"Song Shouzheng, I heard that you have great musical talent. Although I am not talented, I also know a thing or two about music."

Song Zhen waved his hand: "You are praising me too much. I am just standing on the shoulders of my predecessors and carrying the burden forward. I am not a talented person."

"Hehe, Song Shouzheng's humility is really well-deserved."

After hearing this, Song Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Then, I will show you my ugliness."

"Song Shouzheng, please."

Song Zhen sat on the ground, put the zither handed over by Pei Yaoyao on his legs, and gently plucked the strings.

Waves of notes exuding a sad atmosphere jumped from his fingertips.

"This song is..."

Di Renjie shook his head, saying that he didn't know and had never heard it.

The previous music was a little slow, but there was a sense of telling a story, which made people want to guess the true meaning of the song.

After one and a half minutes, the melody of the music suddenly rose.

Song Zhen suddenly opened his mouth, he was singing in a low voice, using a sad female voice.

Pei Yaoyao was moved by this voice.

"This is..." She couldn't imagine how a man could make a female voice more delicate than hers?

Isn't this a monster?

Pei Yaoyao was unconsciously immersed in Song Zhen's singing, she seemed to be full of thoughts.

While Song Zhen was playing and singing, he secretly glanced at her expression.

After the song was over, Di Renjie couldn't help but ask curiously: "Song Lang, what is the name of your song?"

"May Rain"

May Rain? Pei Yaoyao murmured in her mouth, she said lightly: "It's a very romantic name."


Song Zhen felt a little...

"May Rain" is from the Naruto anime. Every time Song Zhen played this song, he would think of someone involuntarily, Jiraiya.

Since Jiraiya died, no one has eaten popsicles with Naruto anymore.

"May Rain" is actually the product of the aesthetics of Xiaorizi's mono no aware, including various plots and music in Naruto.

The concept of "mono no aware" can be simply understood as "the true feelings are revealed".

Xiaorizi was deeply influenced by our ancient tragic literature, which made them emo.

The difference is that we are sad, but we pay attention to "starting from emotion, ending with etiquette, being happy but not lewd, and being sad but not hurt."

However, Xiaorizi has developed it to an extreme, "starting from emotion, ending with emotion, being happy but lewd, and being sad but hurt."

Therefore, their various works often hurt people, because Xiaorizi's traditional culture is like this, and they feel uncomfortable if they are not abused for a day.


"In fact, this song will feel better if it is played with a huqin (erhu). "

"Really?" Pei Yaoyao raised his head and stared at him in a daze.

Song Zhen nodded lightly.

Then, she took out a huqin from the room and gently plucked the strings.

After hearing this, Song Zhen was stunned.

"How can this person play the song perfectly after just listening to it once?"

Compared to Song Zhen, Di Renjie was even more amazing.

Although it is a great breakthrough to go from zero to one, it is also good to be able to perfectly replicate one.

Pei Yaoyao is one of these rare geniuses.

Her greatest strength is not that she can remember every note completely, but that she can perfectly write out the transition notes.

Song Zhen just used the zither, and she used the huqin.

There is a huge difference between the two instruments, not only in the timbre, but also in the playing techniques.

Being able to draw inferences from one example is already a very powerful existence.

After Pei Yaoyao finished playing a song, she shyly looked at Song Zhen.

The other party did not change his expression, but just nodded in approval.

After the foreplay, they started to get straight to the point.

When Song Zhen saw Pei Yaoyao for the first time, he felt that she was a shy woman who was not good at speaking. After hearing about her identity, he used music to open her heart.

"Miss Pei, do you know how many brothels there are in Jiangzhou?"

Pei Yaoyao's pretty face was stunned. She recalled for a while before answering: "To be honest, the entertainment industry in Jiangzhou is not well developed. There is only one brothel in Pingkangfang."

She tilted her head in confusion and asked: "My young man, I wonder why you ask this?"

Di Renjie laughed and said it was nothing, just asking casually.

"Oh." Pei Yaoyao lowered her head, and a strange emotion flashed in her eyes again.

Di Renjie and Song Zhen left Pingkangfang and visited the East and West Markets in Jiangzhou.

It was really as Pei Yaoyao said, there was only one brothel.

"Could it be..." Song Zhen was confused. Could it really be Pingkangfang?

Di Renjie's heart sank. He naturally knew that the owner behind Pingkangfang was the Hedong Pei family.The relationship between Song Zhen and Hedong Pei family.

He really didn't want this case to involve Pingkangfang.

Because if so, it would inevitably affect the reputation of Shouzheng.

Song Zhen turned his head and asked: "Huaiying, do you suspect that Pei Yaoyao has a problem?"

"No, she is normal." Di Renjie said something against his will.

In fact, he saw a little clue from the changes in the other party's expression and eyes.

He observed a person very carefully.

If he felt that the person had a problem, then there must be a problem, and he never failed.


Pei Yaoyao stood on the high building, watching the two people leave in silence.

As soon as she turned around, she ran into someone. She hurriedly lowered her head and greeted weakly.


If Song Zhen and Di Renjie were here, they would definitely recognize that the woman in front of Pei Yaoyao was the woman in white that day.

"Sister, why are they here?"

"They?" Pei Yaoyao tilted her head, not knowing what to say.

"It's the two men who just left your room."

"Oh." Pei Yaoyao bowed her head and responded, "They just came to ask if there are other places for fireworks in Jiangzhou."

"Then how do you answer?"

"I, I just said that we are the only Pingkangfang in Jiangzhou."

The woman in white slapped Pei Yaoyao with a palm, leaving a red mark on her face.

"How can you do this? What a fool!"

"......" Pei Yaoyao did not refute, but lowered her head, tears in her eyes.

"Have you forgotten that my elder sister often taught us that men are not good?"

"But sister, is it really like this?"

"Do you dare to question my elder sister's words?"

Pei Yaoyao raised her head: "I only believe what I see."

"Alas, you are still too young, you have not been hurt by a man, you don't understand."

Pei Yaoyao was still puzzled: "But, isn't it a wonderful thing for a man and a woman to be together? Why hurt the other party?"

"......" The woman in white didn't know how to answer this question.

So she changed the subject: "By the way, have you drunk today's nectar?"

Pei Yaoyao shook her head gently, frowning: "That thing is so unpalatable, fishy and smelly."

"Drink it, it's good for your body. Also, remember to apply it on your body, it can make women's skin better."

Pei Yaoyao suddenly smiled brightly: "Okay, I'll listen to you, sister."

The woman in white sighed: "You are so silly. I'm really afraid that some dirty man will harm you."

"Has my sister ever been harmed by a stinky man?"


The woman in white immediately thought of someone, and she gritted her teeth!

[Strange, why are there so many comments in Chapter 243? Just because of Song Zhenzhen? ]

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