"You are a Bo Ling Cui family! You are a dog and rat!"

What happened to the lifelong alliance to defeat Song Zhen? In the end, he came to Song's house secretly without saying a word to propose marriage?

The Zheng family of Xingyang and the Li family of Zhaojun at the back of the team all widened their eyes!

On second thought, they originally thought that it was a shame to let go of hatred and bow their heads.

Now it seems that this is what it means to be a hero who knows the current situation.

Song Zhen has basically been eating and living in Ziwei City these days. He is working day and night because there are only five days left before the new "Ten Thousand Countries Pay Homage".

Many national representatives have arrived in Luoyang, and they are placed in the hall of the Honglu Temple.

In addition, there are 360 ​​governors and chief secretaries or Sima of the Tang Dynasty, all of whom came to Beijing to participate in this feast.

In addition, the generals who guarded the border and went on expeditions to other countries, such as Xue Rengui, Cheng Mingzhen, Su Dingfang and others, have returned to the court.

Some Yanzu may ask, in this case, won't the border be lost?

The Goguryeo and Baekje coalition forces thousands of miles away have been beaten to a standstill for some time, and finally got a chance to breathe.

Therefore, they are unlikely to take the initiative to counterattack, and they don't have the strength to counterattack.

The cost of counterattack is too high. What if this is a trap set by the Tang army? Isn't it a mistake to walk into the tiger's mouth?

The Tang army perfectly performed an empty city plan, which scared the Goguryeo and Baekje coalition forces and made them dare not move forward.

They only dared to feint, not to attack!

In this "Ten Thousand Nations Come to Pay Homage" ceremony, representatives of other countries accounted for only one-fiftieth of the number of participants in the Tang Dynasty.

The main point is that there are many people!

The good days are coming. Song Zhen also heard that they came with a total of three ships, and then two of them sank.

There was originally a team of 100 people, but less than 20 people successfully arrived on shore. It was really a bit miserable.

Xiaorizi had to come because they heard that the Tang Dynasty was going to attack them, so the tribute they brought this time was far more than before.

Even though the ship sank and the loss was not small, they did not dare to slack off at all, and had to go ashore and spend a lot of money to buy.

Show their sincerity and want to make peace with Tang and Japan forever.

However, Song Zhen knew that Xiaorizi was a rebellious son, so he did not give the other party a good face throughout the whole process.

Xiaorizi of this era actually invented their own language.

In the Three Kingdoms period, Chinese characters were introduced to them, and then, in the Sui and Tang dynasties, Xiaorizi sent a large number of envoys to Tang and Sui, bringing advanced Chinese civilization, including Chinese and Chinese characters, to Japan.

From this time on, they officially began the history of using text to record language.

It was not until the 9th century AD that they created kana based on Chinese characters.

In later generations, in the vocabulary of Xiaorizi language, Japanese accounted for 36.7%, Chinese accounted for 47.5%, and Western languages ​​accounted for nearly 10%.

It is conceivable.

So, it is not too much to describe him as a rebellious son, right?

However, objectively speaking, the later life was reorganized into a large number of modern words, which were eventually adopted by Chinese.

For example: telephone, cadre, telephone, business, intelligence, symbol, science, aesthetics, fine arts, philosophy, psychology, etc.


Song Zhen was still rehearsing the program in the palace when Di Renjie suddenly came to visit him.

"Shouzheng, why don't you take some time to go home and take a look."

"What's wrong?"

"A group of people came to your house."

"Why are they here?"

Di Renjie hesitated: "Well, if I say that I am here to propose to you, do you believe it?"


Half a day ago, Song Mansion-

Cui Qiuhua was confused, and he couldn't figure out the situation.

What is going on? Is it really okay for you to do this?

My daughter hasn't married yet, and you, the great nobles, come here to sell melons to my future son-in-law, Wang Po, and promote my daughter. Have you ever considered the thoughts of me, the father-in-law?

Cui Qiuhua sat in the hall with a serious expression.

"Why are you here?"

"Uh, Cui Qigong, we are here to see the Minister of the Ministry of Rites."

"Shouzheng hasn't been home for a month. He is very busy. If you have anything to say, tell me and I will tell him."

"Is it appropriate to tell you?"

"What's inappropriate?"

The Boling Cui family was still shameless. Their representative shouted directly.

"The second branch of the Boling Cui family is willing to marry the 19th daughter of the Cui family to the Minister of the Ministry of Rites."

Although it is only the second branch, in the Tang Dynasty, the second branch was the most prominent. The original manuscript of the "Clan Records" in the early Tang Dynasty listed Cui Minggan of the second branch as the first-class aristocratic family.

Even in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, the people of the world unanimously recommended the second branch of the Cui family as the "crown of the aristocratic family."

Cui Qiuhua sneered: "Marry? You use this word well."

The one who was just talking about by the Boling Cui familyThe representative was speechless for a moment, feeling uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

The people next to him quickly stood up and bowed, saying: "Bo Ling Cui is willing to marry Song Shouzheng, the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, forever and ever. It is not a marriage of inferiority."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. It can be seen that Bo Ling Cui really values ​​Song Zhen.

She did not hesitate to marry the young woman from the second room to Song Zhen, which was quite like a marriage of peace.

In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a marriage of inferiority. After all, Song Zhen is just from the poor Fenzhou Song family, and the status of the two families is incomparable.

Cui Qiuhua snorted coldly: "You are trying to compete with my daughter for the position of the eldest wife of the Song Mansion?"

The Tang Dynasty stipulated that monogamy was a system of one man and one woman, and there was only one wife.

And the status of a wife is naturally supreme, far from being comparable to a concubine.

Concubine means no human rights, no identity, and no status.

Therefore, no gentry is willing to commit their daughters to be concubines.

However, what Cui Qiuhua never expected was that the Cui family of Boling was that person!

Their representative smiled and replied: "Cui Qigong, please don't misunderstand. We don't mean to compete with you for the position of wife."

"What?" The people behind were shocked!

Good guy, Cui family of Boling, you are playing such a big game?

If the world knows, you will be ridiculed!

Cui Qiuhua was also stunned. After a while, he confirmed half-doubtfully: "You mean, my daughter is my wife and your daughter is my concubine?"

The other party smiled and said: "That's it."


Boling Cui family, you are too sensible, right?

Unexpectedly, the first family at the beginning of the team exploded so much that the gentry behind dared not look at it again!

Many people have begun to re-evaluate the gains and losses. Some families can't accept it and quietly withdraw.

And some families continue to stay where they are!

Cui Qiuhua didn't know how to respond to the answer of Cui family of Boling.

You are so sensible, it makes it difficult for me to do it.

However, only the Bo Ling Cui family knows that the woman they are marrying this time is not a direct descendant, but a collateral one.

Everyone is from the Five Surnames and Seven Families, and they all know that the status of the direct and collateral lines is definitely different.

In this way, it is not considered a loss of face.

It can also tie up a talented person, why not do it?

Cui Qiuhua suddenly didn't know what to say, so he had to answer vaguely.

"I can't make the decision on this matter, so let's wait until Shouzheng comes back."


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