Song Zhen's look of deep sorrow made the civil and military officials in the hall look stagnant.

This kid...

seems a bit shameless.

Is there anyone like you who is so self-righteous?

Liu Xiangdao, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, and Xue Zhengqing, the Minister of the Dali Temple, wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads at the same time.

I didn't see him working so hard, but I just knew that I couldn't find him in the office.

Li Zhi, who was sitting at the top, didn't comment. He said indifferently: "Song Shouzheng, do you know that someone has impeached you?"

Song Zhen saluted with neither arrogance nor servility: "The heaven and earth are my witnesses, the sun and the moon are my witnesses, I am loyal to the Tang Dynasty, I have devoted myself to it, and I will die for it. Everyone knows it, please don't believe in slander."

It's a pity for you not to go to the other courtyard to be a "North Gate Scholar".

Bieyuan was an official office established by Emperor Gaozu of Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan, where various talented people served. It was called "Bieyuan" and was the predecessor of Hanlin Academy.

In addition to literary talents, doctors, fortune tellers, calligraphers and painters, and even monks and Taoists could all be selected. It was mainly an institution for the emperor to entertain and relax. History records that "when Hanlin was first established, talented people and miscellaneous people lived together."

At that time, the incumbents had no title. During the reign of Emperor Gaozong, they began to be called "North Gate Scholars."

It was not until Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty that it was officially named "Hanlin Academy of Scholars."

Li Zhi rubbed his temples, his expression slightly helpless: "It was the Minister of the Central Secretariat who impeached you and listed your three crimes."

Minister of the Central Secretariat? Interesting.

A middle-aged man stepped forward decisively. He bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I impeach the Jiaofang Envoy for using his power for personal gain, evading taxes, calling a deer a horse, and causing chaos in the government."

Song Zhen glanced at the person beside him indifferently. He looked righteous. He secretly glanced at the jade fish talisman hanging on his waist.

[Li Yifu]?

Li Yifu spoke eloquently, with a smile on his face: "Song Zhen's first crime is to use his power for personal gain. He took advantage of his position and did not report the amount of copyright tax truthfully. It is indeed an act of tax evasion and tax evasion. His crime is unforgivable."

Song Zhen smiled slightly, and he raised his sword eyebrows: "Oh? How do you think that I evaded taxes, this Zhongshu Ling? Before throwing dirty water, you must first have a basin."

Li Yifu did not look at him, and smiled indifferently: "Of course I have."

He took out a book from his arms and presented it with both hands.

The eunuch brought the book up and presented it to Li Zhi with both hands.

The more Li Zhi read, the worse his expression became. Finally, he threw the book down from the platform.

"Song Zhen, do you have anything to say?"

Li Yifu looked at Song Zhen provocatively when he saw the saint's attitude.

Song Zhen picked up the book from the ground and simply flipped through it. On the other side, Li Yifu was describing it with exaggeration.

"What you don't know is that Song Zhen has ulterior motives with Huichunfang and Pingkangfang."

"Song Zhen takes one-fifth of the total amount of tickets for the performances of the two fangs. In addition, Song Zhen directly takes half of the peripheral products sold by the two fangs."

"Humph! His Majesty gave you the title of Jiaofang Envoy, not for you to use it to make money! Song Zhen, do you know that you will chill His Majesty's heart by doing this!"

After saying that, he pretended to wipe away his tears and pretended to be heartbroken.

"I cannot bear to see such evil and illegal things happening in the court, so I dare to make a remonstrance, Your Majesty."

Okay, I'll show my misery by the way!

Song Zhen was silent for a while, then asked: "Excuse me, sir, what is your name?"

"You don't even know me?" Li Yifu's smile froze.

Song Zhen narrowed his eyes and said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "Who are you? Why should I know you? The Great Tang has thousands of mountains and rivers, and the population is countless. Only your Majesty is famous. Who in the world doesn't know you?"

"Are you more noble than your Majesty? Do I have to find someone to know you?"

Li Yifu's face turned red, but he soon calmed down and kept smiling: "A person who speaks sweet words and makes a good impression."

Song Zhen ignored him and bowed directly: "Your Majesty, this person didn't let me explain, and accused me of speaking sweet words and making a good impression with just one sentence. It's simply impossible to communicate."

Li Zhi said in a displeased voice: "Li Yifu..."

Li Yifu's body was shaken, and he hurriedly Apologize: "I know I was wrong."

Song Zhen disgusted the other party, threw the book back into Li Yifu's arms, sneered and said: "You accuse me of selling talent, it's really ridiculous, let me ask you, have you ever heard of copyright tax?"

Li Yifu straightened up and smiled calmly: "Of course I know, this book is the ironclad evidence of your tax evasion!"

"My colleagues don't know, Song Zhen only paid 300 strings of copyright tax in the past six months, and he actually made 100,000 strings of money!"

"Moreover, the amount of art copyright tax is also very unreasonable, it's only one in a hundred?"

When these words came out, all the officials were in an uproar, and Lu Yunfei was stunned. I didn't expect my brother-in-law to beOr a local tyrant of the Tang Dynasty?

Some people showed envy and jealousy.

Why? The prime minister's annual salary is only 100 guantongbao, and you actually earned the wealth of a prime minister's hard work for a thousand years in just half a year by singing?

Is this fair?

"Hahaha." Song Zhen laughed up to the sky, "I don't know how you calculated this income of 100,000 strings of cash."

Li Yifu sneered: "It's clearly written in the book."

"Well, yes, I just saw it." Song Zhen looked calm, "I have a few questions, I want to ask my colleagues."

"Excuse me, have you ever watched "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai"?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Lu Yunfei quickly answered: "Of course I have seen it."

"Well, how many performances a day?"

"Three performances a day, one each at Si, You, and Hai, and never extra performances."

Song Zhen nodded: "Very good."

He questioned Li Yifu: "Zhongshu Ling, I want to know, for a two-hour play, how did you let him perform nine performances a day? And every show was full?"

"Phantom box office, fake it, right?" And you helped me increase the box office, thank you.

Li Yifu answered calmly, smiling: "How should I know?"

"You don't know, and you still use this randomly written book as evidence? Are you going to make me laugh to death so that you can inherit my copyright fees?"

Song Zhen stepped forward, looked into the other person's eyes and said loudly: "Zhongshu Ling, do you know that there is a provision in the Tang Dynasty law for false accusations and counter-attacks? You slandered me and said that I should pay a thousand strings of taxes. Now I have proved that the content of this booklet is nonsense. Do you want to compensate me with a thousand strings of taxes?"

"Oh, how can you prove that what you said is reasonable?"

Song Zhen asked back: "The account book is at the counter in Pingkangfang. Do you dare to check the account with me?"

"If the account book can prove that I evaded taxes, I will give you all my family's 30,000 strings of property unconditionally."

"If not, please say to me, 'I'm sorry, brother', okay?"

"Dare you?"

Li Yifu remained silent and did not reply.

When the officials saw his expression, they knew that there must be something fishy.

Li Yifu's previous aggressive attitude suddenly deflated. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was lying and that the book was simply false evidence.


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