The fact is that the rest of the Jinshi were directly arranged by the Ministry of Personnel.

Li Yifu took advantage of this loophole and directly set a price. Whoever gave more money could get a job in a wealthy place.

If you don't give a penny? Sorry, go to a remote mountain.

However, those who can participate in the imperial examination are either from the gentry or the poor.

Their family background is generally rich, because in this era, if you don't have money, you really don't deserve to be literate.

Song Zhen only learned later that Dong Feng, the victim of the Feng Chang case, failed the subsequent examination.

That's right, he was eliminated from the selection of 35 out of 50.

It's not because he didn't work hard enough, it's not because he didn't do well in the exam, and it's not because his opponent is too strong.

It's because he has no money that Li Yifu can not only control the back roads of the Jinshi, but also control the results of the imperial examination, and decide whether you can pass the exam.

Before the exam, Dong Feng received a message suggesting that he should pay money, and if he didn't pay, he would bear the consequences.

But he ignored it, and he had no money. He naively thought that God would not let down those who work hard, and he could defeat the rich with ten years of hard study!

As a result, the reality was cruel. Even if he thought he performed very well, he still failed.

If it was Dong Feng who died at that time instead of Chang Yin, if Feng Chang was not found out by Di Renjie through divination, if Feng Chang took Dong Feng's examination pass...

Then, Dong Feng's name would definitely be on this year's list of Jinshi.

What a pity, fate plays tricks on people.

Feng Chang died, and Dong Feng could not accept this cruel blow. After returning to Bingzhou, he wrote a letter to Song Zhen and Di Renjie respectively to thank them for their kindness.

In the end, the Fen River drowned his figure...

In these three years, there was definitely more than one Dong Feng, and Li Yifu was the most direct murderer!

So the question is, can the local people really eradicate this phenomenon by nominating officials?

To be honest, it can't, it's too idealistic.

People's hearts are sinister, and local gentry will use illegal means to force people to vote for them.

Song Zhen proposed this idea, but it was just a perfunctory answer, and he thought it would not be adopted.

He just wanted to disgust Lai Ji, but he never expected that Xu Jingzong would jump out.

Li Zhi thought hard for a while, and he rejected Song Zhen's suggestion.

"Shouzheng, this move is inappropriate."

In fact, there is another important reason. The imperial examination is held every year, which means that there are 35 Jinshi candidates waiting to be established every year.

There are only so many positions, but the number of candidates waiting to be established increases every year.

Ancient times are not like modern times. Modern times have many career choices, and it is not necessary to be a civil servant.

However, in ancient times, officials were the best careers. Even if it was a ninth-rank official, no one was willing to give up this black gauze hat.

However, Li Zhi felt from Song Zhen's answer that this person was a very thoughtful minister.

Although the policy of autonomous region recommendation is unreliable, it is an advanced idea across the ages.

Unfortunately, it was impossible to implement it in the Tang Dynasty, and Li Zhi couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Song Zhen smiled slightly, he didn't care.

The Ministry of Personnel of the Tang Dynasty must be reformed, as for how to reform, let's talk about it later.

Li Zhi was merciful, he punished Lai Ji.

Lai Ji was demoted from Zhongshu Ling to Huangmen Shilang, and his position as Jianxiu Libu Shangshu was deprived.

Then a new problem arose, two of the three prime ministers were sent, and only one Xu Jingzong was left.

Maybe some Yanzu would wonder, aren't there two or one prime minister? How could there be three?

It was really not the case in the Tang Dynasty. In the early Tang Dynasty, it was set that Zhongshu Ling, Shizhong, Shangshu Zuocheng, and You Pushe were prime ministers.

Three prime ministers were actually the norm. In the first year of Yongchun in the late Tang Gaozong, there was even a grand occasion of nine prime ministers in the same court.

This operation, no matter which dynasty it was placed in, was quite explosive.

Li Zhi thought, it's time to promote new candidates.

So, his eyes accidentally moved to Song Zhen, and then he shook his head.

Song Zhen is not suitable, he is too young, just came of age, and his ability needs to be assessed.

Generally speaking, those who can become prime ministers need to be at least forty years old.

The most important thing is that you have to have certain achievements, so that you can convince the public.

What achievements did Song Zhen have? Investigating cases? Then he should not be prime minister, but the Minister of the Dali Temple.

Music? That is even more unreliable. If a prime minister becomes prime minister with musical talent and is written into history books, future generations will definitely judge me as an emperor who is greedy for pleasure and incompetent.

"Who is more suitable?" Li Zhi glanced at the ministers below.

Suddenly, his eyes stayed on a person for a moment.

"Lu Chengqing.""I am here."

"I appoint you as the third rank official of the Ministry of Personnel and concurrently the Minister of Finance. Are you qualified?"

Lu Chengqing was flattered and bowed hurriedly, saying, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace. I will serve you until I die."

He never thought that he would be promoted so quickly. Was it fate or time?

No, no, no, if you really want to get to the bottom of it, his ability to become prime minister has a lot to do with Song Zhen.

If Song Zhen had not impeached Li Yifu, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, yesterday and found a huge fortune in his mansion, Li Yifu would not have fallen so quickly.

And Lai Ji, if Song Zhen had not deliberately questioned the Ministry of Personnel in public, Lai Ji would not have been demoted.

In other words, Song Zhen accounted for at least 50% of his credit for becoming prime minister.

The other 50% came from the favor of the saint.

Not only him, but other civil and military officials turned their eyes to Song Zhen.

This kid... is a bit weird. Does he really have the physique to bring good luck to his husband?

If you know about Song Zhen's career, you will definitely be able to see a pattern.

In the early years, Lu Yang was just a governor of a lower state from the fourth rank, and later he was promoted to a governor of a higher state from the third rank, jumping two levels.

Di Renjie was originally a legal officer in Bingzhou. Because of Song Zhen's recommendation, he thoroughly investigated the case of the beauty of Goryeo. Due to his outstanding performance, he was appointed as the Dali Temple Secretary.

Xue Zhengqing, from a small Dali Temple Secretary, jumped ten levels and became one of the nine ministers.

Now to Lu Chengqing...

Lu Chengqing and Song Zhen are really a little bit related. He is the grandfather of Song Zhen's third brother-in-law and sixth brother-in-law.

Many people have already started to plan in their hearts, thinking about how to build a good relationship with Song Zhen.

Song Zhen himself was shocked again. What's going on?

According to the original historical trajectory, Lu Chengqing should have become the prime minister in the fourth year of Xianqing.

Song Zhen was silent. He had changed another person's fate without realizing it.

Lu Chengqing was born in 595. In fact, he is now 62 years old. He finally saw the moon after waiting for the clouds to clear.

After the court was dismissed, Lu Chengqing enthusiastically greeted Song Zhen.

"Shouzheng, when will you come to my house for a quick meal?"

Song Zhen smiled: "Old Lu, actually Yunhuai (Lu Yunfei's name) has already informed me. I am planning to disturb the Lu Mansion tomorrow night."

"Hey, how can you say disturb?"

"That's right, we are a family."

The two smiled at each other.


"Old Di, I bought a few sets of clothes from a vendor passing by the official road. When can we make a surprise attack?"

Di Renjie's eyes condensed, and he slowly said: "Now."

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