Li Chunfeng took out a booklet from his bosom, and then he looked at the corona next to him.

Song Zhen just came to his house and wanted to discuss "Tui Bei Tu" with him.

As he walked into the courtyard, he saw Li Chunfeng doing magic.

Li Chunfeng first took the Gang step, chanting the spell while drawing the talisman quickly.

"The Holy Spirit is mighty, shaking the heaven and earth. Three Yuan and Seven Political, Nine Powers and Eight Spirits. Wolf Fang Fierce Officials, Flowing Gold and Fire Bells... Five Thunders and Iron Faces, Breaking the Formation General... Shake the mountains and gather the clouds, break the demons and subdue the gods. God has an order, and it must be implemented quickly."

"Hurry up and obey the command!"

[Scientific explanation: That mountain is the highest mountain in Luoyang. Standing so high and building a high platform, who else can be struck if not you? 】

After the talisman was completed, Li Chunfeng picked up the talisman paper with a peach wood sword, and then pinched a hand seal. The talisman paper actually burned itself in the air?

Soon, the talisman paper burned out, leaving only a cluster of black ash.

Song Zhen was stunned. What is this? What are you doing?

What he didn't expect was that the next moment, a roar of thunder came from afar, which scared him.

[Scientific explanation: It's just luck, it's just a coincidence, don't be surprised. ]

Song Zhen looked up at the cloudless sky in confusion. How could it be a bolt from the blue?

However, the sky in the south was covered with dark clouds. Could it be that it was raining there?

The thunder was too loud, right?


Just heard another thunder, which scared Song Zhen so much that he shrank his neck.

Li Chunfeng smiled and said, "Tai Chang Si Qing, why are you here?"

"Tai Shi Ling, what were you doing just now?"

"Taoist spell, I just cast a spell to summon the central thunder god."

"?" Good guy, so, you just cast a spell and there were five thunders over there?

Damn, it can't be that magical? Can Taoist magic be scientific?

"Minister of the Imperial Court, you came to my house to see me for something, right?"

"Of course, I won't come to my house for no reason."

This stunned Li Chunfeng, and then he smiled faintly, which was a bit interesting.

"Please." He welcomed Song Zhen into the house and took off his Taoist robes.

"Minister of the Imperial Court, don't you need to perform rituals anymore?" Song Zhen wanted to see the shaman dance again.

Li Chunfeng shook his head: "No need, the villains have been eliminated and they are vulnerable."

Great! Song Zhen silently gave him a thumbs up.

"Minister of the Imperial Court, you came here to ask about the "Tui Bei Tu"?"

Song Zhen was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, then let me ask you, in the future, will the predictions of "Tui Bei Tu" be effective?"

How could Song Zhen expose himself easily? He answered ambiguously: "Everyone has their own eyes, why ask the visitor? Everyone has a past, right and wrong is in the heart."

Li Chunfeng paused in stroking his beard, and he smiled bitterly: "Tai Chang Temple Minister, your words are quite Zen."

He heard the answer he wanted from Song Zhen's words.

Song Zhen did not directly answer that it was inaccurate, but used this vague answer, which was enough to show that in fact, about half of the prophecies in "Tui Bei Tu" were fulfilled.

In fact, what Song Zhen wanted to express was not the problem of half, but...

People who are interested in Taoism interpret it with a research attitude, but there are some smart people on the Internet who insist that their views are right, but they can't say that they are wrong, and finally bring out the theory that metaphysics is unreliable.

You said that since you don't believe in fortune-telling, why bother to click in to read it? Forget about reading it, but you have to argue with people who believe in Taoism, slander Taoism, and disgust others.

Is it to show your wisdom? Is it to show your sobriety in the world? Do you want to show your superiority as an atheist?

You act as if you have been hurt, but you are just following the crowd.

Everyone can have their own beliefs, but please don't slander others' beliefs.

You can look down on them, or even hate them, but please don't speak wildly and hurt others with your words.

Of course, you can scold those social scum who use others' beliefs for personal gain!

Just don't hurt some neutral people by mistake.

Song Zhen hesitated for a moment, but still expressed his doubts about the prophecy of the 45th elephant about the day.

Li Chunfeng just smiled indifferently: "Tai Chang Si Qing, you know, this is just a prophecy, not necessarily 100% accurate, even I don't know."

Song Zhen sighed regretfully.

"By the way, I also want to ask, if the butterfly flaps its wings, will it change the future wind direction?"

Li Chunfeng narrowed his eyes, with a look of "as expected".

He slowly said: "Minister of the Ministry of Rites, the power of a butterfly is still too small. It may change a local area, but the overall impact is minimal."

"I believe that history is self-correcting.""Just like in the late Qin Dynasty, even if there was no Chen Sheng and Wu Guang uprising, there would be Wu Sheng and Chen Guang, because social contradictions have been aroused to a certain extent, and the people have to rebel."

"No matter how well a dynasty has done in the past, there will always be some stupid people in the future generations. This is inevitable. This is the change of people's hearts and the inevitability of history."

Song Zhen was stunned. In other words, he could only change the history of the Tang Gaozong period, or the history of the Tang Dynasty, but he was powerless for the entire historical process?

He suddenly lost his direction of struggle.

I believe that most people who travel back to ancient times hope to change the trajectory of history, so that the sun and the moon will always be there, and the mountains and rivers will be safe.

However, in the end, I found that everything I did would most likely be buried by the real history, and I felt deeply powerless.

Li Chunfeng patted his shoulder and comforted him: "If you really have regrets in your heart, you can carve your mark under the wheel of history."

As soon as these words came out, Song Zhen's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, why should I be depressed?

Even if I cannot change the trajectory of history, I can leave something behind on the road I have walked.

For example, the stealing country of the future generations steals everything, which is simply shameless, and does not acknowledge the past history, and even fabricates history.

So, if I bury a stone tablet in their territory to record everything that has happened on their land.

Can their ugly faces be exposed?

Maybe, maybe not, after all, shameless dogs will always bark.

What Song Zhen can do is to let future generations see the power of the Tang Dynasty.

"Thank you for the advice of the historian." Song Zhen bowed deeply.

Li Chunfeng laughed and said, "I should be the one to thank."

He saw from the sun, moon and stars that the star representing Song Zhen would bring about a great innovation to the pattern of the Tang Dynasty.

Song Zhen suddenly felt creepy. Facing the legendary great god-level figures in history, it seemed that his underwear was seen through.

So, he made an excuse to leave and ran away quickly.

"In the future, I have to have less contact with these big guys. After all, too much talk leads to mistakes."

He didn't want others to know about his time travel.

Once people knew about it, what would the imperial family think? What would they do? How would they treat themselves?

This is a kind of self-protection. He would not be like other time travel novels, eager to show the emperor that he had traveled back from the future.

Then the question is, if he really told the truth about the royal history and assisted them to develop the dynasty better, would the emperor really thank him?

Are you sure he won't be abandoned after the rabbit dies?

So, in this complicated feudal society, Song Zhen could only be cautious and take every step carefully.


Di Renjie was in the Yi River, and he also heard a thunderbolt.

"Today's rain seems a bit strange."

"Yes, why did it suddenly rain when it was all right?"

"I can't figure it out either." Di Renjie looked at Tian Qi beside him, "By the way, how is Zhao Heng?"

Tian Qi stood up and said, I'll go and see.

After saving the woman, Zhao Heng fell unconscious for half a day.

Not only was it strange that the sudden rainstorm fell, but Zhao Heng's behavior was also very unusual.

He suddenly burst into life, and then suddenly withered.

For a while, he seemed to not know Di Renjie.

In short, there was something weird everywhere.

The good news of this trip was that he saved a woman whose five elements were "pine and cypress wood", and the bad news was that he failed to save the man with "Jianfengjin".

The worse news was that Di Renjie and others still didn't know the whereabouts of the murderer.

The only information we have now is that they are from the Fazheng Sect.

"Another Jianghu sect!"

In his impression, Jianghu sects do bad things!

For example, the Hongmen Escort Agency in Hongzhou cooperated with various Jianghu people to steal Hongzhou tax silver and take it for themselves.

There was also the cruelty of the Wugen Sect and the Happy Buddha, which made him furious.

That's why he would impose the death penalty on Cui Jiacheng of Fazhengmen.

Di Renjie was originally a kind person. Song Zhen had always been the one who was cruel to criminals and played the villain.

But this time, Shouzheng was not by his side, so Di Renjie had to take the blame.

There is a reason why punishment exists.

We cannot regard punishment as a beast, but should look at its pros and cons objectively.

The pros, of course, are that it can pry open the mouths of some stubborn people.

The cons, excessive punishment, may lead to confessions under torture.

Three days after Di Renjie returned to Luoyang, a clerk from the Dali Temple suddenly ran over.Come and whisper in his ear.

"Di Shaoqing, five charred bodies were found on Laojun Mountain in the southwest."

Di Renjie was suddenly startled. He subconsciously thought that it might be the murderer and his group who came out to do bad things again.

As a result, he found out after arriving at the scene.

It turned out that the murderer was the one who died.

Judging from the fragments of clothing left on them, it is very likely that they were Taoist priests.

Then, Di Renjie carefully scanned the scene.

It was found that there were a total of 19 altars, one of which was extremely large, and it must be the main altar.

Among the magic tools placed on the altar, Di Renjie found something unusual at a glance.

"There are actually three words of Fazhengmen engraved on the bottom of the magic tool?"

"Could it be that these dead people are all the remnants of Fazhengmen?"

However, Di Renjie could not be happy, because the death of this group of people meant that the case became confusing again.

"No, the number of people is wrong. There are a total of 19 altars, why are there only five bodies?"

It seems that other remnants of the Fazheng Sect fled the scene urgently.

Di Renjie asked the villagers at the foot of the mountain, and one of the enthusiastic people replied: "Didn't it rain heavily a few days ago? The thunder was so loud at that time! My family was sleeping at home, and we were suddenly awakened. We ran out and saw that there was a fire on the top of the mountain, which was quickly extinguished by the rain."

"Fire? Where do you think the fire came from?"

"I guess it might be struck by lightning? After all, Laojun Mountain is the highest peak in Luoyang. It is reasonable to encounter lightning at such a high place, right?"

It's unreasonable! That's definitely unreasonable! It's not necessarily that a mountain is high and will be struck by lightning.

After all, lightning strikes are accidental. It can only be said that the remnants of the Fazheng Sect who were struck by five thunders and burned to charcoal deserved to die.

Di Renjie returned to the top of Laojun Mountain again. He searched the items on the scene again and suddenly found an item.

He narrowed his eyes.

"It seems that I know the identity of Zi Chou Yin."


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