After several days of persuasion, several female performers have mastered the performance of "The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss".

After all, they make a living from this, and their hobbies are different from those of postmodern people.

With the help of Miss Xia He and others, Song Zhen restored the ancient music score.

Since there was a long time from 730, Cao Rou had not yet been born, so the Jianzi score had not yet been published.

Jianzi score is a great invention for Qin culture, and Song Zhen did not intend to rob the great achievements of the ancestors.

Therefore, Song Zhen used the twelve musical notes to determine the score.

Huangzhong, Taichu, Guxian, Ruibin, Yize, Wushe, Dalu, Jiazhong, Zhonglü, Linzhong, Nanlü, Yingzhong, a total of twelve musical notes.

The translation is extremely difficult. In order to match, almost every note played is determined according to the pitch.

From the heated discussion among several people, Song Zhen said that he learned it.

The best way to learn is environmental influence.

When Song Zhen was studying ancient music scores in college, he only had a limited understanding.

However, in the real ancient times, the so-called "the closer you are to the red, the redder you are; the closer you are to the blacker you are."

Just like learning a language, the efficiency of communicating with the locals will definitely be higher than reading books and staring blankly.

Next, it is the dance teaching session.

Miss Xia He and the others were stunned. For the first time, they doubted their gender.

How could this man dance better than them, and even more... uh, fascinating.

Thai pants hot!

After the dance, they applauded enthusiastically.

Song Zhen panted heavily and couldn't help feeling depressed. Isn't this physical fitness too poor? It seems that he needs to strengthen his daily exercise.

Fortunately, the basic hardware exceeds the standard. Men still have to have meat where they need meat. Otherwise, he really despises it.

Since he was released from prison, he got up at five o'clock every day, borrowed weapons from Di Renjie, practiced swordsmanship for an hour in the yard, and shot at least 500 arrows with a full bow every day. As for weighted running, pull-ups, push-ups, etc., they are the most basic.

The main point is self-discipline. In his previous life, he was used to practicing martial arts with his cousin, who was a martial artist. Song Zhen was the leader of the lion dance in their village, but he didn't feel tired.

"Come on, I will break down the movements now, and you can learn from them."

There were three female dancers who decided to dance, namely, Chunhua girl, Xiahe girl and Pipa girl.

The two courtesans benefited from their good figures, long legs and outstanding looks.

The Pipa girl was because she couldn't play well, so she could only dance.

However, she stood in the middle, and her youthful and lively image added a lot of highlights to the show.

Song Zhen was dazzled, and couldn't stand it anymore. It was too shocking! It was too shaking, too trembling, and the visual effect was very big pendulum!

Minana's journey through the Tang Dynasty is nothing special.

Presumably, it will bring special surprises to the Tang Dynasty gentlemen.

Time passed by minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, two and a half weeks had passed.

Song Zhen has been staying in Huichunfang and has never left.

Because there was no big case, Di Renjie did not disturb him, and he solved the trivial matters of family ethics.

Today, someone reported to the police that the well water in his home was too smelly.

Originally, Di Renjie did not take it seriously, and he went to the scene for routine investigation.

When he walked into the well, the strong stench made him cover his mouth and nose.

"This smell..." Di Renjie's pupils shrank.

Isn't it similar to the smell of the Hu corpse last time?

This is the stench of corpses!

"Quick! Call the bad commander back!"



At this time, Song Zhen was playing another song on the guzheng.

The tune was gentle and moving, and people could not help but be brought into the story after listening to it.

Song Zhen's magnetic voice slowly rang out.

"It was you who kissed the pen and ink, dyed my eyes with tears,

For whom did you perform separation and reunion, reunion, sorrow and joy."

Another program that Song Zhen planned to teach them was "Pulling Silk Play".

Because it was an ancient style song, the lyrics were easy for the ancients to understand. If you sang "Love Until Death", the people of the Tang Dynasty would probably be confused.

Song Zhen sang the postmodern lyrics in the language of the Tang Dynasty, and the rhyme might not be so perfect.

Suddenly, he stopped playing, raised his head, and his expression suddenly became sentimental.

The singing started first, and the music followed.

"The orchid finger twists the red dust like water,

The three-foot red stage, everything is blown into the song.

Singing about separation for a long time is not sad, and the red place turns into ashes.

I hope someone will remember who, in the best years."

Ms. Chunhua widened her eyes. Oh my God, it was a female voice?

Ah this...

How can a man make a female voice? The gentle and sweet voice made her, a woman, feel ashamed of herself.

Song Zhen did not sing in an operatic voice, but narrated it in a plaintive female voice.

Because the Tang Dynasty had not yet formed opera, you let Chunhua and the othersSinging in opera style is too difficult.

The sad and mournful singing voice makes the listeners silent and cry.

The boss of Huichunfang knows how to do business. When the beautiful boss learned that Song Zhen was teaching the courtesan program, she gave money to let Song Zhen and others move to the stage.

Song Zhen didn't want to accept the order at first, but the boss was kind and kind, and she gave too much!

A reward of one guan of money every three days, a weekly salary of 20,000, who can refuse it?

Since teaching on the stage, it has attracted many guests.

They witnessed a program from zero to nothing with their own eyes, which was particularly fulfilling.

The beautiful boss even started crowdfunding, asking guests to donate and cheer for the program!

Rewarding the top few big guys can get front-row tickets for the first performance.

The beautiful boss really knows how to make money. No wonder Huichunfang has a Chang'an branch.

Song Zhen wondered if she was a time traveler like himself.

After a night of in-depth communication, it was found that it was not, and Song Zhen could not help but be disappointed.

Although Song Zhen's salary was only three days a string, in fact, Huichunfang did not lose money at all, and even earned more.

"Song Lang, the boss is calling you."

After hearing this, Song Zhen left the stage and walked straight to the private room on the second floor.

Miss Xia He looked at his back with a sad face, and walked away.

She murmured in her mouth: "I hope someone will remember who, the best years..."

"I will always remember you, but will you remember me?"


"Little Langjun, do you want to name the program after you?" The beautiful boss was named Changsun Lan. When she heard this surname, she felt that it was not simple.

Changsun Lan was plump but not fat, and her every move was filled with the elegance unique to a woman from an aristocratic family.

The most fatal thing was that she exuded a mature charm that made people want to pick and taste it.

It is said that she was still a widow?

The ancients said, "The wind and rain will not enter the door of a widow." Now the times are different. Hearing that you are a widow, I am even more excited!

Song Zhen looked straight ahead, seemingly looking at the face, but in fact...

Don't get me wrong, this is admiration from the heart.

"Okay. Thank you very much, young lady." Song Zhen crossed his arms and saluted.

"Hehehe, each takes what he needs." Chang Sun Lan's slender fingers brushed Song Zhen's body slightly, and a pair of phoenix eyes seemed to contain all kinds of styles.

Song Zhen was in a big head, and he couldn't stand it!

He silently recited the name "Li Mengting" in his heart, and his heart was pure and desireless.

At this time, a female prostitute knocked on the door, and she called out in a delicate voice: "Song Lang, there is a Langguan looking for you outside."

Song Zhen suppressed the gun, and he stood up.

"Buliangshuai, Di Facao called you over."

"I'm here."

Song Zhen bowed to the girls and said goodbye, and then got on the official carriage.

A hundred meters away from the crime scene, he smelled a strong stench of decay.

"What's going on?" Song Zhen quickly got out of the car and ran over to ask with a frown.

Di Renjie shook his head and said, "I don't know, no one dared to go down to investigate."

It was definitely the stench of a decayed corpse, but I didn't know whether it was an animal corpse or a human corpse.


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