On this day, Di Renjie also received a message from the emperor, asking him to reopen the investigation of the rebellion of the Wen and Yu families.

It was called a reopening, but in fact, Li Zhi wanted to use this case to clean up some families.

Di Renjie immediately understood, and he hurriedly put down the case file of the "Five Elements Murder Case" and let Xue Zhengqing handle it temporarily.

Old Xue was a smart man, and he never did such trivial things.

"I am a dignified Dali Temple Minister, and you want me to investigate the case? How can it be?"

So, without saying a word, he threw the case file to Ouyang Yu.

"......" Ouyang Yu was helpless. He still had a pile of trivial cases in his hands. Now he was so busy that he had no spare time to investigate the "Five Elements Murder Case."

Then, he randomly picked a lucky Dali Temple Minister and asked him to take over.

Di Renjie found Yuchi Junjun who had already returned to the palace.

"How is it? What did you gain from monitoring the mansion of Cui family in Qinghe?"

"Of course there are gains."

Yuchi Junjun took out a booklet from his arms, which recorded the Qianniu Guards hiding in the dark to monitor Cui's mansion, and recorded the comings and goings of people every day.

Qianniu Guards not only observed secretly, but also broke into Cui's mansion and became a glorious undercover.

Cui Yu was completely unaware of it. She was even pleased with herself, thinking that she had recruited a good seedling at such a low price and felt that she had made a profit.

She seemed to have regained her confidence and felt that she was doing well again.

Di Renjie looked down and saw that yesterday, there were three people from Cui family in Boling who entered the mansion, one from Li family in Zhaojun, and none from Li family in Longxi and Zheng family in Xingyang.

"In that case, let's start with them."


As expected, the old man who entered and exited Cui's mansion in Qinghe and talked about life with Cui Yu, his descendants were immediately demoted!

Li Binbin was completely confused. He didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, he received a letter of appointment. He was demoted to Lingnan as a small official.

Who could bear this?

He had worked diligently for most of his life, and it was fine if he didn't get promoted, but he was demoted for no reason?

So he immediately went to the Ministry of Personnel to ask for an explanation.

The current Minister of Personnel, Yang Hongwu, refused to meet him, and then Li Binbin went to the Vice Minister of Personnel to inquire.

The officials of the Ministry of Personnel had been notified long ago, and they pretended to be ignorant.

"Ah? You were demoted? I don't know. Our Ministry of Personnel didn't receive any notice."

Li Binbin frowned: "You didn't receive any notice? Who are you kidding? The inauguration document is still stamped with the Ministry of Personnel."

"I don't know anyway. It's not stamped by someone in our department."

"No! You must give me a reasonable explanation today!"

The staff of the Ministry of Personnel looked at him with disdain: "If you have any opinions, I suggest you go to the Dayi Hall to report to the saint."

In short, don't go to our Ministry of Personnel if you have something to do. Go to the saint and stop bothering people.

What? You don't dare? Then swallow the consequences yourself.

Li Binbin could only leave helplessly, not knowing whether it was accidental or intentional.

Several assistant ministers of the Ministry of Personnel whispered behind him.

"Have you heard? His Majesty is angry."

"Please tell me why!"

"Any family that has had any relationship with Cui Yu of the Qinghe Cui family, any elders of any lineage will have their descendants implicated after contacting him."

"What do you mean? Li Binbin was an innocent victim, and the whole family was in trouble?"

"Shh, he hasn't left yet, keep your voice down."

"Yeah yeah."

"..." Li Binbin was holding back his anger. As soon as he returned to the family, he found the elders and scolded them.

The elders didn't know what happened, they were confused.

Finally understood, it turned out to be Cui Yu, the jinx?

It's bad! I seem to have made a big disaster!

The elders who had contacted Cui Yu kept crying and slapping themselves in the face, admitting that they were wrong.

The news spread quickly, but some families didn't take it seriously at all.


Until more and more clan members were implicated and innocently demoted, they finally realized that something was wrong.

What surprised them was that only the clansmen of the five surnames and seven families were demoted, and they were demoted directly and unreasonably to a barren land.

Once demoted, it was wishful thinking to climb back up, not to mention returning to the capital.

For a time, people were in panic, and even the Zhaojun Li family warned their clansmen, "It is strictly forbidden to contact the Qinghe Cui family! Otherwise, you will bear the consequences and will be expelled from the family."

Boling Cui family didn't take it seriously at first, until their clansmen were demoted, they finally couldn't hold on.

Qinghe Cui family was isolated!

Cui Yu didn't understand what was happening outside, she was still devoted to Buddhism at home.However, she was a little surprised. Why didn't anyone come to visit for several days in a row?

This is unreasonable!

Cui Yu waited for almost seven days, and finally someone knocked on the door.

Unexpectedly, it was Di Renjie who greeted him!

"Someone reported that you had a child out of wedlock. The Dali Temple is investigating the case! All the outsiders, please leave!"

Cui Yu was completely confused. What the hell? Having a child out of wedlock?

Then, a group of Qianniu guards rushed into the Cui Mansion and arrested all the children over one year old and under three years old, as well as pregnant women in the Cui family of Qinghe!

"What are you doing? Breaking into a private house?"

"The Tang Law Commentary was established by the court. If you have any opinions, go to the Ministry of Justice to beat the drum and cry for justice. The Dali Temple is just handling the case according to the law!"

On this day, the Cui family of Qinghe staged a human tragedy.

The joys and sorrows of the children even attracted countless passers-by to watch, which was very moving.

Children don't want to leave their parents because they are still young, but how can the Qinghe Cui family fight against the fully armed Qianniu Guards?

They had no choice but to watch their children or wives being taken away.

Suddenly, some of the family members came to their senses, turned their heads and scolded Cui Yu!

"Look at what you did? If it weren't for disobeying the imperial edict, why would the Dali Temple come to target us?"

Cui Yu was stunned: "I didn't disobey the imperial edict?"

"You still say no? The imperial edict said that an auspicious day should be chosen to hold a wedding ceremony for Song Zhen and Cui Mengzhu. What about you? It's been almost ten days. Have you gone to the Song Mansion to welcome Cui Qigong's family back to the Qinghe Cui family?"

"Ah? Do you want me to invite them back?"

"Are you going?"

Cui Yu's neck was red: "Why should I go? It's not my fault!"

"No Right? I, Cui Hehui, will leave the family immediately!"

"Cui Heding too! What's the use of this bird family if it can't even protect its own family members?"

"Cui Heyu will not only leave the Qinghe Cui family! I will also publicize the unforgivable crimes of your Cui Yu lineage!"


The situation was out of control for a while. Some members of the family ran out to catch up with the Qianniu Guard Brigade that had just left. In front of Di Renjie, they smashed the jade pendant of the Qinghe Cui family and swore to break off all ties with the family. But they actually succeeded in bringing the child back?

This time, they ran away! They really all ran away!

In the huge Cui Mansion, people kept packing up their belongings and went out without looking back.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to come back after this departure.

When the court uses your flesh and blood relatives as hostages to threaten you, I don't believe that you will still hold your heads high.

And this sinister and vicious method was the idea of ​​Song Zhen, and Li Zhi finally agreed.

This is the final killer move!

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