"That's right." Song Zhen nodded, "I suspect he died of myocardial infarction."

He happened to have a classmate in his previous life who died of this disease, and he searched it at the time.

That's why he learned about the death caused by this disease.

When dying, the expression is painful and struggling, the eyes are wide open, the pupils are slightly shrunk, and the hands are slightly bent...

In addition, heart patients should avoid spicy and stimulating foods, high-fat foods, tobacco and alcohol.

Although the deceased did not know these precautions, he knew that he would feel uncomfortable after eating.

That's why he resisted the wine handed over by Miss Xia He and the meat she put in the bowl.

Song Zhen looked at Di Renjie and asked, "Can this result clear Miss Xia He of her guilt?"

Di Renjie shook his head: "Unfortunately, it can't. If the real murderer is not found, she will still be dealt with."

"What kind of logic is this?"

"The case must be closed, especially in a murder case like this, someone must be found to be the murderer, otherwise the local government will not be able to explain to the people above."

It means that someone must take the blame, right?

Song Zhen retorted: "No, why can't we do it? For suspicious cases like this, we can report them to the Dali Temple and let them arrange for the temple secretary to come down to assist in the investigation."

Di Renjie laughed: "Do you think that Governor Lu dares to report it?"

Song Zhen was silent. Governor Lu had been warned and punished for the Zhao Siniang case. If he made another mistake in a short period of time, his political career would be over and he would become a conspicuous bag in the court.

The leaders above must be thinking, why are there so many trivial matters in your Bianzhou? A case was seriously misjudged, and the murderer could not be found in another case. Do you, Lu Yang, have problems with your ability?

Although the laws of the Tang Dynasty are clear, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. As long as no one reports it, it will be regarded as nothing happened.

But the problem is that there is no evidence to prove that Miss Xia He is the murderer. She is just the first eyewitness.

But Song Zhen thought about it and it seemed that there was no evidence to prove that she was not the murderer.

Di Renjie took the initiative to say: "If we want to determine whether she is the murderer, let's start with her as a person."

The strange cause of death made Di Renjie doubt his judgment.

Maybe, Miss Xia He really didn't kill anyone?



In the dim prison, Miss Xia He leaned against the wall to take a nap. She opened her eyes immediately after hearing the sound.

"Di Panzuo, young man, you are here?" She bowed and saluted.

Song Zhen looked at her messy hair and her increasingly thin body, and asked her with a smile: "How is it? Are you used to living here?"

"......" This sentence made Miss Xia He speechless.

Just like when Di Renjie came here to ask Song Zhen.

"Di Panzuo, when can I get out?" Miss Xia He asked anxiously.

"It is impossible to rule out your suspicion of being the murderer now."

"But I am really not the murderer, why don't you believe me?"

"Every bad guy says he is not a bad guy."

Miss Xia He's eyes dimmed, she sat back down, the wooden board was a little cold.

If other officials saw her, she had confessed.

But in Song Zhen's eyes, he saw that she was in deep sorrow.

Miss Xia He did not speak, her eyes were dull, she just leaned against the wall and cried silently.

She seemed like a person with a story.

"Let's go." Di Renjie sighed.

Miss Xia He did not respond.

The prison returned to a terrible silence, with only a ray of light seeping in from the high windows.

She just stared blankly at the beam of light, but it was a pity that the beam of light did not shine on her.


Di Renjie and Song Zhen took a carriage back to Huichunfang, they wanted to hear everyone's opinion of Miss Xia He.

"Xia He? She is one of the four most beautiful courtesans in Huichunfang, but she accepts all offers."

"Oh, you mean Miss Xia He? She is very beautiful, proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. According to her status, she can obviously choose her own partner with her talent, but she is sold at the same price as ordinary street prostitutes. She is good value for money, so we all like to order her."

"I heard that Miss Xia He is very short of money, so she set the price so low." A male customer touched his chin and said.

"Short of money? Then why didn't she refuse the five strings of money I gave her last time?"

"Miss Xia He never accepts extra rewards, don't you know? She only accepts the remuneration she deserves."

"Is she so good? It makes me want to order her." A male customer passing by came up.

"Alas, it's a pity that she is in jail now. This official, I think she is wronged.”

“That Hu man was definitely not killed by Miss Xia He. She has been in the industry for eight years and has countless customers. If she wanted to kill someone, she would have killed him long ago. Why wait until now?”

Di Renjie raised his head and asked with a pen in his hand: “Do you know why she is short of money?”

Several male guests shook their heads, indicating that they did not know.

Di Renjie obtained two key pieces of information from the inquiry: “First, Miss Xia He is short of money; second, she gets it in a proper way and does not eat food given out of pity.”

Song Zhen found the female prostitutes in Huichunfang and asked them what they thought of Miss Xia He.

“Young man, Sister Xia He is really a very nice person. No matter how big or small the matter is, as long as she is free, she will help us enthusiastically.”

“Yes, Sister Xia He taught me how to play the pipa. Unfortunately, I am too stupid. I have studied for more than two years but I am not even one-tenth of her.”

Song Zhen asked with a pen in his hand: “I heard that Miss Xia He is short of money? ”

The female huqin player blurted out: "Of course she is short of money, she has more than a hundred people to support..."

She covered her cherry lips as she spoke.

Song Zhen smiled: "Why? A secret that cannot be told?"

"Yes, no, it's just that Miss Xia He doesn't want us to mention this to outsiders, so that she will think we are sympathizing with her." The female pipa player whispered back.

"What's the matter with more than a hundred people? Can you tell me in detail?"

The two girls shook their heads at the same time.

Song Zhen said to them earnestly: "Now that your sister is in prison, you don't want her to die unjustly, right? The information you provide will be of some help in clearing her name."

The female pipa player opened her beautiful big eyes and asked: "Really?"

The female huqin player beside her tugged at her sleeve and whispered: "Why don't we tell her?"

"But will the sisters be unhappy? "

"If you can really help Sister Xia He, being blamed doesn't matter."

The huqin girl looked around and waved her hand. Song Zhen understood and lowered his body.

The little sister stood on tiptoe, put her small palm to her mouth, and whispered in Song Zhen's ear.

"In the southwest corner of the city, Sister Xia He bought a house there."

Song Zhen's eyes lit up. This was a key piece of information.

"Which house is it? Can you tell me more?"

The huqin girl shook her head: "I don't know. We haven't been there. Only the oldest sisters know where it is."

The oldest sisters she mentioned refer to the ones with the highest value in Huichunfang.

"Is Miss Chunhua here?" Song Zhen was the first to think of the graceful woman.

The pipa girl shook her head: "No, I heard that she went out with the other sisters. We don't pick up people during the day. ”

“Except for Sister Xia He who receives guests during the day, she is really hardworking, as if she works all the time.” The female huqin performer added.

Is she so hardworking? Serving guests 24 hours a day? Isn’t she going to break down?

Song Zhen got three key pieces of information from the two female performers: “First, Miss Xia He is helpful;

Second, she bought a house in the southwest corner of the city and supports more than a hundred people;

Third, she is a workaholic.”

Then the question is, why does she work so hard to make money?


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