Cui Yu suddenly felt something was wrong. She subconsciously took a half step back and frowned, saying, "What do you want to do?"

"Elder, please stop being stubborn."

"How am I stubborn?"

"You are dying for face, elder, I hope you can understand the big picture. Now the Cui family in Qinghe has reached a moment of life and death."

Cui Yu laughed angrily: "I have seen through you guys. Under the slogan of preserving the family, you actually kneel down to an outsider?"

"It's not us who should kneel, it's just you."

"......" Cui Yu's hands were shaking. It can be seen that her mood is very unstable now.

"Oh, have you all forgotten how Song Zhen defamed the Qinghe Cui family?"

Cui Mengzhen loudly refuted her words: "Defamation? Is he wrong? Isn't that the truth? You old stubborn man has not recognized your mistakes."

"The truth? The truth is, I, Cui Yu, am worthy of my ancestors. I strictly follow the family rules and regulations handed down. What's wrong with me?"

Cui Yu stood up proudly, and she glanced at the people in front of her with a cold face and continued.

"I know that some of you are dissatisfied with the system of no marriage between the gentry and the commoners."

"But have you ever thought about why the Qinghe Cui family has been able to pass on for thousands of years?"

"If there were no patriarchal systems that seem to be corrupt in your eyes, do you think you can become a noble person of the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Families in this society today?"

"Oh, you feel very wronged, right? If it weren't for the ancestors of the Cui family who sacrificed their own happiness and married other gentry, the Qinghe Cui family would have prospered for a thousand years."

"Can you enjoy a wealthy life now?"

"Don't tell me that all people are born equal. You are as naive as children. This society is inherently unfair! The essence of the Nine-Rank System is to divide people into different levels."


Cui Yu's speech was deafening, leaving everyone stunned.

Some people were reflecting on whether they had really done something wrong.

In fact, Cui Yu was right. The reason why the Qinghe Cui family could develop into the giant it is today has a lot to do with the sacrifices and dedication of their ancestors.

Why can our ancestors accept this system, but we can't?

Are we all deceived by others, or is it that the times have changed and the corrupt old system should have been eliminated long ago?

Seeing that everyone was lost in thought, Cui Yu struck while the iron was hot.

"Have you ever thought about an ending? If our Qinghe Cui family opens the door and accepts those lowly commoners outside, what will the family become? Can it still maintain its current transcendent status?"

At this time, Cui Qiuhua sighed heavily: "Elder, you always say that the people outside are weak and declining, but now the Qinghe Cui family can't even compare to the weak people you mentioned."

"Putting Song Zhen aside, how many officials above the fifth rank today are from the five surnames and seven aristocrats?"

Cui Yu retorted unconvincedly: "You are wrong. The court belongs to the Li Tang family. They are deliberately suppressing the five surnames and seven aristocrats. Don't you know?"

"Really? Then let's not compare official positions, but talk about literature. May I ask if Luo Binwang is a person of the five surnames and seven aristocrats?"

Cui Yu was silent. She could not deny Luo Binwang's talent.

However, in this era, in addition to Luo Binwang, there is another great poet.

"Isn't Lu Zhaolin a member of the Fanyang Lu family?"

Cui Mengzhen laughed and said, "You are so funny. Uncle Qi was clearly giving examples to illustrate that in addition to the five surnames and seven noble families, noble sons can still be born from poor families in the world, but you..."

Cui Qiuhua stopped the other party from speaking with his hand, and said in a calm tone.

"Elder, Cui Mengzhu is my daughter. Song Zhen and my daughter Cui Mengzhu are in love, and I admire Song Zhen very much. Is this reason enough?"

Cui Yu slammed the ground with her cane. She scolded him: "Cui Qiuhua, do you know what you are doing?"

"I am doing what an Aye should do."

"Cui Qiuhua, you are really too selfish! You actually destroyed the ancestral law for your own selfish interests."

"Children's marriage should respect the orders of their parents and the words of the matchmaker. Elder, is this the ancestral law? Which sage book says that a woman's fate is determined by distant relatives of the family?"


Cui Qiuhua silently picked up the scraps of paper on the ground, and everyone looked at him with complicated eyes.

He stood up and said expressionlessly: "If I, Cui Qiuhua, can't even decide my daughter's marriage, then this family is better off not staying."

After that, he turned and left.

Someone called him, not wantingHe left.

Because Cui Qiuhua was not an ordinary person. He had ten daughters, all of whom were beautiful.

His first eight daughters, with the help of Cui Qiufang, had free love and married well.

There were well-known talents, ministers in the court, and generals in the army...

If he left the family, the strength of the Qinghe Cui family would decline a lot both internally and externally.

Originally, the clan relied on marriage to maintain its status. Once this key figure was lost, this bond would be in name only.

It is said that a mother is honored by her son, and Cui Qiuhua is a typical example of a father being honored by his daughter.

He has a very high reputation in the Qinghe Cui family. Besides, his lineage was originally the legitimate line.

How can a legitimate son leave the family? Are you not afraid of being laughed at if you tell others about it?

Everyone dared not imagine that if Cui Qiuhua really left the Qinghe Cui family, would the husbands of those women still come to visit their home during the New Year and other festivals?

"Seventh Lord, you must calm down and be rational."

Many of the clan members' children work under Cui Qiuhua's sons-in-law. They are very worried that if he leaves, their descendants will not be able to get along happily.

In fact, they understand Cui Qiuhua's approach very well.

When his closest sister Cui Qiufang left, he silently endured it and did not act on impulse.

And this time, if it were him, it would be rare to have a son-in-law he liked, but he was obstructed by the family in every way.

Everyone would be unhappy and feel that he was just a tool used by the family to maintain its interests.

In terms of emotion and reason, this unpleasant negotiation was indeed wrong for the family.

They fully understood his approach, and even felt the same way.

Everyone looked at other respected elders begging, hoping that they could take action and must keep Cui Qiuhua.

Several gray-haired old men exchanged glances secretly and saw each other's intentions.

Before they could speak, Cui Yu spoke first.

"Cui Qiuhua, do you know what you are doing? Qinghe Cui's is the place where you were born and raised. Are you going to leave just for a poor boy and turn against the family?"

"What else?" Cui Qiuhua and his wife and concubines were packing their luggage in the house, and they replied without raising their heads.

They packed their things quickly. There was nothing to take. After all, the Song Mansion had everything, and the last thing they lacked was money.

"Stop them! Don't let them step out of the Cui Mansion!"

"Cui Yu, why are you so stubborn?"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Cui Yu naturally knew the importance of Cui Qiuhua to the family, and he would never let him leave easily.

At this moment, a young man in Mingguang armor led his troops to break into the door!

He first bowed deeply to Cui Qiuhua, and then glanced coldly at the people of Qinghe Cui's family.

"Let me see, who dares to stop my father-in-law?"


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