Di Renjie came out of the Yongzhou government office's case file library. He looked through it for a long time, but he didn't find any information related to the case. In fact, there was no record of it, as if it had never happened.

This made him very confused, so he planned to go to the people and visit them.

Just as he left the government office, a man followed him quietly.

Di Renjie walked five streets. Strangely, after seeing his official robe, all the people walked as far away as possible, and didn't dare to get close to him, as if they would melt if they got any closer.

"Get out of the way! Good dogs don't block the road!" Suddenly, a group of people and horses came from behind, all wearing official robes, galloping.

Seeing this, Di Renjie quickly moved to the side of the road, but the old man in front was not so lucky. He was knocked to the ground by the horse due to his inconvenience in movement!

He quickly ran over, helped the fifty-year-old farmer who fell to the ground, and asked with concern: "Uncle, are you okay?"

"Thank you, Brother Man (young man)." The farmer was grateful.

His eyes looked at Di Renjie with some disbelief. He was actually a Langguan?

In the world, is there another Langguan who would take the initiative to lend a hand? Are you sure he is not just asking for money?

The old man shrank back and looked at him vigilantly.

"What do you want?"

Di Renjie noticed the old man's mood change, and his expression froze. Could it be that the local government office has always been bullying men and women?

This has almost become a conditioned reflex. It is hard to imagine the life of the people of Yongzhou before.

"Old man, come, I will accompany you to the clinic."

The old man was scared, and he trembled and said, "Langguan, I, I don't have any money."

Di Renjie laughed when he heard it. He patted his waist, which was wrapped with more than a dozen ingots of gold.

"Don't be afraid, I have money, and I don't need you to pay."

The old man thought with contempt in his heart, money? Isn't your money all extorted from the people?

For a moment, it was difficult for him to change his mind.

Di Renjie took the old man to a run-down clinic. After a diagnosis, he determined that it was just a superficial wound.

"Officer, we dare not ask you for money."

Di Renjie was stunned. He asked blankly: "Isn't it natural to pay for treatment?"

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the doctor knelt down and kowtowed. Seeing this, the old man also knelt down.

"Officer, we really have no flowers and plants at home. Let us go."

Di Renjie quickly helped them up. His friendly attitude made the two of them feel relieved. It seemed that the officer in front of them was different from the two families.

The other party took out the fish token and showed his identity as the Dali Temple Secretary.

The old man and the doctor looked at each other, and the hatred that had been immersed in their hearts for many years suddenly broke out.

A lot of information was obtained from the two people.

In Yongzhou, there are two major gentry, the Yu family and the Wen family.

They all came from the north to the south during the Five Barbarians' Rebellion, and they were not from Yongzhou.

Because they had a lot of wealth, they quickly established themselves in Yongzhou.

However, seeing that Yongzhou was far away from the emperor, they became more and more lawless.

They annexed a lot of land. At least 80% of the land in Yongzhou belonged to their two families.

Moreover, when annexing land, they used all means possible.

It was almost like unreasonable expropriation.

So that every piece of land was stained with the blood of local people.

"The Wen and Yu families are so excessive, is there no one in the Yongzhou government to control them?"

The old man smiled bitterly and said, "Control? They are all controlled by Wen and Yu, and all the officials inside were killed! How to control them?"

Di Renjie's face was stern. He originally thought that the Zhao family in Bianzhou was already extremely rampant and lawless.

He never expected that there were two noble families in Yongzhou who were even more excessive than them? Even the government office was wiped out?

In other words, the Wen Changshi I met before was not a member of the government office at all, but a replacement?

Di Renjie could probably guess that the three governors who came to take office should have been jointly eliminated by the Wen and Yu families.

They absolutely would not allow outsiders to come in and share a piece of the pie, affecting their distribution of interests.

Originally, two people shared a piece of the pie, and no one would have any objection.

But suddenly one person joined in and wanted to take away a part that originally belonged to them. Do you think they would be willing?

They had been looking forward to Lu Qizheng running away, and now he really left.

Naturally, they did not want outsiders to enter Yongzhou again.

Today's Yongzhou government office has most likely become a puppet of the Wen and Yu families.

But one thing Di Renjie couldn't figure out was that since the government office had become a decoration, why could the news of the death of the three governors be leaked?

The Wen and Yu families wereYongzhou is so powerful that it can make a person disappear, destroy the body and hide the truth from the superiors and subordinates.

This kind of thing should be easy for them.

"Could it be that there is still an unknown hero inside the original Yongzhou government office?" Di Renjie narrowed his eyes slightly.

Perhaps it was because of this unknown hero that the matter was secretly uploaded to the court.

The Wen and Yu families had no choice, they couldn't find out who did it.

So, after one died, another came, and they continued to kill and planned to conceal it.

Since they couldn't find the inner ghost, they might as well kill them all at once, and they would be local emperors!

However, what they didn't expect was that for some reason, the news still leaked out.

The second and third, no matter how they concealed it, they couldn't hide it.

Di Renjie's idea was that the first thing to do now was to find the unknown hero lurking inside the Yongzhou government office.

Then see if he has evidence of the Wen and Yu families' crimes.

For example?

Murdering an official appointed by the court?

Moreover, they murdered three third-rank ministers of the imperial court in succession, and even the petty officials of Yongzhou government office were not spared.

It was simply lawless, this was already a blatant rebellion, and it was not too much to kill the entire clan, right?

Di Renjie left the clinic, and the person who had been following him narrowed his eyes, and he silently memorized the location of the clinic.

The man whispered a few words to his accomplice, and the accomplice left, and he continued to follow.

The accomplice returned to the Wen family without stopping and reported to Wen Youliang: "Sir, it seems that the Di guy has been found?"

Wen Youliang chuckled, took the female companion beside him, and grabbed her fiercely.

"Not only him, the kid surnamed Song, he also found it."

"Then, what should we do?"

"Kill him, and eliminate the trouble forever! We can't let them know our plan."


"Why hasn't Shouzheng come back yet?" Di Renjie waited in the inn for a long time, and it was getting dark, but he still didn't see anyone.

Before they parted, they had agreed to meet at this inn in the city.

His heart was lifted.

"Could something have happened?"

When he opened the door and rushed out, he accidentally bumped into someone.

"Hiss - Huaiying, why are you so impatient?"

Di Renjie said with embarrassment: "Ah? I, I just saw that you haven't come back for a long time, I was worried and wanted to find you."

"No need to look for you, I'm back now, right? Huh - I'm so tired."

"What's wrong with you?"

"My horse was stolen by some bastard. I walked back for thirty miles."


I have to say, it's a bit unlucky.

No, it shouldn't be unlucky, someone is deliberately doing it behind the scenes.

Who could it be? Could it be the Wen and Yu families?

It's possible, it's very likely!

This is a show of power from the two families to Di Renjie and Song Zhen!

Because the investigation of the Dali Temple was a random action, they had no connections in the Dali Temple, so they did not know the arrival of the two in advance.

Until the whistleblower found that there was a carriage moving on the official road, and they could not recognize who was sitting in the carriage.

So, it was just an emergency action to arrange people to throw poisonous snakes.

Perhaps, the previous three governors died in this way.

The Wen and Yu families did not expect that Di Renjie and Song Zhen could escape unscathed under the siege of the silver ring snake? Unscathed?

So, since the people from the Dali Temple successfully arrived in Yongzhou.

The good show is about to begin.

Song Zhen pulled Di Renjie into the side room, he looked around cautiously and said carefully.

"Shouzheng, have you found out about the two families?"

"Huaiying, I felt that several people were following me on my way back."

"It seems that we can't go back to Yongzhou government office. Going back is a trap."

"They should know our whereabouts and landing point."

"It's not advisable to stay here for long."

Now they are no longer investigating the accidental death of the governor. It is very likely that they are involved in a shocking case of treason!

Song Zhen doesn't want to die on the spot and lose his life for a plan to find a location.

He quickly arranged for Di Renjie and Uncle Guang to secretly escape from the inn at night.

He climbed to the roof, secretly lifted the tiles on the roof, and then tied the thick rope to the beam.

After fixing the rope, Song Zhen carefully checked it.

Fortunately, the room Di Renjie booked was on the third floor, which is the top floor.

Moreover, the house is not high, only three meters.

"Come up!" Song Zhen called in a low voice and made a gesture.

In the darkness, there are three pairs of bright eyesBlink.

Uncle Guang climbed up first. He was a servant who had been doing rough work since childhood and had a certain physical fitness.

This height was not a problem for him.

Di Renjie was different. He had been living a life of luxury since childhood and had never suffered any hardship.

If you asked him to farm, he wouldn't even be able to do the right gestures for holding a hoe, let alone deliberately exercising.

He was a standard scholar when he was young.

Song Zhen and Uncle Guang sat on the beams and pulled Di Renjie up with all their strength.

"Damn, Huaiying, you should lose some weight."


At this time, the door rang and someone was knocking.

"Is anyone there?"

"Is anyone inside?"

"The roast chicken you ordered has been delivered."

Di Renjie and Song Zhen exchanged glances in the dark. They had never ordered any roast chicken.

It seemed that the enemy had taken action.

There was a bang, and five or six people broke into the room.

They searched the room carefully, while Di Renjie, Song Zhen and Uncle Guang lay on the roof, carefully lifted a little bit of the tile gap, and observed their actions.

"Where are they?"

"I don't know."

"Could it be that our people followed the wrong people?"

"Impossible! I trust Ah Si."

"Then how do you explain it?"

"It seems that they escaped in advance."

"Hahaha, what joke are you telling? Could they tell fortunes and know that we are coming in advance?"


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