Last night, Song Zhen arranged for the old man to place a large number of flammable materials here.

You like to wear iron armor, right? Then I will set you on fire.

As we all know, iron has a strong thermal conductivity. Although the iron armor of the Wen and Yu families is not as good as the Ming Guang armor, the full armor weighs more than 30 kilograms, which is extremely inconvenient to move.

Rockets flew with the east wind and flew around the officers and soldiers.


The leading officer and soldier commander laughed: "It's just a bandit, not to be afraid of."

"Commander Wen is right, this group of unruly people can't even shoot arrows accurately."

Then, someone exclaimed: "It's not good, the surrounding is on fire."



Because this place is mostly bushes, it is flammable, and a lot of hay was placed last night, once the spark is ignited, it will instantly become a prairie fire.

More than a hundred officers and soldiers were surrounded by the fire circle. The officers and soldiers outside did not dare to move forward, and those inside could not get out.

"Save me! I don't want to die!"

The officers and soldiers surrounded by the wildfire screamed, echoing in Shunhuang Mountain.

Song Zhen waved his hand and said expressionlessly: "Let's go, to the next place."

He led the villagers to the northeast area.

The local scout reported: "Minister Song, the enemy is now about 200 feet away from us."

Song Zhen nodded, patted his shoulder and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Sizi."

Sizi is the fourth son of Tang Gaoyi. He is only seven years old. Because he was naughty when he was a child, he trained himself to climb mountains and cross ridges, so he volunteered to become a glorious scout.

"Come on, everyone grab weapons."

Song Zhen led the charge and took out a stick from the pile of sticks piled up in advance.

He inserted the bottom of the stick under the stone and whispered, "I'll count one, two, three, and everyone should work together."



"Three! Release!"

Hey - the villagers shouted and worked together to lift up the huge fallen rocks.

Eleven fallen rocks rolled down the mountain, damaging trees and grass along the way.

The officers and soldiers below suddenly felt a tremor. They looked up and were immediately scared.


Run? How do you run? Where do you run to?

Moreover, you are wearing heavy armor and are already inconvenient to move.

Some fallen rocks fell directly from the sky, crushing several officers and soldiers into iron-wrapped meat, and blood spurted out from inside, shooting everywhere.

Song Zhen arranged for the charging soldiers to come forward and hacked the officers and soldiers who were not dead to death with knives, and then left with his men.

In the next few days, the guerrillas temporarily established by Song Zhen dealt a huge blow to the Wen and Yu families.

They ran away after the fight, and no one was seen, which gave them a headache.

The representative of the Wen family in this mopping-up activity was Wen Youliang, a young member of the Wen family, who was also the one who watched Di Renjie being chased in the attic that day.

Wen Youliang smashed things everywhere in the camp in a rage!

"How dare these dogs and rats kill my people?"

The failure of the heavy armor soldiers made them realize that it was not appropriate to use them in mountain operations.

So they asked the officers and soldiers to take off their heavy armor and put on leather armor.

"Get on the horse! Grab the highest point and observe the opponent's movements from top to bottom!"

On the other side, Di Renjie looked more and more wrong.


Generally speaking, officers and soldiers who can be equipped with armor are extremely rare among the local soldiers.

There are only about a hundred sets in one mansion.

How could there be thousands of people equipped with luxurious heavy armor like in Yongzhou?

Moreover, according to the scale of Yongzhou government office, there can be at most 300 clerks and 3,000 government soldiers.

Most of the government soldiers are from the Wen and Yu families.

So what are these soldiers?

Di Renjie suddenly realized that it was bad! The Wen and Yu families were raising private soldiers!

What a courage!

They even made prohibited equipment privately.

Article 243 of "Tang Law Commentary" states: "If there are spears and halberds, each will be sentenced to one and a half years in prison. Flags, banners and ceremonial weapons are not allowed to be privately owned. Violators will be punished with 80 strokes of the cane according to the "should not be serious"."

"One crossbow will be increased by two grades, one armor and three crossbows will be flown for 2,000 miles, three armors and five crossbows will be strangled, and those who make them privately will be increased by one grade."

Di Renjie never expected that the Wen and Yu families would be so bold. It's okay if you make prohibited equipment privately. I don't care if you make one or two sets, but you actually made thousands of sets?

Even tens of thousands?

What is this concept?

According to the "Old Book of Tang", the total number of Xuanjia soldiers in the early years of Wude was only more than 20,000. Of course, it is definitely more than that now. The popularity of armor during the Gaozong period was as high as 70%.

My goodness, you two families, Wen and Yu, illegally possessed more than 10,000 armored soldiers?

As we all know, the production cost of armor is extremely expensive.

The problem is, so much metalWhere did the leather come from?

So that's it, the Wen and Yu families really want to rebel.

They have been plundering the people of Yongzhou for so many years, just for this day.

This crime alone can directly make these two families execute nine clans.

Although there is almost no such thing as executing nine clans in the Tang Dynasty.

The execution of nine clans should come from the three-clan law after the Qin Reform, which began in the Qin Dynasty and was called "Yi Tiǎn" (pinyin: yì tiǎn) at that time.

With the development of the times, it became the execution of five clans and seven clans, and then in the Ming Dynasty, it was restored and vigorously promoted.

"Don't the Wen and Yu families want to have their heads? Why dare to do such a thing?"

Knowing that the Tang Dynasty's Xuanjia Army is basically assigned to the Goguryeo battlefield.

If there is a real rebellion, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Di Renjie's mentality changed all of a sudden. He originally thought that the people are people, the officers and soldiers are also people, and everyone's life should be equal.

But now it seems that the death of the Wen and Yu families is not a pity.

So, he immediately joined the team to attack the officers and soldiers.

This is how you should treat the rebels.


Li Yuanying marched for many days, and he was about to vomit while sitting on the boat. Finally, he arrived at the border of Yongzhou.


It was too painful. Considering that I went all the way to Yongzhou to save people, I must ask Song Lang to write a few more songs for me this time.

When they stepped into the official road, they were discovered by the spies of the Wen and Yu families at the first time.

"What's going on? Why are there so many more soldiers suddenly?"

The Wen and Yu families panicked, and they were at a loss.

Wen Guxin slammed the table and shouted: "Fight them! We have the right time, right place and right people, what are we afraid of?"

"Do you really want to rebel now?"

"After years of hard work, I am only looking forward to today!"

"I don't think it's appropriate now."

"What are you waiting for? The main force of the Tang army is now on the battlefield of Goguryeo, and the country must be empty. When the time comes, we will unite the gentry who crossed the river in the south, and the five surnames and seven families in the north, and destroy Li Tang in many ways. It's just around the corner."

Wen Guxin sneered: "Oh, do they think we only have a large army here? Too naive, we have people in Jiangnan West Road and Jiannan Road."

"As long as we stand up at that time, the Han people will support us."

"This world should be owned by the Han people, not the Xianbei people."

Yongzhou is just a place to oppress the people and expand armaments. Their base is not here.

The clans of the Wen and Yu families in Yongzhou only account for a very small part.

Their main force is actually somewhere else.


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