
Shangguan Doctor fainted again, this time for real, he couldn't stand it anymore.

Song Zhen waved his hand and asked Zhang San and Li Si to carry Shangguan Doctor away quickly.

"Everyone, please look, here is the heart, also called a square inch of land." Song Zhen pointed and introduced, but few people wanted to see it.

"This autopsy is to verify that the deceased died of natural causes, not by Miss Xia He."

"Okay, okay, stop talking, hurry up." Lu Shi urged impatiently, damn it, he didn't want to stay here for a quarter of an hour.

Song Zhen instructed Tian Qi to carefully cut off the heart.

He held the heart in his hand and handed it to Lu Shi.

You fucking...

Lu Shi's face turned black, this kid is even more hateful than that stubborn Di Renjie!

"Lu Shi, please look."

Lu Yang took a closer look, but didn't see anything special.

"Take a closer look? Is it broken inside?"

I'm so angry!

"It's true!" Governor Lu exclaimed. He just saw it with his own eyes. Song Zhen didn't do anything destructive.

Moreover, the broken part was not smooth, and it didn't look like it was cut by a knife at all.

In other words, the internal damage of the deceased's heart was the real cause of his death.

"Governor Lu, I said that Miss Xia He is not the murderer. Can this be proved now?"

Song Zhen smiled slightly: "Governor Lu will never believe in gods and ghosts, right?"

Martial arts internal strength master? Hitting the bull from behind the mountain? Don't be funny.

Besides, Miss Xia He is a weak woman, how can she understand these?

Lu Yang looked at Song Zhen deeply. It must be said that although this kid is a bit tricky, he is really capable.

"How did you guess it?"

Song Zhen handed the heart to Tian Qi and asked him to show it to everyone, including the crowd watching outside the door.

Everyone shouted, "Don't come over here!"

He took off his gloves and washed his hands with vinegar, saying, "Death."


"Yes, before he died, the deceased covered his chest tightly and finally fell to the ground."

Lu Shishi was puzzled. He also went to the crime scene to investigate, but he didn't see any clues.

"I judged from the dust on the ground that the deceased covered his chest with his right hand when he died."

Song Zhen smiled confidently: "If you don't believe it, you can summon Miss Xia He and ask her."

Miss Xia He was brought up by a jailer. She subconsciously glanced at the corpse and was immediately frightened and her face turned pale.

"Xia He, let me ask you, did the deceased cover his chest with his right hand before he fell to the ground?"

Xia He hesitated and shook her head: "I, I don't remember."

Miss Chunhua was almost dying of anxiety. What are you doing? In order to clear your name, Song Lang suppressed his nausea and dissected the body in public, and this is your answer?

Just as Governor Lu was about to speak, Song Zhen stretched out his right palm to interrupt him.

Song Zhen looked at Miss Xia He steadily and said softly, "Would you like to think about it again?"

Miss Xia He closed her eyes, her expression struggling. Obviously, she really didn't want to recall that scene.

After a while, she nodded heavily and replied, "Yes. When he fell, he did cover his chest with his right hand and his chest landed on the ground."

Then, her eyes turned red: "I, I didn't know he was dead. I really didn't know. I, I dragged him to the bed..."

Song Zhen held her in his arms, patted her back and comforted her: "It's okay, it's okay, everything is over."

Miss Xia He cried even harder.

Everyone outside the door had red eyes at the same time, and Miss Chunhua rushed in, hugged Song Zhen and Miss Xia He, and cried together.

"Oh my god! Such a white face cleanser!" Song Zhen was squeezed so hard that he almost couldn't breathe.

Governor Lu was indifferent to the sensational scene. He just wanted to leave here quickly.

However, he still had to ask what he should ask.

"Can we judge the cause of death just by the posture of the deceased?"

Song Zhen stuck his head out and left the two women. He regained his confidence again.

"Of course not only that, the death of the deceased is different from others."

"First, the deceased died with his eyes open, which means that he probably died suddenly. The speed of his pupils dilating is very unreasonable."

"Second, his whole body is white, his body is stiff, and there is a dull sound when knocking on his chest, which means that there may be blood inside."

"Third, it is common sense to judge that the deceased's expression is painful and hideous, and his body is irregularly curled, which means that there was limb twitching when he died."

"And..." [I can't make it up. (。•́︿•̀。)]

Miss Xia He suddenly raised her head and said, "Yes, he was shaking all over when he fell to the ground. At that time, I thought..."

After listening to Song Zhen's long speech, Governor Lu nodded secretly, he asked curiously.

"Have you learned the art of Qi Huang?"


"Then how do you know this knowledge?"

"I was taught by others."

"......" Lu Zhishi was speechless, it was the same as if you hadn't said anything.

He waved his hand, "Forget it, since you have proved that the deceased did not die of external injuries, then Xia He will be acquitted."

"Okay--" There was a cry outside the door, and everyone looked at the tall and handsome young man in the center of the hall with gratitude.

If it weren't for him, Miss Xia He would most likely be tortured into confessing, and finally pay with her life.

In fact, Song Zhen had another doubt, which he didn't raise.

That is, when Miss Xia He saw the Hu man fall to the ground and twitch, why did she move him to the bed and take off his clothes on her own initiative?

Normally, shouldn't she be scared and scream at the first time?

The biggest problem is that when the body was found, it was face down, not lying on its back.


Song Zhen looked back at Miss Xia He who was kneeling before him, and his brows relaxed immediately.

Forget it, there is no need to be too serious about some things, so let it be.

The dead are gone, and the living still need to work hard to live.

"Lu Zhishi, then, that, what should we do?"

Lu Yang glared at the clerk, and he angrily said: "What should we do? You kid ask me? Just find a place to bury it, what? Do you want to move it back home to worship it?"

[Cold knowledge: "Kid" in the Tang Dynasty was fragrant, and it was synonymous with holding a hair. 】

The Tang Dynasty was strong, and many people from small countries came here to seek students, not international students.

Foreigners with legitimate reasons come to the Eastern Tang Dynasty to study and trade, and they are guests, and we welcome them.

Don't come, you can come or not, my great Tang Dynasty, please come?

If you come, you must abide by the "Yonghui Law", everyone is equal, stealing will be imprisoned, and killing will be punished by life.

Of course, Kunlun slaves still have no human rights as always.

Because the Hu people had no registration information, no one claimed their bodies for so many days, so they were treated as that and buried in a mass grave.

He would not be treated specially because he was a Hu person.

"Uh..." The clerk was stunned. It seemed that Lu, the governor, was a little irritable today.

There was no need for Song Zhen to remind him to disinfect the scene. The government would naturally handle it.

After so many years of plague in ancient times, the ancients naturally accumulated experience.

As for Tian Qi, Song Zhen asked him to rub the minced garlic on the spot, wash his hands with hot vinegar, and remember to fumigate with Cangmu.

Song Zhen didn't know if it would work, and there was no disinfectant in this era.

Fortunately, the dead were Hu people. If they were locals, Song Zhen would not have the opportunity to dissect the body.

Di Renjie walked to Song Zhen and admired the beautiful sunset with him.

"Fortunately, Miss Xia He met you."

"I think so too."

It was indeed a blessing for Miss Xia He to meet Song Zhen.

If the original historical trajectory had been followed, she would most likely have been sentenced to death.

In this era, the coroner is not professional in autopsies, and few officials would associate it with a disease like myocardial infarction.

If there had not been Song Zhen who traveled through time from the postmodern era.

If Song Zhen had not stayed overnight at Huichunfang that night.

If Song Zhen had not known the symptoms of myocardial infarction by chance.

If, if, if...

Song Zhen shook his head and laughed. Ha, how could there be so many ifs?

For all these causes and effects, what Miss Xia He should be most grateful for.

It should be her kindness that has remained unchanged for eight years.


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