Di Renjie returned to the Shaoqing's exclusive office in the Dali Temple. He took out a map of the surrounding area of ​​Yihe Village and marked a point on it.

Then he was surprised to find that the place where the murderer dumped the body actually conformed to the five elements?

In the theory of the five elements, the south belongs to fire, the east belongs to wood, the north belongs to water, the west belongs to gold, and the center belongs to earth, which helps to balance gold, wood, water and fire.

The boy and girl were found in Niu Ma's house at the north end of Yihe Village.

Niu Ma fell from a high altitude into the fields outside the village.

And this time, the five-element fate of the dead in the furnace was found in the mountains and forests further south.

Di Renjie connected the three crime scenes into a line.

It happened that the north and south were the same distance from the center.

"In this case, the next crime scene will be here!"

Di Renjie took out a ruler, carefully measured the distance, and drew a circle somewhere.

"But according to the map, this is the center of the Yi River."

He couldn't guess how the murderer would choose to kill Niu Ma's wife?

"No, no, what if the deceased is not her?"

From the deceased whose five elements were "fire in the furnace", the murderer may not only target the villagers of Yihe Village, he can also find people from other villages outside.

As long as the five elements of Na Yin meet, they can become his target.

Afterwards, Di Renjie found something even more incredible from the map.

"This is..."

"The dragon vein of Dongdu?"

Di Renjie remembered that when he was investigating the Buddha head case, he met an old man by chance, and he said this.

【“The feng shui of this mountain range is excellent, and it has been recognized by Yuan Tianshi. Look there.” The old man pointed to the mountain in front, “Does it look like a dragon head roaring to the sky?”

“If you climb to a high place and look down, you will find that this mountain range is like a dragon body twisting and wriggling, and it looks like it is flying into the sky. It is the Southern Dragon, one of the four dragons guarding the Eastern Capital.”

“And this mountain is located at the seven-inch position of the dragon body.” (Chapter 149)】

If all the five elements are connected, the central area is exactly the seven-inch position of the dragon vein.

Di Renjie’s face changed drastically. He finally understood the ultimate purpose of why the murderer used human sacrifice.

“This is not a small case! It concerns the country!”

What are the consequences if the dragon vein is destroyed or polluted?

As a saint who enjoys the blessing of the dragon vein, he will be the first to be affected.

It is a small matter that the saint will suddenly fall seriously ill and cannot handle state affairs. If so, he will be bedridden and may even die.

Now the crown prince Li Hong is young, only 5 years old, and is absolutely incompetent.

The most serious consequence is that the Li Tang Dynasty will eventually be replaced by others because of the saint Li Zhi's serious illness!

The more Di Renjie thought about it, the more frightened he became. He couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

It's easy to replace, but it's hard to return the country!

As for how serious the saint's illness is, it depends on the extent to which the murderer destroyed the dragon vein of Dongdu, and the saint's own blessing.

No! There is no time to lose, he can't do it alone anymore!

He must call someone!

"Shouzheng! I need you!" Di Renjie couldn't help but look in the direction of Ziwei City. The first foreign aid he thought of was Song Zhen.

So he immediately rushed into the palace in a hurry.


Song Zhen was rehearsing military songs at this time. Because military songs are magnificent, he was worried that they would not be able to play out the domineering spirit if played by female performers.

Therefore, Song Zhen found 108 male musicians from the public.

"Huaiying, why are you here?"

"Quick! Follow me!"

"What's going on?" Song Zhen stopped in confusion.

Di Renjie told the case, and Song Zhen was silent.

Could it be that Li Zhi's sudden illness in history was caused by someone destroying the dragon vein?

There is no record in history books, so he has no way of knowing.

However, Song Zhen really didn't want Li Zhi to get into trouble. So far, Emperor Li Zhi has been very good to him.

Not only is he good at governing the country, but he is also very kind and ambitious.

If Li Zhi's health is healthy for another 20 years, the Tang Dynasty is likely to reach a new peak.

Song Zhen said to Di Renjie calmly: "Huaiying, don't panic first."

Di Renjie gradually calmed down after hearing what the other party said.

Indeed, what he did just now was really a bit impulsive.

On second thought, Di Renjie is only 27 years old now, at the age of vigor and vitality, and it is understandable for him to do such a thing. If it is the elderly Di Pangpang, it would be unreasonable.

"Since we need to call for help, it is not enough for me alone. We must get the support of His Majesty."

"Secondly, it is best to use the Jinwu Guards to search for the criminals in a carpet-style manner."

"Finally, use magic to defeat magic."

Di Renjie's eyes lit up when he heard the last part.: "Shouzheng, what do you mean?"

Song Zhen smiled slightly: "Huaiying, you know what I mean."

"Since the other party is using Taoist magic to destroy the dragon vein of Dongdu, then we will find someone who is proficient in Qimen Dunjia."

"Yuan Tiangang!"

"Yuan Tiangang!"

The two said the same name in unison!

Song Zhen laughed: "No, no, no, Yuan Tianshi is not enough, I have to add Li Chunfeng!"

Di Renjie's face became excited. With these two great gods, it is likely to be stable.

However, Yuan Tiangang is now unknown. He disappeared after 19 years of Zhenguan. It is said that he traveled around the world.

And Li Chunfeng, according to historical records, once studied and became a disciple of Yuan Tiangang.

So, as Yuan Tiangang's most outstanding disciple, Li Chunfeng should know where he is now.

Even if he doesn't know, he can get the direction through divination, right?

Don't blame Song Zhen for being superstitious. Divination is a mysterious thing.

Look at Di Renjie. He found out the location where Feng Chang escaped through divination.


Song Zhen took Di Renjie with him, and called Xue Zhengqing and Lu Yang, two leaders, to the Dayi Hall.

On the way, Xue Zhengqing and Lu Yang heard about this. Old Lu was almost scared to death, but Old Xue was still calm.

The four of them came to the door of Dayi Hall, and Song Zhen walked towards Huang Sijian with a smile.

"Hey, Taichang Temple Minister, what's up? Come to visit me when you have time?"

"Sorry, I'm not here to visit you, but I have something to do with Your Majesty."

"It's rare, Taichang Temple Minister." Huang Sijian was not angry. The two were just joking. He walked into Dayi Hall with a smile and greeted Li Zhi.

After coming out, Song Zhen quickly stuffed him a piece of gold, and Huang Sijian smiled even more.

Xue Zhengqing was stunned. Good guy, he finally knew why Song Zhen was promoted so quickly.

I am not good at this kind of social skills.

"Your Majesty, I have something important to report." Di Renjie stepped forward and bowed.

Li Zhi stopped writing and looked at the four people in confusion.

Especially Song Zhen. From what I remember, it seems that this guy came to me on his own initiative for the first time?

After getting permission, Di Renjie told the process and investigation results of the three cases, and finally added his own inferences, in detail.

The brush in Li Zhi's hand fell on the desk with a click.


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