For example, the Western Turks, which were recently destroyed by the Tang Dynasty. How did Li Zhi deal with the follow-up?

In the second year of Xianqing, Su Dingfang captured the Western Turk Khan Ashina Helu, and then Li Zhi sent Lu Chengqing to the Western Turks to divide the land among the two Western Turk princes Ashina Mishe and Ashina Buzhen who were loyal to the Tang Dynasty.

In fact, the two princes did not really surrender to the Tang Dynasty, but just wanted to survive as a stopgap measure.

This is a hidden danger.

Secondly, Li Zhi arranged for Lu Chengqing and the two princes to give officials to the leaders of each tribe.

He thought that as long as the other party bowed their heads, peace would be maintained forever.

However, this is not the case. The nomadic Turkic natives have always been incompatible with the agricultural civilization of the Tang Dynasty.

In addition, they are like this by nature.

In the short term, there is no problem.

But as time goes by, something big will definitely happen, because this is a historical necessity.

As the saying goes, "If you are not of the same kind as me, you must kill your heart."

Song Zhen thought, if, every time you occupy a place, you first destroy their history, burn books and bury scholars, start the historical era from the Tang Dynasty, and vigorously promote Han culture.

At the same time, you must suppress the development of local military! You can't let them have a local army.

Over time, can they think of themselves as part of the Han people from the bottom of their hearts? Bow down to the dynasty ruled by the Han people sincerely?

Although this cannot guarantee a thousand years of submission, as long as it can prolong the life of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, it is enough.

Of course, every country should implement a national assimilation policy according to local conditions.

So, what does Song Zhen plan to do with Japan, which is also an agricultural civilization?

Song Zhen remembered a sentence from Mr. Qian, and he already had a countermeasure in his mind.

However, in order to realize what he wants, first of all, he must have a spokesperson in the army.

Tian Qi is the spokesperson he wants to support.

Song Zhen has a vague feeling that Tian Qi may really become a general.


Song Zhen did not accept the gift from the Japanese envoy. To be honest, he didn't care about that little money. It would be better if you gave me the area of ​​the island.

He came with only three people and returned empty-handed.

After leaving, he whispered to the person next to him: "Huang Sijian, did you hear everything just now?"

"Tai Chang Siqing, you are really cautious."

"No way, a big tree attracts the wind. If you are not careful, you may be crushed to pieces if you take a wrong step."

"I know. I'll take my leave." After Huang Sijian took Song Zhen's gift, he smiled and left in different directions.

Song Zhen stared at Huang Sijian's back and narrowed his eyes.

In fact, he knew that Li Zhi had arranged people to monitor him, and he also knew that Huang Sijian was the person in charge of monitoring.

This is why Song Zhen always gave him small favors.

Money is worthless, but it is better to spend money to buy life.

Song Zhen could predict that he was definitely not the first official to be visited by Japanese envoys, nor would he be the last.

He had no control over what others did, he just had to do his best.

Moreover, his previous exchanges with Japanese envoys would inevitably become a point of attack by other forces.

After Song Zhen made all the necessary arrangements, he began to conduct fishing enforcement.

Because he arranged for Wu Da to establish a new intelligence department, the "Six Path Alliance", based on the standards of the Jinyiwei, to monitor the residences of the ministers in the dark for 24 hours.

Once there was any disturbance, he would definitely know about it, prepare for the rainy day, and even take the initiative.

"Xu Jingzong, Xu Jingzong, I hope you don't destroy yourself."


At night, Li Zhi sat in the Dayi Hall, rubbed his temples, closed his eyes and asked Huang Sijian.

"Has anything happened recently?"

"Yes, the Minister of the Ministry of Rites and the Japanese envoy met today."

Li Zhi raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What did they say?"

Huang Sijian told them everything they said.

Li Zhi opened his eyes, stared at Huang Sijian and asked: "Why do you know so much?"

"Because the Minister of the Ministry of Rites happened to take my people with him."

"He didn't go alone secretly?"

"No, the Minister of the Ministry of Rites Xiao Deyan was also there. In the end, the Minister of the Ministry of Rites returned empty-handed."

Huang Sijian didn't tell the truth. He said that his men went with him, but he actually went by himself.

He was worried that His Majesty would suspect his relationship with the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, so when he went, he didn't wear a formal robe and slightly changed his makeup so that no one would notice.

Li Zhi's expression froze, and then the corners of his mouth slightly raised. This Song Zhen is quite interesting.

"I didn't expect Song Zhen to be so thoughtful at such a young age. It's rare."

Li Zhi didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Instead, he looked up to Song Zhen.He personally likes scheming ministers very much, because it is very comfortable to use them.

The more scheming they are, the more cautious they will be in their official duties, and they dare not disobey the will of this saint.

And he needs such talents now.

Li Yifu, who was promoted earlier, did not control his desires, and his behavior of selling official titles became his death drug.

Li Yifu was the first confidant minister promoted by Li Zhi after he completely took power, but the result disappointed him.

He doesn't like people who don't wipe their butts after shitting.

The stench also spread to other people, and in the end, they were reported by others.

I'm not afraid of corrupt officials, I'm afraid of mediocre officials. Honest mediocre officials are not even as good as capable corrupt officials.

And Song Zhen, who is upright in his work, honest in his official duties, practical and capable, has attracted his attention.


Tomorrow is the "All Nations Come to the Court" ceremony. After the morning court today, Song Zhen will conduct the last training for all officials.

Xu Jingzong hesitated for a long time, and finally expressed his doubts.

"Minister of the Ministry of Rites, I don't quite understand one thing."

"You say."

"Why, I have to hold the sign the whole time?"

Song Zhen said with a gloomy face: "Minister of the Ministry of Rites, do you have any opinions on my arrangements?"

Xu Jingzong shrank his neck and said: "I dare not."

Now Song Zhen is the chief planner of the ceremony, who dares to disobey his will? Even the emperor and empress have to obey his arrangements and commands.

Song Zhen sighed and said seriously: "Alas, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, you don't understand this."

"Please give me some advice from the Minister of the Ministry of Rites."

"You hold the signs of the three provinces and six ministries, do you feel embarrassed?"

"Ah?" Xu Jingzong widened his eyes, isn't this embarrassing? Have you ever seen a super minister doing such hard work?

"Let me ask you, when you hold the sign, do you have to walk in the front?"

"That's right." Xu Jingzong nodded.

"What does it mean to walk in front? You can figure it out for yourself."

"Ah? What does it mean?" Xu Jingzong's eyes spun quickly, and suddenly, he was enlightened, and suddenly realized.

He looked at Song Zhen's back as he walked away, and suddenly, he realized.

"The civil officials are in front, a total of 1,362 people are following behind me, and I am holding a sign and walking in the front row. The first official that everyone sees is me."

"Doesn't that mean that I am the head of the civil officials?"


Since the training grounds for military officers are not in the same place, he doesn't know who is holding the sign on the military officer's side.

Thinking of this, Xu Jingzong felt full of motivation.

He did it again!


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