There is no way. The Wugen Sect has been missing for a long time. The two of them have to find something to do in Jiangzhou, right? Otherwise, they will be suffocated to death?

In addition, there are no old cases in the Jiangzhou government office.

The next day, Di Renjie opened the door and was shocked by the person in front of him.

My mother is a pretty woman. The most important thing is that she is very tall, just like Shouzheng.

The woman bowed delicately and called out: "Hello, Di Lang."

Wait, why do I have goose bumps when I hear this?

Di Renjie asked tentatively with a suspicious look on his face: "Are you, Shouzheng?"

"My Chao, Huaiying, how do you know? This is not fun at all."

"......" Di Renjie was speechless. Why are you wearing women's clothes for no reason?

"Aren't we going to Xingyuan Temple today? I'll dress up as a woman to pray for a child and see what they're up to."

"......" Di Renjie was speechless. Your sacrifice seems a bit too big.

He glanced at her quietly again, and sighed in his heart: "I have to say, Shouzheng looks pretty good in women's clothes."

Then he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

In the carriage, their eyes accidentally met, and Di Renjie coughed twice to cover up.

He took the initiative to find a topic and asked: "Shouzheng, did you put on this female makeup yourself?"

"Yes, I often observe my family putting on makeup, so I learned a few tricks."

"But why do you have to wear women's clothes?" Di Renjie looked down strangely, and Song Zhen's thick leg hair was exposed under the skirt.

Uh, it's a bit of a spoiler.

"I made such a big sacrifice for the sake of solving the case." Song Zhen said aggrievedly.

Di Renjie was in a state of panic. I beg you, can you please not show this expression?

Damn, why do I have the illusion of being pitiful and sympathetic?

Are you testing the old cadres with this?

Soon, the two of them took a carriage to Xingyuan Temple.

After getting off the carriage, a young monk came to greet them immediately.

"Amitabha, two donors, are you here to pray for a child?"


"The Buddha said, you two have a predestined relationship with my temple, please come this way."

The young monk took them into the Buddhist hall, and saw that there were many women inside who heard that Xingyuan Temple was effective and came to pray for a child.

A middle-aged monk heard the footsteps and knew that someone was coming.

He slowly raised his eyes, and then his expression froze.

Good, a beautiful woman, delicate with a little heroism, heroic with charm, and charming with a little purity.

The most important thing is that this beauty is incredibly tall, probably more than six feet tall, right?

The man who came in with the woman must be her husband.

The middle-aged monk quickly put away his expression, and he showed a kind face.

"Amitabha, two donors, welcome to Xingyuan Temple."

Song Zhen, who was dressed as a woman, said: "Saint monk, I heard that the Buddhist teachings in Xingyuan Temple are effective, and I hope you can give me some advice."

The middle-aged monk was shocked, the sound of nature! This woman's voice is too beautiful, right?

It's as beautiful as spring water, refreshing, and sweet as honey.

"It seems that a top-notch person has come." The monk muttered in his heart.

"Female donor, may I ask your name?"

Song Zhen smiled shyly, then raised her eyes and said delicately, "My name is Song Zhenzhen."

"Oh, Zhenzhen, it's really a good name."

"Hehe, Saint Monk, you are too kind."

Di Renjie got goosebumps when he heard this, and he shrank back.


"Then I guess this is your husband."

Song Zhen blinked at him, and Di Renjie nodded awkwardly.

"My name is She Jing, and I meet you two donors."

"Hello, Master She Jing." Song Zhen, dressed as a woman, bowed with both hands. The moment she leaned over, the middle-aged monk's eyes widened, but he couldn't see into the abyss.

However, judging from the ups and downs, he must be extraordinary...

She Jing tactically suppressed the gun, and he stood up to see him off: "Two donors, please go over there and kneel down to worship Guanyin first."

Di Renjie and Song Zhen in women's clothing knelt down not far away with incense.

"Shou Zheng, did you see anything?"

"Really nothing, there is no violation on the surface."

"I feel that the way that Master She Jing looks at you is very problematic."

Song Zhen in women's clothing glanced over there inconspicuously, and just met She Jing's eyes. He smiled and nodded gently.

"I also found that he definitely has a problem."

Di Renjie looked ahead and asked softly: "What are you going to do?"

"Take it one step at a time."

The two of them hesitated for a long time before they finished worshipping Guanyin.

But in She Jing's eyes, he saw their extremely pious attitude.

"It seems that he is an easy target to fool."

Wait untilAfter Di Renjie and Song Zhen in women's clothing came over, She Jing said "Amitabha".

"I believe that the two donors must have heard of the distant reputation of this temple."

Di Renjie nodded: "Indeed, I heard that your temple has the magical ability to turn rotten meat into life. Many women who have been infertile for a long time can get pregnant after fasting for seven days and praying in the temple."

"My wife and I..." Di Renjie quickly changed his words, "Ahem, it's me and Zhenzhen. We have been married for many years and have no children."

"So, please give me some advice, Master."

She Jing clasped his hands together and said "Amitabha" first according to international practice.

"Good, good, I don't deserve your advice, donor, sincerity is the key to success."

"Excuse me, Master She Jing, how can we be considered sincere?" Song Zhen in women's clothing asked with a face full of grievance.

Really, I feel sorry for it.

She Jing smiled slightly: "Donor Zhenzhen, I see that your lower abdomen is black, I'm afraid this is the reason why you can't get pregnant."

Song Zhen, who was dressed as a woman, immediately pretended to be shocked and his body was limp. Di Renjie supported him.

Di Renjie hurriedly said: "Master, what can I do? No matter how much money you pay, I am willing to pay, I just hope you can cure Zhenzhen!"

She Jing looked hesitant, and when Di Renjie took out a gold ingot, his eyes lit up.

When the second gold ingot was taken out, his breathing gradually became rapid.

So, he made a pitiful expression.

"Amitabha, since the two donors have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, I, even if it means losing merit, will help the donors to relieve their worries."

"Donors, you may not know that there is a temple in Xingyuan Temple called Zisun Hall."

"As long as the donor Zhenzhen stays tonight, he can chant scriptures by beating wooden fish in the clean room next to Zisun Hall and receive the baptism of Guanyin, and everything will be fine."

Di Renjie asked curiously, "Master, can I accompany him to stay overnight?"

She Jing shook his head slowly, "This male donor, praying to the gods and Buddhas requires a sincere heart. If someone accompanies him, the Buddha will blame him and think that the donor Zhenzhen is not sincere enough."

Di Renjie narrowed his eyes, and there was indeed a problem.

What is your intention to let a weak woman stay alone in the temple and not allow her husband to accompany her?

Song Zhen in women's clothing frowned slightly, she hesitated for a moment, and then her expression became firm.

"Di Lang, let me stay in the Zisun Hall alone."

"Zhenzhen, thank you for your hard work."

She Jing smiled slightly. Seeing that his plan had succeeded, he clasped his hands together, said "Amitabha", and left the two of them.

Di Renjie and Song Zhen, dressed as a woman, came to the Zisun Hall behind Xingyuan Temple under the guidance of the little monk.

He was arranged to the first clean room.

In the clean room, incense and candles were burning, and the faint smell of sandalwood filled the whole room.

As soon as Song Zhen entered the door, his expression changed.

"Huaiying, this smell is so familiar."

Di Renjie frowned: "Indeed, I also felt it, it smells similar to the red powder sprinkled by the Wugenmen group."

Song Zhen, who was dressed in women's clothing, lifted his chest and corrected his position. While doing this action, he said: "Could it be that Xingyuan Temple is the nest of Wugenmen?"

Di Renjie nodded: "Even if it is not the nest, there must be a connection."

The things he gave to the jailer before included a sachet filled with special spices.

But suddenly, the location of the sachet began to be erratic.

It seems that the other party probably found the sachet and put it on the beast in an attempt to confuse the test.

The last location was near the mountain of Xingyuan Temple.

So, Di Renjie and Song Zhen were so curious about this place.

It seems that they came to the right place this time.

"It's just that Shouzheng was wronged. He had to play a weak woman with a bloody body."

Di Renjie sighed in his heart.

In order to avoid a car accident, Song Zhen asked Di Renjie to go out and steal a few incense sticks.

Damn, this aphrodisiac poison cannot be smelled. It will kill you if you smell it too much. Who knows what excessive things he will do?

Di Renjie nodded, he walked out of the clean room, worshiped again as if no one was around, and then put a stick of incense stick into his sleeve without anyone noticing.

Not long after, he stole five incense sticks.

When he returned to the clean room, he found that Song Zhen had fainted.

After all, this aphrodisiac poison is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Di Renjie first replaced the aphrodisiac incense sticks with ordinary incense sticks.

After finishing everything, he punched the opponent's abdomen, and Song Zhen felt pain and woke up in confusion.

"Shouzheng, I'll take this incense stick back first. Be careful."

Song Zhen rubbed his temples to make himself sober.

He smiled at Di Renjie: "Don't worry, Huaiying, my kung fuAre you still worried? "

Di Renjie saw this spring breeze smile, his heart tightened, and then nodded: "Yes. I will arrange Wu Da and others to come to assist you. "

At night-

"Buddha, you hate evil, this dust covers your eyes. The evil people come forward and the good people beg, but you turn back if you can't beg."

"Buddha, you have accumulated virtue and done good deeds, why didn't you avoid that war. How many people's families have been destroyed and scattered, who are you doing good to?"

"Buddha, you don't care, but you say that people are difficult. There is no way to heaven in hell, do you know that officials protect each other?"

"Buddha, you are moody, too confused about the world. If the sky collapses and you don't resist, I would like to be the demon king forever."

"Buddha said that everyone can make mistakes, but you have never made mistakes. Good and evil are all done by you, how can there be ten unforgivable sins. "


Song Zhen was bored and knocking on the wooden fish and singing rap.

Suddenly, there were heavy gasps from the next room. He quickly lifted his skirt and ran over, putting his ear against the wall to eavesdrop.

He couldn't help but frown, because the noise was too loud, even mixed with the laughter of multiple monks.

Their obscene comments made Song Zhen furious!

Damn, a devout Buddhist who is devoted to having a child is defiled by you, a group of despicable and shameless monks?

Through the window, he saw the three Buddha statues in the main hall of the Zisun Hall, with kind eyes and expressionless faces, witnessing the monks doing evil with their own eyes.

Is this the Buddha?

Suddenly, the bolt of the door of the clean room he was in moved.

Song Zhen quickly returned to his seat and sat down, tilting his head and pretending to sleep.


[In order to make everyone see less ads, two chapters are merged into one.]

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