The clerk came back very quickly, arriving in just half an hour.

He also brought ten good brothers with him, telling them that there were good things to do and that they could accumulate good deeds.

"Dig it." Di Renjie pointed to the three graves in front of him.

The clerks of the Dali Temple who were deceived had their eyes wide open, and they wanted to curse.

Damn, didn't we agree to accumulate good deeds?

You call digging other people's graves accumulating good deeds?

But the leader was here, they dared not disobey, so they had to bite the bullet and dig the grave.

The middle-aged man who was still crying at the grave next door was stunned.

Good guy, what are you doing?

He looked at Di Renjie and shuddered.

Encountered tomb robbers?

Oh no, I saw them doing evil with my own eyes, will they be killed to silence me?

Also, if the other party wants to come and dig our graves, should we let them dig?

What if the other party makes a very excessive request, such as asking me to dig my own grave, what should I do? If the old man knows, will he blame me?

For a moment, the middle-aged man imagined a lot.

Seeing his expression, Di Renjie knew that he was overthinking. He came over and took out the fish token and explained: "The Dali Temple handles cases. Please understand."

The middle-aged man said embarrassedly: "I understand."

At the same time, he felt strange in his heart. Isn't it said that the Dali Temple is to judge cases of living people? When the criminals die, they have to dig out their corpses and whip them?

Could it be...

The middle-aged man imagined a lot more.

Di Renjie arranged the clerks to dig three graves separately.

The grave on the far left was cleared first.

"Di Sicheng, the coffin board is exposed."

"Open it and take a look."

The clerks were unwilling. Digging graves is a big taboo. Do you want us to dig graves?

"Don't be afraid."

The clerks had to bite the bullet and embed the Luoyang shovel under the coffin board, and then exerted force.


"Di Sicheng, there's nothing in it."

Di Renjie smiled, it was as expected.

"Continue to the next grave."

Knowing that it was an empty grave, the clerks worked very hard! They were not afraid at all.

However, when they opened the second grave, they found a corpse lying inside.


Everyone was shocked.

"Oh no, oh no, will it be disturbed? Will the ghost come to claim our lives at night?" Some clerks' legs were shaking.

After being soaked in rain for so many days, the corpse was covered with disgusting maggots, and even half of the head was exposed.

The sewage in the whole coffin turned green.

The smell was extremely irritating.

Di Renjie frowned. He really didn't expect that there was a corpse lying in the coffin.

"Di Sicheng, do you want to dig more?"

Di Renjie hesitated. He didn't know whether he should continue to dig the third grave. If a second corpse appeared, he would be reported to the police by the owner of the grave, and he would be in trouble.

But now that a body has been dug out, why give up?

"Keep digging!"

After receiving the order, the clerks had to work hard.

They knocked open the coffin of the third grave and couldn't help screaming.

"Di Sicheng, there's actually..."

Di Renjie hurried over and looked down.

If it wasn't the lost Buddha head, what else could it be?

"Hahaha, I knew it."

Since the Buddha head was found in the grave, it can be said that the owners of these three graves are definitely thieves.

But the thieves are very smart. They buried the Buddha head in the grave, and it is really difficult for ordinary people to find it. Even if they have some guesses, they dare not dig the grave at will. They didn't even leave any useful information on the tombstone.

Although the thieves have not been arrested, now that the Buddha head has been found, it is already a great achievement!

Di Renjie ordered people to wash the Buddha head with water first, and then pack it up and take it back.

As for the corpse, he thought about it and decided to arrange for someone to clean it up and take it back to the Dali Temple.

When the time comes, let Shouzheng take a look.


Song Zhen was in the Neijiaofang at this time, teaching the musicians to conduct the final rehearsal.

"Don't be nervous when you arrive at the scene."

"Do you know? In the song "Floating Light", the pipa player played three wrong notes, six qin players played wrong notes, and the konghou..."

"Although we are performing for His Majesty, think about it from another perspective, His Majesty is also an audience. Will you be afraid when facing the audience?"

Miss Tianxian shrank her neck and said embarrassedly: "The saint is not an ordinary audience."

"......" Song Zhen was speechless. You are the only one who argues with me all day, right?

"Then you can just imagine His Majesty as an ordinary audience."

The musicians were discouraged and had to nod.

Song Zhen planned to perform tomorrow night, which is May 1st.

There was no Labor Day in ancient times, so there was no holiday.

Speaking of which, the Tang DynastyCivil servants have quite a lot of holidays, and there are all kinds of them.

The first is the ten-day holiday, which is easy to understand from the literal meaning, that is, the weekend. Civil servants in the Tang Dynasty had one day off every ten days.

The second is the festival holiday, such as the New Year, Spring Festival, Qingming and other special holidays, officials can enjoy holidays.

The third is the field holiday, during the busy farming season, twice a year, officials can take a holiday, and the holiday duration is usually more than five days.

The fourth is the clothing holiday, generally in September, you will be given a fifteen-day holiday, so that officials can make some preparations for the winter.

The fifth is the sacrifice holiday, the Tang Dynasty has clear regulations: officials above the ninth rank of the court have at least five days of holiday for private sacrifices. If the ancestors are relocated and reburied, the holiday is 20 days. For other simple funerals and sacrifices, according to the distance of the journey, one to twenty days of holiday will be given.

The sixth type of home visit leave has nothing to do with Song Zhen. It is given 30 days every three years, and an additional 15 days every five years, so that officials can go back to visit their parents or worship their ancestors.

The seventh is the coming-of-age leave. If a child in the family is going to hold a coming-of-age ceremony, he or she can enjoy three days of leave. If it is a relative's child, he or she can also take one day off.

The eighth is the marriage leave. If you get married, you can take nine days off. If your child gets married, you can take five days off.

The ninth is the bereavement leave. As long as someone related to you dies, you can take a leave. Even if your teacher dies, you can get three days off. If your spouse or child dies, you can take at least 20 days off.

The last type is temporary leave. There are no special requirements. As long as you have sufficient reasons, you can take leave at will.

It is said that Song Zhen has not taken a day off since he took up so many positions.

He is so busy that even the donkeys in the production team are not so hard.

Now he is responsible for the work of the Ministry of Justice to establish the "Copyright Law". It has passed the review of Liu Xiangdao, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, and submitted it to the saint.

As long as Li Zhi approves, this new regulation will be officially established.

The repertoire rehearsed by the Neijiaofang has also reached its end.

After the performance tomorrow night, Song Zhen will have a good rest, five days off!

As for who to ask for leave from? You can ask for leave yourself and get it approved!

After all, he is now the boss of the Neijiaofang and the copyright studio of the Ministry of Justice. It is not too much to approve a leave for himself, right?

Unexpectedly, he just returned home with a tired body and was stopped by Di Renjie.

"Shouzheng, are you free tomorrow?"

"Help me examine the body."


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