The BGM of "Trampling Jizhou" and "Listen! Qin Wang Pozhen Music" have been played alternately three times.

It's not that Song Zhen doesn't want to change the music, but there is only two months of rehearsal time. It is very difficult to play a song well.

This is a team of musicians with an unimaginable number of people, up to 800 people.

The more detailed the place, the harder it is to control.

For example, in "Listen! Qin Wang Pozhen Music", the main melody is played by the pipa.

In order to keep the volume moderate, a full 400 people need to play the pipa at the same time, and it must be kept in a mixed but not chaotic manner. It's too difficult.

During rehearsals on weekdays, Song Zhen always hears that some people play the wrong notes.

Surprisingly, when it comes to the grand ceremony, no one makes a mistake. Could it be that people are forced out?

More than a hundred Tang Dynasty warriors took nearly an hour to appear. Song Zhen's arrangement can be said to give enough face to the military.

Compared with military generals, the appearance time of civil officials was sharply compressed.

The most obvious difference is that the carriages of civil officials are faster than the horses of military officers.

Xu Jingzong followed the last military officer with a gloomy face.

It was not until the ceremony really started that he realized that he had been fooled by Song Zhen, the son of a bitch!

What "head of civil officials"? Why is the person holding the flag of the military officer an unknown person?

Moreover, he held up a military flag, what about me?

Dog and rat! I held up a very inconspicuous and featureless wooden sign!

Just like an uneducated peasant, holding up a wooden sign stupidly!

However, the matter has been settled. Even if he has resentment in his heart, he can't regret it on the day of the ceremony. After all, the saint is watching.

Therefore, Xu Jingzong's face is very ugly at the moment, as if his mother has died.

However, his cold expression has achieved the kind of majestic effect that Song Zhen wanted, shocking many people.

The foreign envoys bowed their heads, and no one dared to look at him again, because if they looked at him again, they would...

At this time, a series of short and flat pipa sounds rang out, and the musicians naturally transformed "Listen! Qin Wang Pozhen Qu" into "Shuilongyin".

The original song was played with the guqin. Song Zhen tried it, and found that the guqin could not hold up to the sound of many people in such a large occasion, so he changed it to the pipa, and the melody was slightly changed.

When Xu Jingzong came to the front of the crowd with a sign, after a burst of pipa sounds, a big drum hit the heart!

This drum sound shocked Xu Jingzong! His impulse to curse was weakened a little.

After the alternation of drum sounds and clapper sounds, high platforms rose quietly on both sides.

One by one, pretty female musicians stood on the high platform and played the erhu.

Song Zhen's transformation of the huqin has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Unknowingly, the traces of the huqin are rarely seen in the folk, but all replaced by the erhu of later generations.

The name was also changed by Song Zhen. This new instrument is not called Huqin, but Erhu.

Such changes in the venue made everyone in the palace square look sideways.

Each female musician was like a fairy from heaven, with ribbons fluttering in the wind, dancing and playing freely.

When the Erhu female musician reached a certain rhythm, she smiled and stepped back, and the Pipa female musician stepped forward to replace them.

There were about ten female musicians standing on each platform, with Erhu and Pipa each occupying half, and there were a total of twenty platforms.

Of course, it was impossible to play with such a small number of people, so Song Zhen also arranged a lot of musicians on the periphery to strengthen their music.

This group of female musicians was more of a performance nature, and each of them was as beautiful as a fairy, graceful and charming, and aroused people's reverie.

They were all selected by Song Zhen from the courtesans of Huichunfang and Pingkangfang in various places. They are beautiful and versatile, and their main feature is their charm.

You don’t know how excited the Hedong Pei family and Gongsun family were when they knew that their artists had the opportunity to participate in the imperial ceremony of the Emperor and Empress.

Song Zhen naturally did not forget his two business partners. With the permission of Li Zhi, he asked two hundred female musicians to wear white veils.

The veil was embroidered with the commercial logos of Huichunfang and Pingkangfang.

And this logo was naturally designed by Cui Mengzhu, and the two families spent a lot of money to buy the title.

Since the logo has been implemented for a while, everyone knows it and can tell their identities at a glance.

"It turns out that it is the courtesan of Pingkangfang, the first court in the world?"

"And the courtesan of Huichunfang, the second court in the world."

In the Tang Dynasty, the courtesans of brothels had a very high status in people's hearts, which was not comparable to the Song Dynasty.

They were as dazzling as the stars of later generations.

Behind Xu Jingzong, the first carriage was pulled by four Liang horses, with three masters and three officials sitting on it.The three masters and three officials with stern faces were infected by the atmosphere and stood up and waved with smiles.

There was no way, there were the most civil officials standing in this square.

Li Zhi did not restrain their behavior, you can shout and cheer as much as you want!

When the military generals came on stage, because of the strict discipline of the soldiers, they did not shout as wantonly as the civil officials.

At this time, the civil officials realized that the Qianniu Guards distributed various flags to each of them when they entered the venue. Was it used here?

The colorful flags were flying in the hands of more than a thousand civil officials. Compared with the murderous aura of the military generals, it was suffocating. They stood there like children, not daring to move much.

When the civil officials appeared, the atmosphere was warm!

"Xu Zhongshu Ling! You look so handsome when holding the sign!"

Suddenly, a female official screamed, attracting Xu Jingzong's attention.

"Huh? She said I'm so handsome?"

When Xu Jingzong walked to the front of the Bingzhou camp, the Bingzhou officials were like illegitimate fans seeing their idols.

This eased his depressed mood a little, and he suddenly felt that holding up a sign was not bad?

In fact, this was deliberately arranged by Song Zhen. Look carefully, it was Bingzhou! He naturally knew the officials of Bingzhou. Even if he didn't know them, the group of chief officials would definitely do it when the old leader Lu Yang gave an order.

Song Zhen did this to make Xu Jingzong understand his painstaking efforts.

"Brother, I really don't want to cheat you. Holding up a sign is really a matter of honor for the family!"

Due to the enthusiasm of Bingzhou, officials from other states were mobilized.

Xu Jingzong stood up and strode forward with great dignity!

The second carriage was occupied by Li Ji and Lu Chengqing. Since Xu Jingzong was not on it, let the regent Li Ji sit on it instead.

The third carriage was occupied by the Nine Ministers. Song Zhen played the jade flute halfway through the journey, and the sound of the flute perfectly matched the background music.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! The Minister of the Ministry of Rites!"

The Tuo of Bingzhou screamed like a groundhog again, and they were constantly popularizing science to their colleagues around them. The entire ceremony was planned and designed by the Minister of the Ministry of Rites Song Zhen!

When everyone heard it, I was shocked, this is a master!

They had never expected that the magnificent and domineering epic music "Xian" at the door, the oppressive melody when the military appeared, and the "Shuilongyin" that was being played now, which could well reflect the style of civil servants, were all from the hand of one person?

This young man, like a demon descended from the sky, is really the Tai Sui God on earth!


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