In the Tang Dynasty, houses were mainly self-built. The government would allocate land to you so that you could build your own house.

The "Six Codes of the Tang Dynasty" records: "For those who should be given garden land, one mu for three or less people, one mu for every three people, one mu for every five people... Those who buy land shall not exceed this system."

One mu is approximately equal to 666 square meters, which means that the average person in the Tang Dynasty lived in a villa. [Are you envious? ]

The Tang Dynasty allowed free trading of houses, but there were strict regulations on the purchase area.

According to Article 164 of the "Tang Law Commentary", "Those who occupy land beyond the limit shall be flogged ten times for one mu", and those who exceed the quota will be punished. .

In the Tang Dynasty, the sale and purchase of houses required the use of both single deeds and contract deeds, and neither was indispensable.

After the transaction was successful, a copy of the house deed needed to be handed over to the government for backup.

In addition, in order to restrict large families from illegally occupying homesteads, the Tang Dynasty made a special regulation.

"If you want to ask for land or a house, ask your relatives and neighbors first."

In simple terms, if you want to buy a house, it is not enough for the original owner to agree to sell it to you. You must also get the consent of his neighbors and clansmen.

If one person disagrees, you cannot buy the house. To a certain extent, it curbs the behavior of forced buying and selling.

However, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below.

Since the government has stipulated that the consent of the surrounding neighbors must be obtained, right? Well, then I will buy all the houses next to it, isn't it.

As a local wealthy family in Bianzhou, the Zhao family is particularly familiar with local officials.

So, they used both soft and hard tactics to force the original owner to sell the house to them, while the government turned a blind eye and pretended not to know.

Moreover, the Zhao family is very smart. They never register the houses they buy under the name of the Zhao family, but purchase them on behalf of others.

In this way, even if a new leader comes, they cannot find out their real assets.

This situation is particularly common in remote Xiazhou. After all, the emperor is far away and the court has repeatedly banned it.


How did Di Renjie know that the housing estate belonged to the Zhao family?

It's very simple. Investigate the current identity of the deed owner.

Then, he was surprised to find that these apparent house owners were actually working for the Zhao family and were close confidants.

Although they were not surnamed Zhao, they played an important role in the various industries of the Zhao family.

The gambling house owner was one of them.

His real identity was actually the younger brother of the twelfth concubine of the Zhao family owner.

Di Renjie didn't expect that so many things could be involved in a murder case.

If you move one hair, the whole body will be affected. Now, not only will the two brothers Zhao Wenzhong and Zhao Wenzhuo be in trouble, but the Zhao family will also be in trouble.

The area in the south of the city is very large, a full twenty acres, and you are purchasing the whole thing on behalf of others. You are evading taxes, dear.

If you add one acre, you will be beaten with ten boards, and the crime will be increased for every ten acres. What about twenty acres?

The maximum penalty is 100 strokes of the cane. It is estimated that the old body of the Zhao family master is in great danger, even though it is only a small bamboo cane.

Not only will he be beaten with the cane, but he will also be fined and imprisoned.

Last time, Governor Lu was beaten with 40 strokes of the cane, but he was still lying in bed for a whole week even though Di Renjie showed mercy and the force was less than one-tenth of the usual force.

Zhao Wenzhong guessed from Di Renjie's eyes that the other party must have found some evidence, otherwise he would not have been aimless.

He suddenly thought of the worst result.

"No! The whole family must not be destroyed because of my fault!"

The act of illegally occupying homesteads is actually everywhere. If you are not discovered, it's okay.

However, once it is discovered, the court will never let it go easily!

Zhao Wenzhong suddenly realized the worst possibility. Maybe the government has already found Zhao Youguang's body.

If there is no certain evidence, if it is just to hold Cui Hao accountable for the illegal occupation of homesteads, he will not go to court with him.

But, everyone came this time, what does it mean?

It means that the matter has been exposed! He murdered an official of the imperial court, and his fate was to die!

Zhao Wenzhong didn't know how his men dealt with the body, so he didn't ask.

He never expected that it was because of his carelessness that he suffered the consequences today.

Zhao Wenzhong's eyes suddenly became firm. Since he was destined to die, he would take all the responsibility on himself to protect the Zhao family.

"That's right, I bought all the houses in the south of the city by myself."

Di Renjie smiled: "You alone?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

"There is a problem!" Di Renjie questioned him, "How do you prove that all the houses are yours?"

"I bought them with my own money. How else can I prove it?"

"Is your name registered on the deed?"


Di Renjie continued to ask: "Did you have proof of presence when the contract was signed?""I..."

Di Renjie continued to be aggressive: "Or, can you find the original owner and let them come out to testify for you?"


"You don't have any evidence, but you want to cheat." Di Renjie's expression became serious, "I tell you! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"You alone can't afford so much property!

You alone can't afford 20 acres of homestead!

You alone can't represent the entire Zhao family!"

Di Renjie smiled disdainfully: "Give up your little thoughts, and you have your responsibilities. Do you understand?"

Zhao Wenzhong lowered his head dejectedly, with liquid rolling in his eyes. I don't know how he feels now.

Anyway, Song Zhen is very happy to watch it!

I have to praise that Di Renjie's logic and eloquence are really good, and he can make a person cry.

Lu Shishi and Xue Zhengqing, who were watching the show on the side, had the same idea as Song Zhen.

Di Renjie took the bamboo tube handed over by Song Zhen and took a sip of water.

He continued, "However, this time I summoned you to the court, not only for the homestead, but also for another matter."

"Excuse me, do you know him?"

A pungent stench of corpse hit Cui Hao in the face, and he collapsed on the ground when he saw the corpse for the first time.

"Here he comes!" He was more certain that the man last night was Zhao Youguang's ghost.

"No, don't!" Di Renjie grabbed Cui Hao's long hair and dragged him to the corpse.

The only eyeball left in the corpse stared at him!

"Do you see it more clearly now? Do you recognize him?"

"Ah, woo, woo, woo." Cui Hao burst into tears, not knowing whether he was scared, afraid, or regretful.

Maybe all of them.

"It was Zhao... Zhao Mingfu, but I didn't kill him, it's none of my business."

Di Renjie squatted down, held Cui Hao's face with both hands, looked into his eyes and asked slowly: "Then tell me, who killed him?"

Cui Hao's face turned from white to red, and his eyes lost the last bit of rationality. He turned back angrily and pointed at Zhao Sanlang, Zhao Wenzhong, who was standing behind him.

"It was him! He killed him!"

Everyone was in an uproar-

Zhao Wenzhong suddenly got excited, and he argued with trembling hands: "No! He is slandering!"

But the next second, he was horrified.

"Zhao Wenzhong! I wish I could eat your flesh, sleep on your skin, and drink your blood!"

A voice that often lingered in his dreams entered Zhao Wenzhong's ears.

He looked at the rotten corpse in disbelief, as if he saw the corpse's mouth moving.

"Return the favor in the same way!"


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