Cui Qiuhua couldn't wait to do it himself, because it was the end of summer.

But Song Zhen stopped him.

"Father-in-law, if you want your baby to be healthy, you must first have a healthy body."

Cui Qiuhua tilted his head and asked in confusion: "Am I not in good health?"

"That's not what I mean. I ask you, do you want to hit the target in one shot?"

"Of course I do."

"So, bear with it."

"......" Can you bear this? Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't!

Song Zhen comforted his father-in-law's emotions and said to him solemnly.

"In the next few days, I will prepare meals for the two elders myself. I wish you, father-in-law, success!"

Cui Qiuhua laughed and stroked his half-white beard. He liked to hear this.

"Father-in-law, please come with me and exercise together." Just when they got home, Song Zhen took Cui Qiuhua into the yard.

"?" What the hell? I still need to exercise?

Song Zhen taught him the Qigong "Five Animals Play". Compared with modern radio gymnastics, Five Animals Play is not so shameful and is easy for ancient people to accept.

"Come, father-in-law, follow my formula to practice together."

"Five Animals Play, as the name suggests, contains the imitation postures of five animals, namely tiger, deer, bear, ape, and bird. At the same time, each animal has two styles."

"The first style of Tiger Play, Tiger Lift."

Song Zhen raised his body and leaned forward like a tiger. His two claws naturally transitioned into fists, and then he tightened his abdomen. At the same time, his feet moved backwards to stretch his waist as much as possible.

"This is a round of movements. It's very simple, right?"

Cui Qiuhua nodded. It was indeed simple.

"Okay, then next is the second style of Tiger Play, Tiger Pounce!"

Song Zhen raised his fists with both hands, leaned forward, looked straight ahead, slowly raised his fists from his waist, and stood his hands upright.

Then, keep this posture, bend the waist at 90 degrees, and naturally transform the fists into claws, and then slowly return to the original shape.

This posture is somewhat difficult, especially the 90-degree bend of the waist, Cui Qiuhua is very difficult to do.

So Song Zhen helped him press his body: "Father-in-law, keep this posture for half a quarter of an hour."

Cui Qiuhua gritted his teeth! In order to give birth to a son, my old bones, fight!


On the other side, Song Zhen asked Cui Mengzhu to teach Cui Mengting's biological mother, the youngest concubine, to practice yoga and keep her body flexible.

The original meaning of the word yoga is to control cattle and horses. Since ancient times, it also represents certain practices or trainings that are envisioned to help achieve the highest purpose.

I won't say more, everyone will understand it by themselves.

Unknowingly, time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, half a month had passed.

In this half month, a lot of things happened.

Song Zhen's family is fine, but the five surnames and seven families are in trouble.

Li Zhi was very bad. He arranged for the eunuchs to spread the word that he had some evidence in his hands.

And this evidence was the actual evidence that the Five Surnames and Seven Famous intended to rebel.

He was going to take action against the Five Surnames and Seven Famous. You guys should take care of yourself.

Once this "rumor" spread, it immediately caused panic among the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Famous Families.

"What should I do?" This is a rebellion.

Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Famous Families have always maintained a glorious image of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

Now, not only can they no longer use public opinion to oppress the royal family, but they will even be spurned by the gentry of the world.

Besides, public opinion is no longer in their hands. Now the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Famous Families are hated by all scholars in the world and are ashamed to be associated with them.

The Bo Ling Cui family, the Zhaojun Li family, the Longxi Li family, and the Xingyang Zheng family are suspicious of each other!

What are they doing now?

Catch the traitor!

"Who dared to join forces with the Wen and Yu families to rebel?"

"That's right! Stand up! Don't harm the entire clan!"

"You bastards, you have the guts to do it, but you don't have the guts to admit it, right?"

The current situation is that everyone sees everyone as a traitor, and everyone is not pleasing to the eye.

In such an oppressive mental environment, people will go crazy.

Once you can't stand it, there is only one way to go, that is to leave the family.

Leaving is also a means of self-protection.

From ancient times to the present, treason has always been a serious crime!

At the least, the whole family will be exiled.

At the worst, people will be beheaded.

Since the culprit could not be found, many clansmen carried the locomotive and ran away overnight in order to clear themselves from the Five Surnames and Seven Families.

As the saying goes, everyone will flee when disaster strikes. The elders of the Five Surnames and Seven Families saw the cruelty of reality and the desolation of human hearts for the first time.

Yes, who is so stupid to accompany you to die?

Besides, ever since the scholar incident, some people have wanted to flee, but they feel that doing so will easily lead to criticism.

Times are different now.Now the Five Surnames and Seven Families are rebellious families, and everyone wants to immediately, immediately, and quickly draw a line with them.

The reputation of the Five Surnames and Seven Families has slipped again.

Who could have thought? In just half a year, the Five Surnames and Seven Families have fallen from a paradise that everyone yearns for to a disgusting place of dregs?

Hasn't controlling public opinion always been the means that the Five Surnames and Seven Families are good at?

What's going on?

Someone immediately thought of a person, whose name is Song Zhen.

"Could it be Song Zhen's doing?"

Soon, someone refuted: "What are you kidding? Song Zhen has such a great ability? Can he also control the Li Tang family?"

The "rumor" spread more and more outrageous, and Li Zhi released some details in the booklet.

"What? The Xuanzhou Yu family and the Yuezhou Hu family of Jiangnan West Road are one of the participants?"

It's broken!

Why is it broken?

Because Di Renjie led the Qianniu Guards to the Jiangnan West Road for rectification and just wiped out the entire family of these two noble families.

It seems that it is not a rumor. My god, it is true!

What should we do? The clansmen of the Five Surnames and Seven Families hesitated. They wanted to run away, but they did not want to lose their superior status and superior family resources.

"Why don't you run away now? What are you waiting for?"

People are selfish. This is human nature.

Overnight, 80% of the clansmen of the five major families were lost.

Except for the direct lineage, the illegitimate children basically all ran away. Such a large family group was deserted.

What is being abandoned by everyone? This is it!

Some old men could not accept this situation. They had to come to the gate of the Song Mansion and kneel down to beg Song Zhen to let them go.

Song Zhen closed the door and asked Tian Qi to guard the door outside wearing the youth version of Ming Guang armor.

"My Alang said that he really didn't do what you did."

"How could he not? He went to Yongzhou and such a big thing happened. All the members of the Wen and Yu families in Yongzhou were beheaded. Who doesn't know that?"

Tian Qi showed his Tang horizontal sword and shouted fiercely: "What you mean is that my Alang deliberately framed you?"

Everyone shrank their necks in embarrassment and apologized quickly: "Sergeant, you misunderstood our meaning."

"What do you mean?"

"We mean..."

Tian Qi turned around and slammed the gate, leaving only three words.

"It's meaningless."


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