"All appearances are false. If you see all appearances as non-appearances, you will see the Tathagata."

Song Zhen was about to ask what he meant when Cui Mengzhu quietly stopped him.

Xuan Zang continued, "One thought is the seed of reincarnation, and one thought is still is the Vajra body."

"What is the front? The body is in front and the mind is behind. What is the back? The mind is in front and the body is behind."

"The mind has nothing to rely on, and the body has nothing to remember. What you know today, you may not know tomorrow."

"If you want to know the cause of the previous life, the one who suffers in this life is the one. If you want to know the result of the next life, the one who does it in this life is the one."


Song Zhen lowered his head and pondered Xuan Zang's words carefully.

According to his statement of what is the front, does this life mean that this life is not the next life, but his previous life?

But the next sentence confused Song Zhen again.

"What you know today, you may not know tomorrow."

What does this mean? Does it mean that since I arrived at this era, I have nothing to do with the future?

He couldn't help but think of the scene he dreamed of while bathing in Pingkangfang some time ago.

It seems that his time travel has affected the future.

And the person in the future is actually no longer me? But has become another person?

Is that what you mean?

In other words, I am no longer me after more than 1,400 years.

But I have become another person with the same name and surname as me.

Song Zhen once thought that I in the Tang Dynasty would eventually grow old. Then when the moment of life disappears, where will I be?

Will I go back directly to 1,400 years later?

Or, will I enter reincarnation again and again.


Song Zhen suddenly felt tired. He came to the room and fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already dusk.

"Old Song, you slept for a long time. You didn't even have vegetarian food." Cui Mengzhu supported his chin with both hands and looked at him by the bed.

Song Zhen's stomach growled, and he looked a little embarrassed.

He pushed open the door, and Chang'an after dusk was extremely beautiful.

The Da Ci'en Temple of this era was full of birdsong and flowers.

Song Zhen held Cui Mengzhu's hand and strolled in the garden of the temple, with a rare peace of mind.

She gently shook off his hand and ran to the front.

"Dear, look, is this flower a cherry blossom?"

Pink cherry blossoms were blown down by the wind and floated on Cui Mengzhu's head, shoulders, and feet.

The tranquility at this moment made Song Zhen smile happily.

Although the living conditions in ancient times were backward, they were also beautiful.

"Song Zhen."


"Song Zhen, come and see."



"Old Song, what's wrong with you?" Cui Mengzhu leaned over and patted his shoulder.

Song Zhen looked up blankly, shook his head, and found that the strange scene just now had disappeared.

He could no longer see the scenes of the future, nor could he see his future self.

It was as if nothing had happened.

In the moment just now, it seemed that a very long time had passed.

"Could it be that the future has been completely changed because of my arrival?"

He began to feel confused, not knowing whether what he had just seen was a dream or the reality of the future.

At this time, a young nun came over, clasped her hands together and said softly: "Donor, it's time to chant the sutras."

Song Zhen calmed down his mind, he wanted to forget what he had just seen.


"Donor, please follow me."

When Song Zhen came to the Buddhist hall and sat down to listen, he fell asleep because it was too boring.

Most Buddhist disciples of this era spoke Chinese when chanting.

However, it is not ruled out that some monks spoke nonsense in order to be mysterious, so that believers would think that they were chanting in Sanskrit and that the master was unfathomable and the Buddhist way was profound.

The monks in Da Ci'en Temple spoke Chinese because there was the translation master Xuanzang.

Song Zhen has lived two lives. He has never believed in Buddhism, and has never taken the initiative to learn about Buddhism, so he only understood half of what he heard.

Over time, he felt bored and his body went into protective hibernation.

Cui Mengzhu, influenced by her family in her previous life, felt like she had returned to her hometown in her previous life when she was in the Buddhist temple.

I still remember that my grandfather at home often played Buddhist scriptures such as "Great Compassion Mantra" with a small speaker.

It's just that the monks of this era do not chant when chanting, they only chant, not sing.

Not long after, Cui Mengzhu's head leaned on Song Zhen's shoulder, and she fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, the little nun pushed Song Zhen.

"Donor, the Buddhist teachings have been chanted."

"Oh." Song Zhen wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, blinked confusedly and looked around.

People have dispersed, leaving onlyThe two of them.

A young nun came over with a "merit box" and said that if you put money in the box, you would believe in Buddha and respect Buddha, and accumulate good deeds.

"???" Song Zhen didn't expect that the temple had done this 1,400 years ago?

"Donor, give one and get ten thousand rewards. Donating money, food and daily necessities can all get corresponding rewards.."

Song Zhen smiled and said, "Then what?"

"Uh..." The young nun tried her best to persuade him. He couldn't think of how this seemingly rich donor could be so stubborn? Wasn't he a follower of Master Xuanzang?

Song Zhen knew that the Buddhist sect in the Tang Dynasty was not poor, but much richer than it is today.

Because the court would allocate funds to disciples of Buddhism and Taoism every year, commonly known as "annual salary".

Secondly, disciples did not need to pay taxes or perform corvée labor, and lived more freely than ordinary people. Many idle people became monks in order to avoid rent and labor service.

Finally, Song Zhen knew exactly what they did with the money offered by the believers.

The earliest usury in history was created by them, commonly known as "Beijing debt".

Maybe the little monk and nun who was begging from him was richer than him.

Song Zhen waved his hand, not showing any intention of giving money.

The little monk and nun chased after him, and Song Zhen turned back and said, "I'll give you a song, you will thank me when the time comes."

"???" The little monk and nun didn't understand, what's the point of giving a song? Can it be compared with real money?

Song Zhen had wanted to write that song a long time ago, because Wu Meiniang believed in Buddhism, and Li Zhi also believed in Buddhism. Now he needs to be respected by the two.

This is a means to get to the top, not to promote Buddhism, but for himself.

What does prosperity have to do with him? He is not a believer.

After walking out of the Buddhist hall, there was a piece of white clouds and blue sky, and Song Zhen looked up.

Inadvertently, he recalled the scene that just happened.


[Taking into account that readers are not very interested in Buddhism, the content of this chapter has been completely changed. The original version is Alaya Consciousness. In the future, I may consider putting the original plot in the extra chapter, or maybe not. 】

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