It is the winter solstice in the year of Dingsi. Today is a cloudless day.

In the whole city of Luoyang, bamboo poles and banners have been erected in front of every household since a month ago. The atmosphere of the festival is everywhere.

Today is indeed a special date. It is not only the winter solstice of the Little New Year, but also an auspicious day granted by the Emperor and Empress.

The publicity materials are naturally provided by the Taichang Temple, and the Ministry of Revenue allocates money.

The whole city of Luoyang, even to the villages thirty miles away, is full of banners.

"The Emperor shines brightly, and his virtue shines on the world. The Empress shows her character, and auspicious signs descend to the world."

Today's winter solstice is not the first day of the first lunar month, but it is better than the first day of the first lunar month.

According to tradition, the curfew will not be lifted during the winter solstice. However, today is a day of celebration for the whole world, so Li Zhi issued a general amnesty in advance and lifted the curfew for three days.

The so-called general amnesty does not mean pardoning the most heinous prisoners, but temporarily releasing most prisoners to go home and reunite with their families, showing the tolerance and magnanimity of the Tang Dynasty.

This move started with Emperor Taizong of Tang, Li Shimin.

From midnight, Luoyang became a city that never sleeps, with gorgeous fireworks constantly blooming in the sky.

In fact, firecrackers already existed during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of Tang.

The founder of fireworks, Li Ting, was born in 621. The earliest fireworks were made by putting some saltpeter in a small bamboo tube, which would explode and make a sound.

Three months ago, Song Zhen arranged for someone to invite the founder of fireworks from Yuanzhou Prefecture.

Li Ting could finally show his skills. For the first time, he used luxurious paper to load saltpeter, which was something he had never dared to think about before.

Under Song Zhen's suggestion, Li Ting squatted day and night in the laboratory specially arranged by Song Zhen for him in just three months. He actually magically made fireworks that could fly into the sky?

Song Zhen did not expect this unexpected gain.

Originally, he just wanted Li Ting to improve the firecrackers so that they would not injure people. Unexpectedly, a genius is a genius...

The Ministry of Industry provided a lot of folk and official information. Li Ting found the fuel composition that could ascend to the sky from a Taoist priest in the Sui Dynasty during the process of alchemy and modified it.

Not only can the fireworks go up to the sky, but they can even explode in different colors.

The fireworks of the Tang Dynasty at this time are naturally not comparable to those of later generations, but it is the most difficult to create something from scratch.

Tonight, groups of flames bloomed in the air. This scene made countless Luoyang people stop and look up, amazed.

Song Zhen took Cui Mengzhu into his arms, and the two looked up at the fireworks in the sky.

Cui Mengzhu exclaimed: "This fireworks are so beautiful."

"Well, but fireworks are easy to cool, and the most beautiful is not as beautiful as you."

"Tsk tsk, it's so corny." Cui Mengzhu twisted the soft flesh on his waist and suddenly found it hard as iron.

Her face flushed.

It seems that my husband's abdominal muscles have become stronger.

Because there are no online games, no tomato novels, let alone any entertainment activities in the Tang Dynasty, Song Zhen is bored and can only exercise. His body is much stronger than in his previous life.

"Let's go, let's go back. Rest early, we have to get up very early tomorrow."

Cui Mengzhu looked back at the fireworks in the sky reluctantly, her eyes full of colors.

Until this moment, she finally felt a little familiar with the future.

It gave her an illusion that she was not in the Tang Dynasty at this moment, but in the modern world 1,400 years later.

On the other side, Tian Qi stood behind Yan Zhaoping without knowing when.

He didn't speak either, but just stood by her silently.

Yan Zhaoping caught a glimpse of him from the corner of his eye, and was not surprised, because the two families were not on guard at all.

"What? You don't want to accompany your Alang?"

"Alang and the others, it's not appropriate for me to disturb them."

Speaking of this, Yan Zhaoping really felt the same way!

These two dogs and couples always show affection in front of her, a single dog, which is really annoying!

When she went home and was lectured by her father, she couldn't help but think of the scene of the two showing affection, which made her envious again.

Yan Zhaoping immediately had a topic to talk about, and kept complaining in front of Tian Qi.

Tian Qi, this fool, just smiled and didn't say anything, listening to her quietly.

When Yan Zhaoping was tired of talking, she looked at Tian Qi speechlessly: "You fool, why don't you talk?"

"I just listen to you, I like to listen to you."

"You are really..." Yan Zhaoping didn't know what to say.

Because Tian Qi's personality has always been taciturn, it is difficult for you to make him change in a short time.

Then, Yan Zhaoping started complaining again, and I really don't know why she talks so much.

"My father always urges me to get married, it's so annoying!"

Hearing this, Tian Qi's heart was lifted up.

He hesitated and asked cautiously: "Don't you want to get married?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to, but I can’t meet the person I want to marry.”

“Then you…” Yan Zhaoping said to himself before Tian Qi could speak.

“The man I want to marry must be a man of integrity. I hope he can be like Han Xin, who is familiar with military tactics and can command the battlefield.”

“I hope he can be like Xiang Yu, who is as strong as a mountain and as powerful as the world.”

“I hope he can be like Princess Pingyang Zhao, who is armed to the teeth and has made great achievements.”

After saying that, Yan Zhaoping raised his head and smiled at Tian Qi self-deprecatingly.

“You say, am I a little whimsical? Where else in this world can there be such a perfect man? "

To be honest, Yan Zhaoping's unrealistic idea will most likely be criticized by the future generations.

However, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it. She had a good family background and her fighting skills were evenly matched with Yuchi Junjun. If she was given a chance, she might transform into a heroine like Princess Pingyang Zhao.

Tian Qi didn't speak, but just lowered his head and looked at her quietly.

In the sky not far away, a firework bloomed, quiet and beautiful.

"Why don't you speak?"

"I, I don't know what to say." Tian Qi turned away his eyes in panic and fled from Yan's house.

Yan Zhaoping muttered: "What a fool."

When he returned to Song's house, Tian Qi covered his chest and felt his heartbeat was very fast, which made it difficult for him to adapt.

"So, does she like such a man? Then can I be the one in her mind? "

Tian Qi didn't know, and Yan Zhaoping didn't know, that the two of them, separated by a wall, had their own concerns.


At the time of Chen, Song Zhen got up at the crowing of the cock.

Because he didn't have to go to court today, he got up a little late.

When all the work was ready, all that was left was to be calm.

Since the ceremony officially started at noon, Song Zhen washed up leisurely, put on makeup at home, put on official clothes, and had breakfast with Cui Mengzhu in Pingkangfang.

Today, Pingkangfang is more like an elegant teahouse for the two of them.

After breakfast, he helped Di Renjie bring a portion, and then took a carriage into the palace.

After entering the palace, the two went their separate ways.

Cui Mengzhu went to Dongshang Pavilion to prepare to help Li Zhi and Wu Meiniang paint their portraits.

And Song Zhen came to Jixian Hall on the east side of Zhenguan Hall to summon various responsible persons to coordinate and plan the matters needing attention in the ceremony.

The "All Nations Come to Pay Homage" ceremony is finally about to begin.


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