"What year is it today? Can anyone tell me?"

"The second year of Xianqing (657)."

"The Tang Dynasty's imperial examination began in the first year of Wude (618), how come it suddenly changed?"

"It's been 39 years, which is not a short time."

When they woke up one day, the imperial examination system was changed. Some people were happy and some were worried, and there was a lot of grief.

"It's over. It's hard for poor families to produce noble sons."

"You said it as if you can pass the exam once a year."

"That's not the case. Once a year, there is one more chance. If the top students get ashore earlier, won't our chances of winning be higher?"

"You think too much. No matter how the imperial examination system is reformed, the beneficiaries and victims are those big aristocratic families, and it has nothing to do with us poor families."

"That's right. The educational resources of poor families are far inferior to those of big aristocratic families. But I'm worried that in the future, the gap between the aristocratic families and the poor families will become wider and wider."

"Think about it from another angle. If the imperial examination is changed to once every two years, the number of aristocratic families entering the court as officials will decrease."

"Will the number of poor families also decrease?"

At this time, a handsome guy who had already passed the exam passed by and said earnestly.

"Alas, you who didn't pass the exam don't understand. I think the reform of the imperial examination this time is very good."


"You don't know that after passing the exam, you need to wait at home for a job arrangement, which usually takes one to two years."

So long? A group of people were stunned, they really didn't know.

Because they didn't pass the exam, they always thought that they could take office immediately after the list was announced.

A little cutie asked the boss humbly: "Why do we have to wait so long?"

"Because the positions are limited, since the Zhenguan period, the three provinces and six ministries, nine temples and five prisons, and local officials have been overcrowded. Newcomers have to wait for the old officials to be promoted or demoted before they have the opportunity to take office."

However, how many small officials are demoted every year?

The boss who landed sighed: "To be honest, I have been at home doing nothing for three years now. I feel lonely taking the exam."

Everyone felt that this guy was pretending, but they had no evidence.

A cute little girl asked, "Didn't you say that after passing the imperial examination, if you are eager to serve, you can participate in the Ministry of Personnel's Boxue Hongci?"

The big boss rolled his eyes at him and said, "Do you think that thing is easy to pass?"

"Uh..." Everyone was speechless. After the big boss's suggestion, it seemed that the reform of the imperial examination system was not a bad thing.

Who would want to stay idle at home if they could get a job as soon as possible?

But when you think about it, how can it not be a bad thing?

In the past, the examination was held once a year. Suppose there were 100,000 candidates in the country, competing for the pitiful 100-person scholar seat.

Then there is a test every two years, and there are only more candidates, but there are only so many positions, and there are too many people for too little porridge.

In the past, it was like a thousand troops crossing a single-plank bridge, but now it is harder than walking on a tightrope.

The imperial examination in the Tang Dynasty was the most difficult in all dynasties. The fundamental reason is that the number of applicants was terrifying, but the number of admissions was so small every year.

Volume 640 of Cefu Yuangui, "Gongju Department·Regulations II" records: "In May of the 18th year of Zhenyuan, the imperial edict stated: From now on, the number of candidates admitted to the imperial examinations shall not exceed 100, and the number of candidates admitted to the imperial examinations shall not exceed 20. If there are no such candidates, it is not necessary to reach this number." (Original text)

Looking at the general list of candidates admitted to the imperial examinations in the Tang Dynasty, there was no year in which the total number exceeded or reached the limit of 120.

It is conceivable how difficult it was to pass the imperial examination in the Tang Dynasty.

This reform of the imperial examination system made it even more difficult, and the future was even more bleak.

On the other hand, the great aristocratic families also talked about it.

The heads of the Five Surnames and Seven Families met again: "Everyone, what do you think about the reform of the imperial examination?"

Cui Yu said with disdain: "Reform? No matter how it is changed, the imperial examination is controlled by us. It is better to change it to once every two years. This time, the proportion of children from the gentry who pass the examination is higher."

According to the "New and Old Books of Tang": Among the 830 Jinshi in the Tang Dynasty, there were 589 children from the gentry, accounting for 70.96% of the total; there were about 109 people with small surnames, accounting for 13.13%; the two together accounted for 84.10% of the total, and there were 132 children from poor families, accounting for only 15.9% of the total.

The gentry really achieved a monopoly in the imperial examination.

There is no difference between once every two years and once a year. On the contrary, the longer the time is delayed, the more beneficial it is to the gentry.

The elder of the Cui family of Boling frowned and said, "Cui Yu, are you too naive?"

Cui Yu looked at him puzzledly: "What do you mean?"

"Every two years means that the number of children of the gentry who enter the court to serve as officials will be greatly reduced. Do you understand?"

After his reminder, everyone was slightly stunned. It's true.

In this way, the reform of the imperial examination system is a weakening for the gentry.

It turns out that the fundamental purpose of the Li Tang family is thisHow about that?


The imperial examination had nothing to do with Song Zhen. He didn't care what those scholars thought or saw.

A week later, Li Zhi readjusted the positions in the Zhenguan Hall.

"Han Yuan, the Minister of the Court and the Duke of Yingchuan, was demoted to the Governor of Zhenzhou. Lai Ji, the Minister of the Central Secretariat and the Prince's Secretary and the Marquis of Nanyang, was demoted again and demoted to the Governor of Taizhou."

The experiences of these two people are sad. Overnight, they were exiled from the central ministers to the court.

As for Li Yifu, he was directly beheaded and stripped of the honor of the Duke of Hejian County.

"In addition, Du Zhenglun, the Secretary of the Court, was promoted to the Minister of the Central Secretariat and concurrently the Minister of Revenue."

[Cold knowledge: In the first year of Xianqing, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue was changed to the Minister of Revenue, and the Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Revenue was also changed to the Assistant Minister of Revenue. 】

After this title was bestowed, the pattern of the court suddenly became clear.

There are three Ministers of the Central Secretariat, namely Lu Chengqing, Xu Jingzong, and Du Zhenglun.

Generally speaking, the factions in the court are headed by several Zhongshu Ling, which is also the balance that the emperor wants to see.

"Di Renjie, the assistant censor and Dali Temple Secretary, was promoted to Dali Temple Shaoqing."

"Ouyang Yu, the Langzhong of the Ministry of Justice, was promoted to Dali Temple Shaoqing."

Xue Zhengqing was stunned. What's going on? Why did they transfer people from other departments to occupy the Dali Temple's toilet?

Moreover, he, the Dali Temple Secretary, was not notified at all, and someone was suddenly stuffed in.

Although the Ministry of Justice is responsible for the promulgation, implementation and case review of laws and orders, it can be regarded as a professional counterpart.

However, Xue Zhengqing had never heard of this person.

He quietly approached and asked Song Zhen: "Song Lang, you are the assistant minister of the Ministry of Justice. Have you heard of this person?"

Song Zhen thought for a while, and frowned and said: "I think I have heard of him."

When the new copyright law was first established, Song Zhen worked in the Ministry of Justice.

It happened to be the same office as Song Zhen.

"Then have you known this man?"

Song Zhen pondered, "I remember he has a very abnormal ability."

"Tell me more."

"Photographic memory!"


"There are a total of twenty volumes of "Tang Law Commentary". No matter what you mention, he can recite it to you immediately. He can even tell you which chapter and which page in detail."

Xue Zhengqing widened his eyes and stammered, "Is he so amazing?"

However, it is far from enough to be selected as the Shaoqing of the Dali Temple just because of this ability.

In the officialdom of the Tang Dynasty, it is not the ability that matters, but more about the relationship.

Of course, this rule only applies to those below the third rank.

It is not ruled out that Ouyang Yu has his own background.

Since the ministers of various ministries do not belong to the central government, Ouyang Yu did not attend the court in the Zhenguan Hall.

After the court was dismissed, Song Zhen was called by Li Zhi to drink tea again.

"My dear, I think what you said makes sense."

"What?" Song Zhen looked at him in confusion.

"It's your poem, which says that talents are selected regardless of their background." Li Zhi smiled, "I have thought about it and decided to increase the number of subjects in the imperial examination to 100."


Li Zhi handed him a piece of paper. Song Zhen looked down and froze in his place.

"There are the subjects of Zhilie Qiushuang, Yousu, Cihenwenlu, Yuemu, Cibiao Wenyuan, Xuwencaizhisi, Baoruzhisu, Lindibuzhijian Ningbang, Changcaibunduchenjixiali, Wenyiyouzhang, Juelun, Bacui, Jiuewu, Gonghuang, Caiyingguanyue, Caigaoweixia, and Caigaoweixia..."

I'm so angry! What's going on?

Could it be that the more than 100 imperial examinations added by Emperor Gaozong in the second year of Xianqing in history were my doing?

Li Zhi laughed and said, "I have discussed with the Imperial College Master recently, which includes the humanities, literature, agriculture, industry, military, medicine, art and other directions, as many as a hundred, from all aspects of assessment, select practical talents."

Song Zhen's facial muscles twitched, and he stammered, "Your Majesty, it's amazing."

"Do you think there is anything else to add?"

Song Zhen shook his head, in fact, there is no need at all.

"New Language of the Tang Dynasty. Li Ge": "Emperor Yang of Sui changed the two categories of Ming (Classics) and Jin (Scholars). The country added Xiucai, Mingfa, Mingzi, and Mingsuan according to the Sui system, and the previous six categories."

The above six categories can already select talents from all aspects very well.

The reason why Li Zhi added the system category is to give poor families and commoners more employment opportunities.

So that they don't have to follow the gentry to take the Jinshi exam.

Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. In real history, there were not many people who took the 100 major exams. It can even be said that there were very few people who took the 100 major exams.

Song Zhen did not know the reason. He needed to investigate further.

However, Song Zhen felt that many of the exam contents in the major exams were actually repeated, soHe asked Li Zhi to let him communicate with the Imperial College.

Li Zhi agreed.


Time passed quickly, and Song Zhen had been hiding in the Imperial College during this period.

"Zeng Siye, you have worked hard."

"Taichang Temple Minister, you should be the one who has worked hard. This matter has nothing to do with you."

The Imperial College, in simple terms, is the national education management agency.

From the perspective of function, the Imperial College Jiji is equivalent to the director of the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education and the director of the Higher Education Department, while the Siye is the deputy, assisting the Jijiu in supervising the teaching and training duties.

The two flattered each other, and they were in love.

There is no way, educated people can brag all night long.

Zeng Weichen, the Siye of the Imperial College, laughed and said, "Taichang Temple Minister, thank you for your contribution to the reform of the imperial examination system. The students of the Tang Dynasty will always remember your merits."

Song Zhen shook his hand, and he put on a righteous expression.

"Ah, Zeng Siye, you are too flattering. I am just doing what I should do, and I am not great."

After the two discussed, the 136 imperial examinations listed by Li Zhi were reduced to 101.

And the direction of the examination was determined.

At first, the Imperial College was confused about Song Zhen's arrival. They thought, what does this imperial examination have to do with the Taichang Temple?

After in-depth communication, Zeng Weichen was shocked. He did not expect that Song Zhen was such a thoughtful person.

He alone formulated the examination direction of more than 60 subjects, which was amazing.

He even proposed the cross-era idea of ​​professional certificates.

Zeng Weichen suddenly felt that Song Zhen was really wasted in the Taichang Temple.

On second thought, the Taichang Temple Minister was a third-rank official, the boss of the Imperial College, and the Imperial College Jijiu was a third-rank official.

It seems that letting him come to the Imperial College is a waste of talent.

"Let's go, Zeng Siye, go to Pingkangfang and Huichunfang when you have time."

Zeng Weichen waved his hand with a dry laugh and said goodbye to Song Zhen. ......

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