Song Zhang was dumbfounded. No, I asked you to come and recognize your ancestors, not to compete for the position of clan leader.

"If you can't do it, nothing will happen."

After saying this, Song Zhen left the hall directly, leaving a group of clan members dumbfounded.

"This..." Someone looked at Song Zhang, trying to observe his expression.

Song Zhang's face was very ugly. He had never expected that Song Zhen would have such a wolfish ambition.

Becoming the head of a clan naturally benefits a lot. The most obvious thing is that the descendants can become the direct line of the clan.

The direct line is equivalent to the superior of a family, with the privilege of priority allocation of resources, and a superior status.

Do you think Song Zhang is willing to give up? Definitely not.

But Song Zhen's words are here. Will you give it or not? If not, then continue to be poor.

Even Fenzhou Song family will never be able to get the name of Song Zhen in the future.

From the beginning, Song Zhen's idea was to become the head of the family. He was unwilling to be a puppet at the mercy of others. From the struggle with the five surnames and seven families, he deeply realized how much say the head of a family had?

"Elder, why don't you take the initiative to give up your position? This is an opportunity for the family to rise."

"Yes, you just heard Song Zhen's conditions. For the Song family, it is a qualitative leap."

"Elder, the Song family has been in decline for hundreds of years since the Han and Wei dynasties. You don't want to see the family continue to be in decline, right?"

The clansmen of the Fenzhou Song family began to force Song Zhang to abdicate, urging him to be sensible and think about the family.

Who doesn't know that brewing is a highly profitable industry?

A bucket of wine costs 10,000 yuan, and a bucket of wine is about 20 kilograms.

In ancient times, due to the rough brewing process, the brewed wine had more impurities, and the traditional brewing equipment had a low yield of wine. There was a saying that "three kilograms of grain and one kilogram of wine".

So, how much is 60 kilograms of rice?

One dou of rice costs 5 wen, and one dou of rice is equal to 12.5 jin of rice.

That is to say, if you take 30 wen of grain and brew it into wine, you can earn 10 guan!

Even if you exclude labor costs and land costs, the profit margin is as high as ten times.

Song Zhang didn't want to give up his position as a clan elder, but he was morally kidnapped by his clan members, and some even threatened their personal lives.

Under the pressure of the situation, he had to give in.

Song Zhang suddenly regretted introducing Song Zhen into the family. This wave was like inviting a wolf into the house!

A young man who had just come of age sat in the position of the head of the clan. No matter which family he was placed in, he was a very explosive existence.


The Song family of Fenzhou should be traced back to the Song family in Xihe. Xihe County is the famous place of the Song family.

"The Song family in the world originated from the Shang Dynasty, and the land of Xihe is the county."

The Song family took the country as their surname and originated from the Song State in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The half-brother of King Shou Xin of Shang, Yin Weizi Qi, was the ancestor of the Song family. Therefore, the Song family in the world today originated from the Shang Dynasty.

It can also be found from the Prime Minister's Genealogy Table in the New Book of Tang that the Xihe Song family originated from Song Chang in the Han Dynasty.

Song Chang was a famous lieutenant under Emperor Xiaowen of the Han Dynasty, Liu Heng.

At the ancestral worship ceremony, Song Zhen and Tian Qi wore black formal suits, held three incense sticks in their hands with solemn expressions, and worshiped the ancestors of the Song family in the ancestral hall.

"A tree is thousands of feet tall, but it thrives if it has roots. A river flows thousands of miles, but it lasts long if it has a source. Inheriting the kindness of ancestors, the clan prospers."

"The first ancestor, Jun Yong, opened up the country with the west wind. He reclaimed land and reclaimed wasteland, and the clan prospered. The branches and leaves flourished, and the family prospered."

"People from all directions gathered in front of the ancestral temple. They worshiped their ancestors and advocated virtue, and supported each other. They used literature to stabilize the country, and martial arts to stabilize the country."

"Today, Song Zhen, with the courtesy name Shouzheng."

"Today, Song Tianqi, with the courtesy name Tianqi."

"Cherishing the blood relationship, thinking quietly about the relatives of the clan, on the Dinghai day of the Jiyou month of the Dingsi year (August 15, 657), I recognized my ancestors and returned to my clan, and the fallen leaves returned to their roots."

"Alas, ancestors, the spirits in heaven. Pray for blessings and good luck. Protect our clan and bless our descendants with virtue."

After Song Zhen and Tian Qi bowed three times and burned incense, the elder in the clan who was responsible for presiding over the ceremony shouted loudly.

"The ceremony is over!"

The onlookers, including the Song clan members of Fenzhou, representatives of the two Wang clans of Taiyuan, Di Renjie, representatives of the gentry from all over Bingzhou, officials from the governor's office and counties, a total of more than 2,000 people, all applauded at the same time.

Song Zhen spent 5,000 strings of cash to entertain guests from all over the world at the Song clan in Fenzhou.

The ceremony was lively until the hour of Hai.

After the ancestor worship ceremony, the ancestor was determined.

The ancestor of Song Zhen's lineage was determined to be Song Yin.

The Book of Wei records: "Song Yin, whose name is Chumo, is from Jiexiu, Xihe. His great-grandfather Shi was the prefect of Changli in Jin."

After the ancestor was determined, the family tree was checked.

Because Song Zhen's lineage was stranded during the Sui and Tang wars, his great-grandfather was Song Hao, a general of the Sui Dynasty and a lieutenant.

Song Zhen didn't know whether it was true or not. He felt that there was something wrong with the family tree.topic, anyway, it's a famous person with the same name, so I just like to add it in.

The last step is to enter the family tree.

Song Zhen and Song Tianqi are two branches, both of which are direct descendants. Fenzhou Song family expressed no objection.

The direct descendants will change with the development of the times. Now you two are awesome and are direct descendants, but your next generation, the next generation, and the next generation...

It's hard to say, if one of your descendants can't give birth to a son like Cui Qiuhua, the generation will be broken and no longer a direct descendant.

Moreover, if your descendants are not strong and can't compete with other branches, they will also be squeezed out of the direct line.

After a whole week of hard work, the process of recognizing ancestors and returning to the clan was finally completed.

Song Zhen collapsed. I didn't expect it to be so tired?


After doing all this, the group returned.

The journey was calm and nothing happened.

However, when they passed Jiangzhou, they were advised by the local postman to leave quickly.

"What's wrong? Why can't I stay at the post station?"

"Minister of the Ministry of Rites, I'm doing this for your own good, because Jiangzhou has been in turmoil recently."

Di Renjie stepped forward and frowned, asking, "What's going on? Tell me in detail."

"Recently, there have been many bizarre cases in the city."


"Yes, the thieves don't take people's lives, but..." The postman hesitated.

"?" Song Zhen was impatient, "If you have something to say, just say it. If you have something to say, just fart."

"Oh, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, how can you let me say it out loud." The postman glanced at the woman accompanying them without leaving a trace.

Song Zhen understood, and he waved his hand, indicating that Cui Mengzhu should take Di Renjie's parents out first.

"Now you can talk, right?"

The postman showed a fearful expression on his face, and he trembled and said, "That group of thieves is particularly evil, and actually cut off the dry roots of men!"

I'm so perverted?

"The most bizarre thing is that the men whose roots were cut off did not die immediately, but soon became like women."

Di Renjie fell into deep thought. What did the thieves need the roots for?

Song Zhen came over and whispered.

"They won't take them back and eat them, will they?"



[Preview, the case of Wugenmen, the extreme perverted style, please be prepared. ]

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