Cui Qiuhua said embarrassedly: "I am different from this guy. He only has one wife."

The implication is that if there are more concubines, I don't believe he will be so loving.

As he spoke, Cui Qiuhua's expression dimmed, and he thought of that person.

Cui Mengzhu's biological mother passed away when she was just born, and died of dystocia.

Ancient medical methods were not as good as modern ones, and similar situations often occurred.

Otherwise, how could there be a saying that "a woman giving birth is like walking through the gates of hell."

Cui Mengzhu's birthday is the anniversary of her mother's death, and she lost her loved ones since she was a child.

However, Zheng Anrong was born in the Zheng family of Xingyang. She had excellent family education and was virtuous. She regarded Cui Mengzhu as her own child and cared for her very much.

As a wife, taking care of the concubine's daughter meticulously was actually a very rare thing in ancient times.

Although, in ancient times, whether it was the wife or the concubine, the children born were called the wife as the mother, and the children of the concubine were also the same. The family status of the concubine was extremely low, and it was easy to be deprived of the right to raise and guardianship of the biological children.

But some people thought that they were not their own children, and they had more or less prejudice.

As for Cui Mengting's biological mother, ahem, of course she was still alive.

There were laws in the Tang Dynasty that wives could not be divorced at will, but there were no requirements for concubines.

So there were policies from above and countermeasures from below.

In order to expand their branches and leaves, wealthy families usually divorced concubines on the surface and married another one, and the divorced concubines continued to live at home.

On the surface, they only had one wife and two concubines, but in reality, who knew?

According to the clan status, Cui Mengzhu was actually the concubine daughter of the legitimate son of the Qinghe Cui family.

She was not qualified to enter the Cui family's ancestral tomb.

So, in the eyes of outsiders, Cui Yu was somewhat unreasonable. Was it necessary for a concubine daughter to cause a storm in the city?

When Cui Qiuhua is older, the family will be divided again. If according to the family rules, Cui Mengzhu will be removed from the direct line.

However, let's talk about the future later.


Song Zhen played the flute on the side, and Cui Mengzhu carefully observed the coming and going of people and the hustle and bustle below in a gentle rhythm.

She observed for a long time before she started to write.

She first drew the general outline on the drawing paper, and then added details little by little.

Beside her, two Bodhisattvas were crushing the pigments and putting them in small plates.

Then Cui Mengzhu added water to dilute it herself. The amount of water will directly affect the depth of the color.

She is a painter and knows how much to use. Others dare not interfere.

Cui Mengzhu has an ideal, which is to use the brush in her hand to turn the prosperous scene of the Tang Dynasty into a painting, leaving it for future generations to appreciate and study.

Now she has made more than 20 paintings, involving all aspects.

There are scholars who work hard, farmers who face the loess, hawkers who endure wind and rain, and slaves who work hard... It involves all aspects and reflects the customs and customs of all classes in the Tang Dynasty.

She did not choose the artistic conception of traditional Chinese painting, but realistically engraved everyone into the painting.

This is a long-term and huge project, and Song Zhen supports her very much.

When Cui Mengzhu finished painting "Human Volume", she planned to paint "Scholars Volume" next, followed by "Official Career Volume", "Battlefield Volume"... and finally "Royal Volume".

Every time she went out to paint, Song Zhen would arrange Tang Shuyu to follow her to protect her safety.

"Dear, change the song." Cui Mengzhu suddenly looked up and said.

"What do you want to listen to?"

"Emm." Cui Mengzhu thought for a moment, "Let's have some pure music to calm the mind."

Song Zhen smiled: "How about "Great Compassion Mantra"? Is it calm enough?"

"......" It's more than just calming, it's almost sending me away.

Song Zhen sat down cross-legged, and he asked Bodhisattva Man to bring the zither. He put on the pick, put the zither on his legs, and closed his eyes.

After gently sweeping the strings, he slowly outlined a melody with his fingertips.

The opening finger shaking vibrato made countless people stop and listen attentively.

Then, a series of light notes came out from the strings of the zither.

Cui Mengzhu was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

Sure enough, he still understands me the best.

A song that I often played on repeat when I was learning to paint.

"Lanting Preface".

After being with Song Zhen, she listened to more pure music versions.

Cui Qiuhua and his wife, who were standing on the other side to enjoy the scenery and could not bear to disturb the couple, were attracted by the music.

After a brisk prelude, the tune began to become deeper, as if with a hint of sadness.

More and more people gathered around, and even passers-by from the five floors below followed the sound of the zither and came over.Cui Mengzhu regained her state under the elegant sound of the zither, and she wrote with divine power.

Immersed in the ocean of music, four minutes passed quickly, and everyone was still not satisfied.

Someone in the crowd recognized her, and she screamed: "Ah - I'm dead! Isn't this man the legendary first person in Tang Dynasty music, Song Shouzheng, the music master?"

"What? Song Shouzheng?" Everyone was slightly stunned, and then their eyes became hot.

Now Song Zhen's music has long been famous all over the world. Except for remote villages, who dares to say that they have not heard of Song Shouzheng's works?

Due to the wide spread, many people from all over the Tang Dynasty have imitated him.

Not only playing his music, but also imitating the style of original new music.

Song Zhen has become the godfather of Tang Dynasty music and a household name.

It is him who has given music the opportunity to enter millions of homes;

It is him who has made music no longer exclusive to a certain group;

It is him who has made music accompany every household in their daily life.

Song Zhen's contribution to Tang music is undoubtedly huge.

First, he broke the status quo of the four musics of Tang Dynasty: Yayue, Yanyue, Kaiyue and Sanyue, which were monopolized by the gentry and the royal family, so that everyone can enjoy the pleasure brought by music.

Secondly, the catchy rhythm, any yellow-haired child can hum a few lines, and it has really entered the homes of ordinary people.

Then, the reason why Song Zhen's works are called new music is that there has never been a song in Tang Dynasty that can be played completely with only one instrument.

Why is there an idiom called "qin and se in harmony"? In fact, the deeper meaning is that this song must be played with qin and se at the same time, with division of labor and cooperation, and neither is indispensable.

Ancient music emphasizes the coordination and resonance between instruments. If any instrument is missing, it will be slightly insufficient, not to mention playing with only one instrument.

This is a cross-era progress, which undoubtedly refreshes everyone's cognition.

[The above are my personal opinions after listening to many Tang music, unofficial. 】

Finally, most of the music in the past was made for the purpose of preaching through music.

Compared with Song Zhen's emotional music, it is a bit rigid.

"Lüshi Chunqiu" records: Duke Ai of Lu asked Confucius: "Is it true that the music director Kui has one foot?"

Confucius said: "In the past, Shun wanted to preach music to the world, so he ordered Chongli to raise Kui from the grass and present him, and Shun made him the music director."

It can be seen that the purpose of music at the beginning was only to educate the people, not for entertainment.

Song Zhen broke this deadlock, so that music was no longer a means of fooling the people, and injected people's joy, anger, sorrow and happiness into it.

This is also the fundamental reason why his works are deeply loved by the people.


After the song was over, Cui Mengzhu suddenly smiled cunningly. She looked at Song Zhen and whispered: "Old Song, can you sing the lyrics?"


"You won't forget it?"

Song Zhen smiled: "How could I forget it?"

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