Song Zhen and his party did not encounter any risks on the way back to Luoyang.

Originally, Di Renjie was still worried, thinking that some Jianghu sect would come to ambush them.

As a result, he didn't even smell a fart.

Song Zhen guessed that the so-called Jianghu sect should have fewer people at present.

If it was the same size as the sects in martial arts dramas, even if the enemy went to the mountains and seas to cut you into pieces.

Unfortunately, they didn't have that courage.

In fact, Song Zhen guessed wrong.

The Jianghu sect did not come, but did not come to find them.

Because only Hu Yong knew that it was Di Renjie and Song Zhen who solved the case.

He had no way to pass the information to the outside world. Originally, he thought that after the organization rescued him, he would tell Master Yu the inside story.

As a result, Hu Yong was abandoned by Chongguang Tower, and the truth was buried in the ground.

In other words, the Jianghu sect did not know that Song Zhen was involved in the case, but Di Renjie was involved in the case, and the Hongmen Escort Agency knew it.

Therefore, the seven sects discussed not to deal with Di Renjie first, after all, he had a fourth-rank official by his side.

Moreover, there was a ruthless swordsman who had recently become famous in the martial arts world.

Chongguang Tower secretly sent people to Luoyang and came to Xuanhefang in the southeast to investigate Li Yifu.

You don't know until you check, and you will be shocked when you check.

I didn't expect that the other party was actually a third-rank prime minister?

Straight thief!

"What should we do? Master Yu."

Yu Tuo was about to speak when someone stood up next to him.

"Hehe, revenge if there is revenge, and grievance if there is grievance. If it weren't for Li Yifu's obstruction, how could our actions be exposed?"

It's over. They subconsciously thought that it was Li Yifu, the prime minister, who was ordered to investigate the case, and then used power to force the Hongzhou government to thoroughly investigate the matter.

Thinking about it this way, it seems quite reasonable.

They know Hongzhou Governor Huang Yao. This person has a somewhat impetuous personality. Whenever he encounters a little difficulty, he will give up easily.

In this case, the case must have been taken over by Li Yifu.

"Li Yifu..." Yu Tuo gritted his teeth in hatred.

The middle-aged man standing next to him sneered: "I don't know what you are afraid of? Isn't it just a lackey of the court?"

"As the saying goes, the affairs of the rivers and lakes are the affairs of the rivers and lakes, and the court can't control them."

"We are here to avenge our grievances and seek justice for our brothers who died tragically. What reason does the court have to control us?"

What a good sentence for seeking justice for our brothers who died tragically, then why don't you go to rob the execution ground?

If the martial arts sects attacked with all their forces, the Hongzhou government office really couldn't stop them, because there were not enough Mingguang armors, and the skills of those martial artists would be more or less much better than those of the clerks.

Hu Yong and others didn't have to die.

But they didn't do that. After weighing the pros and cons, they chose to burn more incense and paper money afterwards to mourn the dead.

By the way, having a happy feast can probably dilute the sad atmosphere brought by the funeral.

Some people expressed their concerns: "If this is really done, then our Chongguang Tower will stand on the opposite side of the court."

To put it nicely, Chongguang Tower has been keeping a low profile.

To put it bluntly, they are just making a small fuss.

As soon as this was said, everyone fell silent.

In fact, they knew in their hearts that the reason why the court did not care was because the behavior of the Jianghu sects had not reached the point of threatening its rule.

If Chongguang Tower arranged someone to assassinate the prime minister Li Yifu, if it succeeded, it would be good to get away with it. If it failed, what would be the end?

Murdering a court official is already a capital crime, not to mention that it is a third-rank official who is second only to the emperor and above ten thousand people.

Will the saint think that you are despising the emperor's majesty and not taking the court seriously?

Yu Tuo also felt that this was unreasonable, and he was very rational.

He thought that there was no need to stir up trouble for a few abandoned children.

Yu Tuo came out, he played the role of the red-faced man, and tried his best to persuade Annan to let go of his hatred.

What he didn't expect was that the other party was a stubborn person and didn't listen to his advice at all.

Helpless, he let him go, just hoping that he wouldn't make any trouble.


After a ten-day journey, he finally returned to Luoyang, the eastern capital.

Song Zhen couldn't help but sigh that this time he was away from home for a long time.

He was away for more than three months.

I don't know if my wife will blame me.

Song Zhen returned to the mansion, while Di Renjie went straight to the Dali Temple.

Xue Zhengqing was stunned when he saw him coming back.

"Old Di?"

"It's me, Xue Siqing."

Xue Zhengqing gave him a big hug: "Okay, okay."

Do you know how Old Xue spent the days when his two thighs were not in Luoyang?

Every day he was worried, afraid that something would happen againA big case that cannot be solved.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

Not to mention big cases, even small cases are almost non-existent. His Majesty even praised him in court.

What is said about Luoyang's good security, you Xue Zhengqing have made great contributions.

Song Zhen returned to the mansion, but did not see Cui Mengzhu, but saw Cui Qiuhua instead?


Cui Qiuhua hurriedly got up. He did not expect to meet Song Zhen.

"You, when did you come back?"

"Just now."

Cui Qiuhua's face was a little embarrassed. He explained: "I can't stay in Cui's house anymore, so I brought Nianqing to your house to avoid it."

Song Zhen didn't care. He smiled and said: "Okay, it's really a great honor for father-in-law to come and live here for a long time."

Anyway, the yard is big, even bigger than Cui's house, with many rooms, at least one hundred sets left.

Speaking of the first time Cui Qiuhua came to Song Zhen's house, it had not been decorated yet, and everything was kept simple. At that time, he was still thinking whether to give some relief to the couple.

Unexpectedly, he was shocked by the luxurious decoration here the second time he came.

The entrance is an arch made of a whole piece of Khotan blue-white jade, about five meters high, which highlights one word, rich!

After entering the Jade Gate, there are artistic rockeries on the left and right sides. The shapes of these two rockeries were designed by Cui Mengzhu himself.

Then Song Zhen asked people to buy stones, carve, pile, place, etc.

After completing a series of work, it cost a full three thousand strings of cash.

To be honest, with so much money, you can buy two or three houses of this size.

There is no way, my wife likes it.

After walking through the mountains and rivers, you will welcome a green shade, with various exotic flowers and plants planted on both sides, and birds and flowers everywhere.

On both sides of the tree-lined path, there are stone sculptures carved by Cui Mengzhu using waste stones from the Longmen Grottoes.

She likes to tinker with this whenever she has time, after all, she is an art student.

The arrangement of furniture in the living room is very different from this era, but more inclined to the later generations.

There were no long sofas in the Tang Dynasty, usually a table with stools on both sides.

Cui Mengzhu asked someone to customize three sofas about five meters long, all of which were made of fine agarwood.

There is also a ten-meter-long conference table, and countless wooden chairs.

The dining table is also round, and even has the function of being extendable and expandable in the later generations.

Song Zhen didn't ask how much money was spent on this whole set of furniture.

Anyway, my brother has money. Now there are Huichunfang and Pingkangfang, and there are probably 50,000 strings of cash left, right?

What is the concept of 50,000 strings of cash? The annual tax revenue of Hongzhou is only 120,000 strings of cash.


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