"What? You said he was in Huichunfang?" Xue Zhengqing's expression suddenly turned bad.

Huichunfang, as soon as you hear the name, you know it is a serious place, a place where only serious people go.

"Then let's go find him later." Coincidentally, Xue Sicheng is a serious person.

He returned his attention to the case file of Zhao Wenyu's case.

When he saw the interrogation record, he was even more shocked and could not express it.

"How can you interrogate the murderer like this?"

Di Renjie first inferred through common sense that Song Zhen could not be the murderer because he had no motive or conditions for murder.

Then, he and Song Zhen returned to the crime scene and found the most critical evidence.

The murder weapon, the incense burner, and the very important evidence, the broken ring.

The final fingerprint dialectic made Xue Zhengqing applaud!

"Too strong! Based on the fact that the murderer only has four fingers left and there is a scar on the little finger, this dialectical thinking is really unique."

Although it is written like Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, there are obvious confirmation signatures of Yan Liben and Wang Yifang in the lower right corner, indicating that these two leaders were present to watch the entire live broadcast process.

Yan Liben is now the Minister of Works of the current dynasty, and Xue Zhengqing will never doubt its authenticity.

"Where is Di Renjie?"

"Lu said that he went out to investigate the case." The Dali Temple Sizhi is a qualified subordinate who predicted the leader's problem in advance.

"Oh, then find him later."

Xue Zhengqing stamped his seal on the case file of Zhao Wenyu to prove that he had reviewed it.

In addition, he wrote his judgment in another notebook.

The controversial judgment in this case is nothing more than whether Zhao Wenzhuo is an accomplice to murder.

Xue Zhengqing's opinion is that Zhao Wenzhuo has a motive for committing the crime and puts it into action, which meets the standard of accomplice.

Moreover, when he interrogated Zhao Wenzhuo just now, he felt that the other party wanted to die.

Zhao Wenzhuo felt that he had no face to face his third brother, his father, and his family...

Most importantly, he loved You Suzhi deeply and didn't want her to go to hell alone.

Xue Zhengqing still remembered what Zhao Wenzhuo said to him before leaving.

"I hope to be a companion to Si Niang on the road to the underworld. She is afraid of the dark."

The Si Niang he mentioned was not sure whether it was Zhao Si Niang or You Si Niang.

It didn't matter anymore.

Therefore, Xue Zhengqing fully respected the wishes of the prisoner and wrote five words in his own column.

[Zhao Wenzhuo, beheaded. ]

For example, this kind of major criminal case must be reviewed by six Dali Temple officials and signed together before it has legal effect.

Then it will be submitted to the Ministry of Justice and finally submitted to the saint for review.

Xue Zhengqing rubbed his temples. Zhao Wenyu's case just now took him an hour.

He took a sip from the cup, then paused.

Damn, I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but I always feel that the water is not clean.

He put down the cup and stretched out his hand, and the Dali Temple Sizhi handed him the case file of the Hu people.

"The deceased died suddenly, and there is no guilt?"

Interesting, let me see how you prove that this is not a six-murder case.

The longest part of the case file of the Hu people is the autopsy report.

"It's this Song Zhen again!"

This autopsy report is more exciting than the Zhao Wenyu case.

It covers everything, and it has a total of 2,000 words.

"Two thousand words of corpse?" Xue Zhengqing widened his eyes, he was stunned.

This is no longer destroying his worldview, but reshaping his worldview.

Song Zhen conducted a total of five autopsies, on the night of death, the third day after death, the fifth day after death, the tenth day after death, and at the autopsy site.

The autopsy results and inferences were all recorded in great detail.

Of course, there are actually many similarities in these two thousand words.

Song Zhen did not come here to do so many autopsies because he had nothing to do. He came here to do so many autopsies. He did this mainly to thoroughly confirm whether the Hu people's bodies were poisoned, so he chose to observe the changes in the bodies every few days.

Xue Zhengqing held the autopsy report, and his hands kept shaking.

This is a talent! This is definitely a talent among talents!

Living in Bianzhou and being a small bad commander is really a waste of talent.

Xue Zhengqing now has only one thought, that is, to recommend Song Zhen to the Dali Temple!

The Dali Temple needs such talents!

All the coroners in the entire Tang Dynasty combined, I am afraid they can't compare to Song Zhen.

If Song Zhen can join the Dali Temple, it will undoubtedly be a huge improvement for the Dali Temple.

"Xue Sicheng, the specimen of the broken heart is still there."


"Yes, it's a term created by Song Zhen."

"Take me to see it." Xue Zhengqing stood up impatiently and was taken to a house by the Dali Temple Sizhi.The heart of the Hu people was placed in a translucent container called "Po Li" with sake soaked in it.

If you see it with your own eyes, you will be shocked. Isn't this glass? It's just not as crystal clear as modern ones.

In fact, according to the unearthed cultural relics, our ancestors were able to make glass as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Many time-travel works say that the protagonist returns to ancient times and produces glass with his memory, which shocks the world...

In fact, the ancients were much smarter than we thought.

Since there was no formalin in ancient times, Song Zhen was just an art student. He didn't learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, so he didn't know how to purify alcohol.

He had to use sake that filtered the residue to soak and preserve it.

But the effect was a little bit not very good. The heart of the Hu people today can no longer be seen as a heart, and the surface is green.

Xue Zhengqing wanted to take it out to see if it was as the case said, that the heart ruptured inside and caused the death of the Hu people.

As a result, he was stopped by the Dali Temple Sizhi.

"Temple Secretary, they said, put this on first and then take it out."

Xue Zhengqing was puzzled: "What is this?"

"Song Zhen made it, it seems to be called something, waterproof gloves."

"Hehe, it's interesting."

After Xue Zhengqing put it on, he opened the cloth wrapped around the glassware, and then reached in to take out the heart.

Hey, you know what, it really doesn't get wet. Isn't this amazing?

He picked up the heart and observed it carefully, and found that it was really as Song Zhen said, the inside of the heart was broken.

"How did he find out?" Xue Zhengqing was shocked. In addition to having a talent for autopsy, Song Zhen actually had a good understanding of the art of Qi Huang?

Genius, a real genius!

Xue Zhengqing was about to put the heart back, and suddenly noticed a line of crooked words next to it.

"After taking it out, please change the wine and put it in again, sake→"

"......" It's quite exquisite.

This guy is good at everything, but it's a pity that his handwriting is a bit ugly. For the convenience of writing, the strokes are reduced.

This cannot be blamed on Song Zhen. Postmodernism mainly teaches simplified Chinese characters.

In fact, the ancients could understand some simplified Chinese characters. The group of calligraphers who wrote cursive scripts were more fluent and their writings were more simplified than simplified Chinese characters.

Simplified Chinese characters also evolved from traditional Chinese characters.

Xue Zhengqing chuckled. He strictly followed Song Zhen's requirements, poured out the sake in the vessel, and replaced it with new sake.

He suddenly wanted to take this heart back to the Dali Temple to see it.

He was just not sure whether it could be preserved in Chang'an.

"Let's go to Huichunfang."

"Meet this strange man."


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