Di Renjie stood outside the cell, silent for a long time.

Is Yu San pitiful? No, he deserved it. The innocent people he killed were pitiful.

Di Renjie waved his hand, signaling the jailer to deal with it.

He came to Zhao Sanlang's cell, didn't say anything, just looked at him quietly.

Zhao Wenzhong was scared.

"Is there anything wrong? Di Panzuo."

"No, can't I come to see you if there's nothing?"

"......" I don't want you to come to see me.

After a long time, Di Renjie finally said: "Zhao Mingfu is dead."

Zhao Wenzhong's heart suddenly lifted, but he pretended to be shocked.

"What? Dead? How did he die?" By the way, he asked tentatively.

Di Renjie smiled slightly: "Guess?"

"I'm a child? Still guessing?"

"No, no, no, in fact, you know better than me how Zhao Mingfu died."

Want to trick me? No way! Zhao Wenzhong narrowed his eyes: "Di Panzuo, what do you mean? Do I look like a murderer?"

"I didn't say you are the murderer, please don't put yourself in your shoes."

"......" Zhao Wenzhong hugged his chest and turned his head away, not wanting to pay attention to this man.

Anyway, he would never admit it even if he was beaten to death.

Because if he admitted it, there would only be one way to die.

Di Renjie smiled mysteriously at Zhao Wenzhong and left the cell.

He had found the answer he wanted from the other party's slight expression change.


Song Zhen got off work early from Huichunfang today, and he came to the underground charity again.

Here are the rotten corpses in the well, and he came to re-examine them today.

Zhang San almost became his exclusive recorder. Although Zhang San was very resistant, there was no way, Lu Shishi personally assigned him, unless he didn't want to mix.


After two days of decay, the corpse was even more unrecognizable.

Song Zhen conducted another detailed inspection of the body from top to bottom, from big to small, and from outside to inside.

And this time, he found a strange place.

"The color of the flesh in the throat is different from the surrounding area, and the swelling position is inconsistent with the last inspection. Something is wrong!"

He reached down and touched a hard object!

"The deceased swallowed something before dying. It is very likely to be evidence!"

He stretched out his hand: "Bring a knife."

Zhang San covered his nostrils and handed him a thin knife.

Soon, Song Zhen took out a three-finger-sized token in his hand.

He carefully cleaned it and found that there was a "Zhao" character engraved on it!

"So that's it!"

It is impossible to swallow a three-finger-sized token. It is likely that the deceased used all his strength to get the token stuck in his throat before dying, and then it gradually flowed down as the body rotted and softened.

This is a very critical information.

Why did the deceased swallow a token with the word "Zhao" engraved on it? This means that the Zhao family is very likely the murderer.

Song Zhen's eyes rolled: "Not necessarily, it is possible that the real murderer put the token into the deceased's mouth in order to frame the Zhao family."

In order to verify this statement, he carefully checked the wear of the corpse's teeth.

"It seems that the deceased swallowed it by himself, and it has nothing to do with outsiders."

Narrowing the search range for suspects is very helpful in confirming the identity of the deceased.

Zhao family! Why is it the Zhao family again? Are the nobles of the Tang Dynasty really so awesome?

Song Zhen covered the white cloth again, clasped his hands together, bowed, lit a stick of incense, and then left the underground charity cemetery.

"Huaiying, I know who the murderer is!"

"I know it too."

Song Zhen raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Then let's write down the candidates for the murderer in our minds and compare them?"


The two put their answers together. Song Zhen wrote [Zhao Family], while Di Renjie narrowed the scope to [Zhao Wenzhong].

Di Renjie chuckled and said, "Not only that, I also know who the deceased is."


"Fengqiu County Mingfu, Zhao Youguang!"

"What?" Song Zhen was stunned. He didn't expect it to be him?

Damn, if I had known that there wouldn't be so many rituals before and after the autopsy, and worship and burning incense.

Fuck you, Zhao Youguang! You deserve to die!

Song Zhen hated Zhao Youguang. If it weren't for this dog official, he wouldn't have been slaughtered for nothing.

He wanted to rush to the underground charity cemetery and stab Zhao Youguang's body twice!

In addition to the fact that the deceased was Zhao Youguang, Di Renjie also revealed a very important piece of information.

The real murderer was Zhao Wenzhong!

Song Zhen gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you have evidence to prove that Zhao Wenzhong is the murderer?"

Di Renjie laughed and said, "No, but I will have it soon."

He patted his head.Song Zhen's shoulder said: "I need your help."

"How can I help you?"

"Today, I went to interrogate Zhao Wenzhong and Cui Hao separately. Both of them kept their mouths shut. However, if you don't want others to know, you must not do it yourself." Di Renjie's eyes showed a gleam of wisdom, "If we invite the dead up, how will they deal with it?"

Song Zhen's eyes lit up. This is a good idea! He studied vocal music and learned how to imitate other people's voices.

Zhao Youguang's voice is as strong as that of an ordinary middle-aged man. At that time, he only needs to change the pronunciation method, use the technique of head cavity resonance, and adjust the speed of speech to reproduce Zhao Youguang's voice.

It's so real!

So, Song Zhen restored Zhao Youguang's voice on the spot. It's not 100%, but at least 80% real.

Di Renjie has worked under Zhao Youguang for so long, so he is naturally very familiar with his voice.

The moment Song Zhen opened his mouth, he was stunned.

Like! It's so similar! Di Renjie was slightly excited.

Next, he needed to find someone of similar size to Zhao Youguang to act.

Di Renjie accidentally caught a glimpse of Dali Temple Sizhi who was sorting documents.

Isn't this man a copy of Zhao Youguang?

So, the two of them found Dali Temple Cheng Xue Zhengqing.

Xue Zhengqing frowned: "You mean, pretend to be the dead and intimidate the suspect to tell the truth?"

"That's right."

"This is a great idea!" Xue Zhengqing couldn't help but exclaimed, he had never thought of interrogating in this way.

Mainly because of the lack of talents like Song Zhen.


Cui Hao in the cell couldn't help shrinking his body, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

This morning, Di Renjie came to ask him something.

He couldn't help but get nervous, could it be? Did they find something?

"No! I absolutely cannot admit it!"

If they knew that Zhao Youguang died in front of him, and he knew but did not report it, and even cooperated with the murderer to destroy the body.

What would be his fate?

He would be an accomplice! He would be beheaded together with Zhao Sanlang!

Article 312 of "Tang Law Commentary" stipulates: "If an official below the sixth rank is beaten, each will be reduced by three levels; if the crime is reduced to a lighter level, one level will be added; if the death is, behead!"

"The death, behead!" Cui Hao's eyes suddenly became terrified.

"No! I don't want to die! I can't die!" If he was sentenced to death for murdering a court official with a criminal, it would be a major stain on the Bo Ling Cui family.

The ancients had a strong clan consciousness. If they could not bring honor to the family, they would not bring shame to the family.

Just when Cui Hao was thinking wildly-

The torches in the prison suddenly went out!

The whole cell was plunged into a suffocating darkness.


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