Seeing Song Zhen still staring at the well, Di Renjie walked over silently without disturbing him.

Song Zhen was thinking about a question, how tall and heavy was the deceased before his death? To be honest, the well mouth is quite small, how did he get in?

At this time, Tian Qi came over to say goodbye.

"Langguan, I'm leaving first. I bought some cakes for my little baby."

Although Tian Qi was over 30 years old and still unmarried, and the little girl was not his biological child, he was really good to her.

"By the way, let me ask you a question, did you find anything else in the well?"

Tian Qi touched his head and thought, and soon he shook his head: "I just tried to sink to the bottom of the water, and found nothing."

"No clothes either?"


I understand, the body was thrown in naked, it seems that the murderer is very cautious.

Song Zhen took out a purse and put it in Tian Qi's hand.

Tian Qi was stunned. He asked in confusion: "Langguan, what are you doing?"

"This is the money for your hard work. Thank you for helping me twice. Take it back to improve your food."

Tian Qi's face tightened. He was at a loss and wanted to return the money to the other party.

"Langguan, I don't want your money. Last time you helped Miss Xia He to redress her injustice, I didn't have time to thank you enough."

Song Zhen deliberately put on a stern face: "Take it! This money is not for you, but for Xiaobao."

Seeing that Tian Qi was still hesitating, Song Zhen took out a pen and paper and drew a picture on it to reason with him.

"I'm asking you, is Miss Xia He your family's savior?"

Tian Qi nodded vigorously: "Of course, without Miss Xia He, Xiao Bao and I would have starved to death outside the city."

"Then am I Miss Xia He's savior?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

"Do you listen to Miss Xia He?"

"Although I haven't been to school, I have heard a saying that a savior is like a reborn parent. I will definitely listen to Miss Xia He."

Song Zhen drew three little people on the paper and drew a line between them.

"Look, this little person is you, this is Miss Xia He, and this is me."

"You listen to Miss Xia He, then if I save Miss Xia He, she will definitely listen to me, right?"

Logic master Song Zhen persuaded: "According to the progressive reasoning, then shouldn't you also listen to me?"

Tian Qi touched his head and looked at the relationship diagram with confusion.

It seems that what Langguan said makes sense.

If we look at it from the perspective of kinship, Miss Xia He is my father-in-law, and Langguan is my grandfather, so I should really listen to my grandfather.

"But, this is too much..." Tian Qi was a little embarrassed. If he was just given a few coins, he would definitely accept it without hesitation.

He felt that the purse was a little heavy, indicating that he had never received so much money in his life.

"It's not just you! Isn't there your little treasure? Besides, how much money do you make from killing pigs? Don't you want to share Miss Xia He's worries?"

Tian Qi nodded seriously: "I want to make a lot of money, and I don't want Miss Xia He to work so hard."

"That's right." Song Zhen smiled and patted his shoulder, "Let's go."

Song Zhen carried the toolbox on his back, put his arm around Di Renjie's shoulder and left the scene.

Tian Qi curiously opened the purse, looked inside, and almost fainted.

"It's actually, gold?"

Originally, Tian Qi felt that the weight was average when he held it in his hand, and thought it was just a few copper coins.

If he had known it was gold, he would never have accepted it! It was too expensive.

In the Tang Dynasty, one tael of gold could be exchanged for about 6,000 coins, and one guan was about 1,000 coins.

How much would Tian Qi's one tael of gold be worth in modern times?

Friendly reminder, if you travel back to the Tang Dynasty, don't use silver to buy things like in costume dramas.

Pay attention, gold cannot be traded directly in the Tang Dynasty. You need to go to a bank to exchange it for Tongbao first, and silver cannot even be exchanged.

Due to the general mining technology in the Tang Dynasty, the annual output of silver was limited, and most of it was handed over to the royal family to be cast into various utensils. There was no remaining silver to be used for shopping and trading.

If you throw the silver out casually and say in a very pretentious way: "I reward you with broken silver."

Maybe the shopkeeper will report you to the police and arrest you.

Tian Qi tightly grasped the money bag in his right hand, tears welling up in his eyes, and remained silent. He stood for a long time, watching Song Zhen and Di Renjie's carriage leave from afar.


"The owner of the house said that they came back three days ago and had an enemy named Cai Jiu in the north of the city. He suspected that it was Cai Jiu who did it."

Song Zhen, who was resting with his eyes closed, said, "He is lying."


"This level of rot,It definitely can't be formed in a day or two." Song Zhen opened his eyes and said lightly: "If he really went home three days ago, he would definitely smell the stench of the corpse and it would be impossible for him to turn a blind eye to it." Di Renjie's expression froze. He realized that his reasoning was wrong and he was led into a trap by the other party. He suddenly found that there was a very critical detail that he had missed. The "Water Department Style" of the Tang Dynasty clearly stipulates that it is strictly forbidden to dig wells privately. In other words, the well in his house is actually an official well for nearby residents to use. In the Tang Dynasty, water is a very precious resource. It costs money to draw water, that is, to pay taxes. However, there is no one in the houses near his house. Don't you think it's strange? He immediately took out a pen and paper and wrote and drew on it. Since the owner lied, it means that he and the murderer of this case , there should be some connection, then why did he report to the police?


The person who reported to the police was actually someone else!

He stood up and pretended to be the owner of the house, deliberately leading the investigation in the wrong direction.

Then he was not the one who reported to the police, how did he know that the government was coming and went there in advance to pretend to be a victim?

There is only one possibility!

He was originally a government official! Or, he has connections in the government!

Explanation is a cover-up!

The scene was in the south of the city, and he deliberately portrayed his enemies as being in the north of the city, just to leave enough time to sneak into Chencang!

No, they are going to run!

"Quick, go back!" Di Renjie shouted loudly, and the coachman received the order and braked suddenly to change direction.


Song Zhen was sitting unsteadily and hurriedly grabbed the window.

"Ouch, what are you doing!"

Di Renjie said in a deep voice: "I suspect that the owner of the house is the murderer. Even if he is not the murderer, he is someone related to the murderer."

"Tell me in advance. "Song Zhen wanted to cry but had no tears. Well, the buns I had eaten this morning were wasted.

The carriage was speeding on the streets of Bianzhou. The coachman shouted to the pedestrians on the road: "Get out of the way, the government is investigating a case! Get out of the way!"

The pedestrians on the road were frightened and hurried to the side of the road.

Tian Qi, who was on his way back to Xiahe Welfare Home, noticed that the carriage Song Zhen was riding was running back at a high speed.

He didn't think about it and ran to catch up.

He had only one belief in his heart: "The official is in trouble, Tian Qi wants to help."

"Uncle Guang, can you go faster?"

"Wu Lang, it's already the fastest speed."

When they arrived, they found that the house was already empty.


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