Tian Qi hesitated for a moment, then asked uncertainly: "Then, I will squat down to chat with you in the future?"

"......" Yan Zhaoping was speechless. Squatting down would make her look even uglier, as if she was very short.

She did feel the pressure of height when she stood with Cui Mengzhu.

Compared with Tian Qi, who was nearly two meters tall, the pressure was even greater.

Song Zhen accidentally glanced at Tian Qi from the corner of his eye, and he noticed the change in the other's eyes.

However, Tian Qi quickly adjusted and returned to normal.

I don't know why, but when he saw Yan Zhaoping dressed in a lady's outfit, his heart trembled, and then his heart was beating wildly.

He didn't know when he fell in love? How did he fall in love? Why did he fall in love?

However, he knew that he was a vulgar person and was not worthy of her.

Tian Qi grew up in the village, where he was hungry and had nothing. The difficult and hard living environment unconsciously cultivated his inferiority mentality.

Song Zhen discovered very early that Tian Qi often sat alone in a daze, and seemed to be out of tune with the people around him.

Even his current identity is different.

He is no longer the poor boy who has nothing and wanders around. He has a family. It was Song Zhen who gave him a real home again.

His family is very rich, so he doesn't need to worry about two meals a day. He can also read and write like the children of the gentry, and he doesn't have to sell his physical strength everywhere to survive.

Later, Song Zhen used his connections to let him enter the military camp.

In this era, 100% of the people who can become regular soldiers are children of rich families.

Tian Qi is still silent as usual, training silently by himself. He works very hard. He knows that this is a precious opportunity that A Lang has fought for him.

Tian Qi doesn't want to disappoint A Lang.

The first military camp holiday, Tian Qi watched his comrades being picked up by their family members dressed in gorgeous clothes. He pursed his lips and quietly packed his luggage in the tent alone.

Suddenly, he heard an extremely familiar voice...

"Tian Qi, let's go home."

"A Lang? You, why are you here?"

Tian Qi never expected that Song Zhen would take time out of his busy schedule to come to the military camp to pick him up.

The two words "home" were very heavy, and it was difficult for him to breathe.

Song Zhen walked in front, and he smiled and said to everyone he met: "This is my brother, Song Tianqi, please take care of me in the future."

At this time, Song Zhen had already been promoted to the third-rank Taichang Temple Minister.

Due to his prominent status, some people in the military camp began to take the initiative to talk to Tian Qi and no longer regarded him as a maverick weirdo.

Although Tian Qi was honest and didn't know how to express himself, he buried all the kindness Song Zhen had shown him in his heart.

Therefore, he didn't want to bother A Lang anymore in terms of feelings.

In fact, he didn't need to have a one-sided love. He just needed to say a word to Song Zhen, and Song Zhen would naturally prepare the betrothal gifts and go to Yan's Mansion in person to propose marriage for him.

However, Tian Qi is an honest man, and he feels that he owes A Lang too much.

He wants to pursue Yan Zhaoping through his own efforts.

If it doesn't work, at most he won't marry in this life, and spend the rest of his life repaying A Lang's kindness.

Tian Qi didn't know what love was until he met Yan Zhaoping.

The two practiced martial arts together for nearly a year, and coupled with the daily life in Longmen Grottoes, the seeds of love had already sprouted quietly.

It's just that Tian Qi didn't understand love before. Song Zhen once asked him if he liked Yan Zhaoping? He touched his head and asked back: "A Lang, what is love?"

Now Tian Qi, he finally knows what love is.

It turns out that the first reaction to liking someone is not heartbeat but inferiority.

Yan Zhaoping was born in an official family, and Aye is the third-rank minister of the Ministry of Works of the current dynasty. How noble is his status?

And what about him? He was just a farmer's son. If he hadn't met A Lang, he might have lived in Bianzhou all his life, and had no chance to come to Luoyang, live in a big house, or join the army.

Yan Zhaoping received a good education since childhood, while Tian Qi was just a rough man who was good at killing pigs. Even if he could read and write later, it was thanks to A Lang.

She was a lady from a noble family, and he was just a commoner with no face or talent. If it weren't for A Lang, he would never have met her in his life.

Because the two people were not from the same world at all.


However, once a person's heart is moved, the face of that person will always appear in his mind from time to time.

Unconsciously, Tian Qi was distracted.

Song Zhen frowned, and he shouted loudly: "Song Tianqi, step out!"

The comrade next to him gently pushed him, and Tian Qi came back to his senses.


"What's wrong with you?"

"Tai ChangSiqing, I was wrong! I will punish myself by running around the field three times!"

The square in front of the Baixi Hall is very large, and it is not just one 1,000 meters per lap, but a full 5,000 meters.

Song Zhen had a gloomy face and did not speak. Tian Qi did not want to embarrass A Lang, so he left the team and ran.

The two women on the stage, Yan Zhaoping leaned against the pillar bored.

She noticed the tall figure at a glance and asked curiously: "Nianzhen, why is Tian Qi running?"

Cui Mengzhu was taking a piece of paper to record the scene, and she replied nonchalantly: "I don't know, maybe he made a mistake?"

"No, doesn't he listen to Song Zhen the most? "

Cui Mengzhu was absorbed in drawing sketches, and she did not answer her bestie.

Perhaps because she was tired of standing, Yan Zhaoping sat beside Cui Mengzhu, holding his chin, and staring at the tall figure in the square.

Half an hour later, Li Zhi and Wu Meiniang arrived.

They were increasingly looking forward to the "All Nations Come to Pay Homage" ceremony two days later, and they couldn't wait to hold it!

As the day approached, Li Zhi was no longer in the mood to review memorials, and he took a walk and unconsciously came to the Baixi Hall.

The Qianniu Guards at the door found Li Zhi coming and hurriedly saluted: "Greetings to the Emperor and Empress."

Li Zhi smiled and pressed his hand, indicating not to make too much noise, so as not to affect the training over there.

He looked around and didn't see Song Zhen, so he asked: "Where is the Minister of the Ministry of Rites? "

Someone pointed in the direction of the stage. Li Zhi looked over and found that Song Zhen was talking to a young woman. There was a wooden frame in front of the woman, and he didn't know what she was doing.

Li Zhi walked to the stage surrounded by 18 Qianniu guards.

Yan Zhaoping was sharp-eyed. She saw it at a glance and hurriedly poked her bestie.

Seeing that the two did not respond, she shouted loudly: "Greetings to the Saint and the Queen."

Cui Mengzhu was startled by this voice. She raised her head and squinted at a man and a woman not far away.

"It seems to be different from what I imagined."

Song Zhen's face changed, and he hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: "Greetings to the Emperor and the Queen."

Li Zhi nodded, looked at Cui Mengzhu for a while, and smiled: "Song Qing, this should be the Cui family's daughter who I married you, right?"

Cui Mengzhu pulled off her white veil and saluted with a smile.

"Commoner Cui Mengzhu, saluted the Emperor and the Queen. "

After seeing the true face of Mount Lu, Li Zhi was surprised. It turned out that Song Zhen liked this type?

As a veteran mature woman lover, he expressed his incomprehension.

What's so good about this kind of childish face?


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