When Song Zhen returned home from Dali Temple, the first thing he did was to take a shower.

After taking a shower, he applied some of Cui Mengzhu's favorite Western perfume.

He sniffed it carefully. Damn, why is it still so smelly?

The smell of perfume + the smell of corpse mixed together, not to mention how stimulating it is.

"It's over. I guess I'll have to sleep on the sofa tonight." Song Zhen was speechless.

The main reason was that the corpse was a little special and was in a state of high decay.

Song Zhen had nothing to do at home, so he came to Pingkangfang next door, hoping to dilute the smell through popularity.

However, almost all the guests covered their noses and stayed away from him wherever he passed.

At this time, the stage was performing "Butterfly Lovers".

After two weeks of performance time, the actors and musicians became more and more skilled.

They received a lot of dividends for every rehearsal.

For them, it was already a sky-high price.

Especially the two leading actors, who made a fortune they could not imagine in their lifetime in just two weeks.

Even Miss Qingshuang, who played Zhu Yingtai, has become a top star known in the streets and alleys of Luoyang.

Whenever she goes out, a group of people will gather around her.

"Zhu Yingtai is here."

Everyone seems to have forgotten her original stage name, and they all call her by the character in the play.

As you can imagine, her acting skills are very good.

Miss Qingshuang became the first entertainment star in the Tang Dynasty.

In contrast, the treatment of the male protagonist is not so eye-catching.

It is said that the two cannot stay together in the play, but outside the play, they are connected by the play and successfully become husband and wife, which has become a good story.

Everyone said: "You see, there is no corrupt system that scholars and commoners cannot marry, and lovers will eventually become married."

Luoyang has a large population, and Pingkangfang can only accommodate 800 people each time it is performed. Many people still have not seen "Liang Zhu".

Even some local tyrants heard that the Luoyang version of "Liang Zhu" is the most classic, and they came all the way from other places to cry.

Song Zhen smiled as he watched the grand scene below, and then walked into the exclusive private room.

Yan Nu scolded: "Song Lang, you came without telling me?"

"Wait, don't get close to me."


"Arrange someone to prepare a flower bath for me, and remember to sprinkle more Western perfume."

"Okay, Song Lang, do you need a bath?"

"Uh, forget it."

"Song Lang is such a good man."

"Thank you."

Song Zhen soaked in the bathtub comfortably, feeling that his whole body was fragrant.

Unconsciously, he slowly closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to a postmodern university classroom?

"Classmates, let's open the book. Today, let's learn the history of music in the Tang Dynasty."

"Speaking of the history of music in the Tang Dynasty, we have to mention Song Zhen, the Duke of Qin."

"Song Zhen, whose courtesy name is Shouzheng, is from the Song family of Fenzhou. He was the prime minister during the reign of Emperor Gaozong and Emperor Wu Tang, and a close friend of Di Renjie, the Duke of Liang."

"The biggest regret of Emperor Xuanzong in his life was that he could not be born in the same era as Song Zhen."


At this time, the roommate sitting next to Song Zhen asked curiously: "Old Song, you actually have the same name as an ancient celebrity?"

"Ah?" Song Zhen was stunned. He looked at his hands in disbelief, and then pinched them hard.

Hiss - it hurts.

No, what's going on?

Song Zhen lowered his head and looked at the book, but it was blurry and he couldn't see clearly.

The teacher's words were still ringing in his ears.

Then the next second -


Song Zhen suddenly woke up, and he found that he was back again?

He scooped up water with his hands and wiped it on his face, trying to wake himself up.

After a long time, he propped himself up with both hands, but accidentally stepped lightly and fell into the bathtub again.

"It's broken, my foot is sprained."

Song Zhen has been in the Tang Dynasty for so long, and the first injury he suffered was a sprained foot?

It's really funny to say that martial arts masters can also sprain their feet.

Oh, that time when the hidden arrow cut my face, it was not considered an injury, and it healed the next day.

After a bath, Song Zhen finally felt that he didn't smell so bad.

You know what, the perfume in Pingkangfang is really good. If I have a chance, I will take some back and bring it to my wife.

"Hello, Song Lang."

Wherever Song Zhen passed, the female entertainers in Pingkangfang bowed their heads and greeted him one by one.

He found Pei Yaojun and Gongsun Qing and announced a good news to them.

"I'm going to perform another drama."


The two were stunned. Song Lang, are you so productive?

"Well, the new play may have a little bit of fantasy."

Gongsun Qing asked curiously: "Song Lang, what is fantasy?"

"Have you heard of mythology?"

"Of course I have heard of it."

"It is a secondary creation based on ancient mythology, or aThe main theme is the love story between a man and a woman. Guangri, you can arrange the advertisement. "

Love is a theme that will never be outdated. No matter how many times it has passed, the audience is still huge.

Pei Yaojun quickly took out a pen and paper to record.

"Well, the publicity said that this time it is definitely a sweet drama, not a knife. Believe me!"

"?" I don't believe you!

Pei Yaojun looked doubtful. Is it really a sweet drama?

When "Liang Zhu" was promoted, it was also said to be a sweet drama, but the audience came in with a smile and left with red eyes.

Why does he have a feeling that he can't believe a word of Song Lang in this regard?

"What? You look like you don't believe it?" Song Zhen raised his eyebrows, "It's really a sweet drama, I'm not lying to you."


"Fake." "

I knew it. Gongsun Qing and Pei Yaojun secretly complained in their hearts.

However, let's be honest, sweet dramas may not be able to impress people.

Only the regret of being unable to love can make people unforgettable for a long time.

The two of them looked happy. The success of "Liang Zhu" made the income of the two families increase many times in a short period of time.

They tasted the sweetness and saw the broad market and prospects of drama.

People in this era, visiting brothels is no longer just for reciting poems and writing couplets, and enjoying the romance.

The withdrawal of the drama "Liang Zhu" has allowed more upright gentlemen who have never entered the brothels to , stepped into the threshold for the first time.

These people have always been potential users, but Song Zhen didn't expect to catch them with drama.

The most important thing is that the reputation of brothels in society has improved dramatically.

In the past, Pingkangfang was just a place for a group of literati and poets to show off their elegance and release their interests.

But now, not only scholars, but even middle-aged people, the elderly and children have come.

Song Zhen has reversed the image of Pingkangfang and Huichunfang by himself.

Before the meeting, Pei Yaojun found Song Zhen and mentioned something.

"Song Lang, I found out before that Lu Wei, who was against you, moved into his cousin's husband's house."

"Hedong Pei has bankrupted their family through commercial means. I heard that Lu Wei's cousin was divorced and the two siblings were driven out of the family."

"Song Lang, you won't blame me, right? "

Song Zhen was stunned. Good fellow, you are really active. I like it.

In fact, even if Pei Yaojun didn't do anything, Lu Wei's life would not be easy.

Because the gambling house owner that Song Zhen caught at that time was his cousin's husband.

He was fed a "burnt tail banquet" with twelve dishes from the Dali Temple.

After Qian Heqi was released, combined with the decline of his family and the rumors deliberately spread by the Hedong Pei family, he must know who the real culprit of this disaster was.

"Hehe, let's see who else dares to take in a stray dog ​​like you?"


[Can you guess what the new play is?]

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