Who says that people who play music have no future? Look at Yan Liben, didn't he become the Minister of Works by virtue of his painting skills?

There is also Yan Zhenqing, who has a good handwriting, who was appointed as the Minister of Personnel, the Grand Tutor of the Crown Prince, and the Duke of Lu County.

And Liu Gongquan, who is also a calligrapher, was appointed as the Grand Tutor of the Crown Prince.

Bai Juyi, who is a good poet, was appointed as the Junior Tutor of the Crown Prince and the Minister of Justice.

It can be seen from this that in the Tang Dynasty, if you reach the top level in a certain art of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, you can stand out and it is not impossible to be appointed as the prime minister.

It is precisely because of the precedent of Yan Liben that Cui Qiufang is infinitely optimistic about Song Zhen's future.

Then, Cui Qiufang asked Di Renjie about Song Zhen's family background.

When she learned that he had been separated from his family since he was a child and wandered alone, her eyes could not help but redden.

"This child is so pitiful." She wiped her tears.

At the same time, she was relieved in her heart, and she felt that things were stable.

Because Song Zhen had such a terrible past, he must be eager to change the status quo.

What is the shortcut to save decades of struggle in the world?

Cui Qiufang didn't think that Song Zhen could resist this temptation.

Unless he didn't want to stand out and play badly!

As for having someone in his heart? That's not a problem. He first married Cui's daughter, and after stabilizing, he would take the beloved woman as a concubine. It's no big deal.

Di Renjie really didn't want to talk so much about Song Zhen with Cui Qiufang. After all, it was someone's private matter, and it was not good to talk about it behind his back.

It just so happened that the last show was over, and the next show was "Pulling Silk Opera".

Di Renjie smiled and said, "Cui Po, Shouzheng's show is coming soon."

Cui Qiufang was a smart person. She immediately understood and sat up straight.

This time, unlike previous shows, the curtain was opened first.

There were only two actors on the stage, one was a puppeteer played by Miss Chunhua, who was kneeling on the ground with her eyes blank.

The puppet played by Miss Xia He was kneeling on the ground with her legs and lying flat on her back. She wore a mask on her face, which looked very strange.

The audience stretched their necks without knowing what was going on.

At this time, a cymbal sounded, followed by a quick drum.

"I seem to have heard this rhythm somewhere before."

"I see, isn't this the opening of the puppet show?"

The puppet show began in the Qin and Han Dynasties, flourished in the Tang Dynasty, and flourished in the Song and Ming Dynasties.

Even if the audience present had never seen the puppet show, they had at least heard of it.

"Look, the person lying on the ground has silk threads on his body."

Miss Chunhua lowered her head and raised her hands, following the rhythm, her fingers moving alternately.

Miss Xia He, who was lying on the ground, slowly rose from the ground, but her head was still hanging.

This scene scared everyone. Who has seen this weird action scene?

Let's not talk about seeing it first. In this era, can anyone do it?

At this time, the music beat smoothly transitioned to the prelude of "Pulling Silk Opera". Everyone heard it and thought, yes, that's it!

There is no harm without comparison.

The puppet stood up under the control of the puppeteer who was dressed as a man by Miss Chunhua.

Miss Xiahe stretched out her hands, her two forearms naturally drooped, and her head tilted to one side.

Song Zhen's deep male voice sounded -

[Who are you laughing at for being beautiful and arrogant? How can you match without a heart? ]

Miss Chunhua's slender fingers moved with the beat of the music, and Miss Xiahe followed her guidance to make puppet movements.

This dance style that had never been seen before made the audience scream!

Especially the posture of moving the head and turning the body up and down and left and right was too incredible.

Is this a dance move that people can do?

They couldn't tell for a while whether it was a real puppet or a human?

Miss Chunhua suddenly loosened her hand, and Miss Xiahe fell into her arms.

Song Zhen just sang "You and I are a perfect match."

Ms. Chunhua repositioned herself and awkwardly controlled Miss Xiahe to dance.

This was a duet. The graceful dance of Miss Chunhua and the bizarre puppet movements of Miss Xiahe made people feel that there was a different kind of beauty of contradiction and conflict.

Unexpectedly, there was something even more explosive to come.

All the audience stood up collectively when they heard a melodious opera tune, like a sound lingering in the beams.

[The orchid finger twists the world like water, the three-foot red stage, everything is sung. ]

Mr. Li covered his mouth in shock and widened his eyes.

From his angle, he could clearly see that only Song Zhen was singing.

Putting aside the singing tune that he had never heard before, the fact that he, a man, could actually make such a pure and gentle female voice was enough to shock his mother for a hundred years.

"How did they do this singing? And this dancing posture?"

Mr. Li sat very close, and he could clearly tell that it was not a puppet at all.It's a person!

A living person!

But now it's like a lifeless puppet.

People only know puppet shows, but who would have thought that people could play puppets?

I believe that once this dance is born, what kind of storm will it cause in the Tang Dynasty?

There will definitely be a large number of imitators who will follow the trend and choreograph.

But is puppet dance really that easy to copy? This is the dance that Song Zhen brought back from postmodernism. He can confidently say that no one can copy it! Because you don't understand the real tricks at all.

At most, you can only imitate the shape, but you don't understand the real state.

Miss Xia He is fortunate to be the first puppet dancer in the Tang Dynasty. I believe that her value in the future will definitely soar to an unimaginable level. She is grateful to him.

"May someone remember who, the best years..." Lu Shishi quietly wiped his tears, and his eyes looked at his wife who was talking with Di Renjie in the backstage.

Beside him, someone began to miss Lu Siniang again.

[When you hold my hand, I dance like flying; when you lead me, I know how to advance and retreat. ]

After this line of lyrics, Song Zhen changed to a pure female voice and narrated it.

On the stage, Miss Chunhua seemed to be pulling the silk thread with both hands, while Miss Xiahe was waving her hands stiffly and walking with both feet.

But the strange thing is that she seemed to be walking, but she didn't move a step.

The space slide again caused the audience to scream! It refreshed their worldview again.

It turns out that dancing can be done like this?

It's amazing!

Miss Chunhua was tired of dancing, so she put a thin coat on the puppet played by Miss Xiahe and leaned against the pillar.

[You withered but I didn't wither, you tired but I didn't dare to be tired. ]

At this time, Miss Xiahe stood up from time to time, and she put her coat on Miss Chunhua stiffly, and fell asleep beside her.

The audience suddenly realized that this was a person, not a puppet!

At this time, the music stopped.

White catkins gradually fell on the stage.

"Is it snowing?" Song Zhen changed back to a male voice, puzzled and weak.

The "man" struggled to move, and after taking off his coat, his hair became white.

The audience exclaimed again! They couldn't figure out how they did it?

Even Li Yuanwai, who was sitting closest, couldn't understand what was going on.

In fact, it was very simple. Miss Chunhua put on a wig, using the visual difference, and Miss Xiahe just blocked her sight. She quietly changed her hair to white, and no one could find it.


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