguan, what can I do for you?"

"I want to ask you about Xue Zhong next door. Did anyone come to his house to collect debts at the beginning of the month?"

The woman recalled and nodded, "It's true."

"It was dark at the time. We only heard the screams of women and the excited howling of several men. It seemed that they were doing..."


"That's right, doing that kind of thing."

"What kind of thing?"

The woman frowned slightly: "Langguan, why do you ask me when you know the answer? You are humiliating me, a decent woman."

Song Zhen raised her hand and said sincerely: "Hold me, Sorry, my question. "

"Do you remember how many people came at that time?"

"Three! I remember it very clearly."

"Thank you for telling me." Song Zhen nodded, "By the way, I have a question, why is there a wall around Xue Zhong's yard, and yours?"

The woman replied indignantly: "Isn't it because he works in the Ministry of Works? He often brings blue bricks from outside and wraps them with mud to make walls. In the whole village, he is the only family like this."

"Langguan, you said, the villagers are penniless and everyone is poor. Is it necessary to be so defensive? Who would go to his house to steal things?"

Just like everyoneYou are the only one who has installed anti-theft nets. What do others think?

Anti-theft nets are for gentlemen but not villains.

Song Zhen listened carefully to the woman's complaints. He got several key information from her words.

First, Xue Zhong is a person who likes to take advantage of others. He often borrows things from others and doesn't return them. For example, the hammer of the woman's family has not been returned for a year.

Second, Xue Zhong has a very bad reputation in the village because he is not only a gambler, but also likes to steal things everywhere.

Gambling is just your personal problem, and other people can't control it.

However, if you steal an egg from this house today and a vegetable from that house tomorrow, it is very unreasonable.

Third, Xue Zhong and his wife have a very bad relationship and often hear quarrels at night.

"What do they usually quarrel about?"

The woman hesitated for a long time before she spoke: "His wife often scolds him for being useless in the middle of the night, and he can't even last half a quarter of an hour."


In ancient times, a clepsydra was used to measure time. A day and night was divided into 100 ke, and a ke was 14.4 minutes. It was not until the early Qing Dynasty that it was set to 96 ke, and a ke was 15 minutes.

So, half a quarter of an hour is......

Ahem, no comment.

However, what puzzled Song Zhen was why the woman didn't scold him for having no money, but for that aspect?

According to normal logic, you can't even eat enough now, how can you have the heart to think about that?

Song Zhen had met Xue Zhong, and he was indeed a thin man.

Is there any story behind this?

"By the way, let me ask one last question. Was Xue Zhong at home that night?"

The woman nodded with certainty: "Yes, my husband and I curiously opened the window and saw Xue Zhong tied to the ground, watching them do whatever they want."

Good fellow!

Is this a face-to-face NTR plot?

So exciting?

He silently gave Xue Zhong a thumbs up in his heart. You can bear this, right?

Song Zhen left the woman's house and secretly left five taels of gold before leaving.

Because he saw that this family was penniless.

Moreover, there were six ragged children in the house, who were skinny.

Since he had the ability, he would help them.

It was considered a reward for answering his questions.

After the woman sent Song Zhen out, she returned home. A child holding a gold ingot asked innocently, "Mother, this is what the uncle left behind."


The woman took it with trembling hands. She rushed out of the courtyard with the gold in her hand, but she only saw Song Zhen riding away on horseback.


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