"But he's dead now."

"Ah?" Di Renjie's face turned pale. He never expected that this would be the result?

In other words, the Zhao family buried Zhao Wenyu alive?

It's simply against the will of heaven and earth! It's inhumane!

What a beast!

"Start working. Take out a pen and paper. I'll say it and you'll write it down." Song Zhen first carefully turned over the side-lying body of Zhao Wenyu, who was lying on his back.

"The deceased is Zhao Wenyu, age unknown, female."

"Eyes closed, lips and mouth black, skin open with teeth exposed, gums bleeding. Complexion cyanosis, swelling, face with bruises. Limbs pale. Characteristics of death by suffocation"

Song Zhen lifted Zhao Wenyu's eyelids with his hands and continued: "The deceased's pupils were dilated, bloodshot."

He gently lifted the left and right hands of the corpse and observed: "The hands are bruised, indicating that she was beaten before death."

"Fingernails..." Song Zhen was silent for a while before speaking, "Ten fingers are dark blue, there are sawdust and blood in the nails."

Di Renjie suddenly raised his head, which means that the deceased must have experienced great suffering before death. She tried her best to open the heavy coffin lid, but how could a weak woman do it?

She shed helpless tears, and the tear marks are still clearly visible today.

Song Zhen did not stop his inspection: "There is an inch-wide blood scab on the back of the head, and the scalp is peeling off, which is suspected to be injured by a heavy weapon."

"There are fingerprints and pinch marks on the neck." Song Zhen frowned, why does it look so much like a woman's handprint?

Song Zhen continued to check, he gently lifted up the upper body clothes, and immediately took a breath of cold air.

He carefully looked left and right, then closed the clothes and said: "There are no bad marks on the upper body."

Then, Song Zhen took off the dandy, his eyes full of shock!

"Is the vulva intact?"

Di Renjie interrupted: "Are you sure she is still a virgin?"

Song Zhen nodded, so many years of educational videos are not in vain.

In ancient times, there are generally several ways to verify whether a virgin is a virgin.

The first is a blood test. The ancients believed that if it is a virgin's blood, it will not spread easily when dripped into water, and it will condense into beads, and vice versa.

Second, blowing away the ashes. They would let the woman squat on the grass ash, and then constantly touch her nostrils to stimulate the woman to sneeze. If the grass ash below does not move, it can prove her innocence.

Third, the chameleon. Find a chameleon that secretes more female hormones during the breeding period, and then feed it with cinnabar. Then crush the bright red chameleon into mud and apply it to the arms of girls who have just been born. After having sex, male hormones will remain in the body, and the cinnabar will automatically dissipate.

Fourth, place thin objects between the legs, such as paper/cloth, and let the woman walk for a while. If she holds it tightly without falling, she is a virgin.


In fact, you can't say these methods are unreasonable, you can only say that they are not very scientific.

The simplest and crudest method used by Song Zhen is also the most effective method, which is to open it and look.

Di Renjie said in a deep voice: "Could it be that the body at the scene was not Zhao Si Niang? But someone else?"

Song Zhen looked at him in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"When I arrived at the scene, I saw obvious bloodstains between the legs of the woman's body."

"It is possible that it was added later to forge the scene."

"After the autopsy, what conclusion did you draw?"

Song Zhen left the coffin, took the pen and paper, and drew on it.

"First, Zhao Siniang was invited to the temple on the top of Luofeng Mountain. The murderer failed to humiliate her, and in anger, he knocked her out with an incense burner! Note that she was just unconscious."

"The murderer thought he had missed the murder, so he arranged for his men to tie me up from Huichunfang and put the blame on me."

"But I never expected that Zhao Siniang was not dead? Someone stabbed her again when she was put into the coffin, and strangled her again with his hands."

"Unfortunately, Zhao Siniang was not destined to die. She woke up from the coffin and struggled in every possible way. Due to the intense exercise, the air gradually became thinner, and she suffocated to death. It was a pity that she passed away."

Di Renjie listened carefully to Song Zhen's analysis. After thinking about it, he pointed out the problem.

"I have a question, why did the murderer fall in love with you? Why did he find you in the vast sea of ​​people?"

Song Zhen was speechless: "Maybe, it's just because I'm too beautiful?"

Di Renjie laughed dumbly.

"You are wrong in one thing. If the murderer really wanted to humiliate, he would have done it even if she was dead."

"......" Is it so perverted?

Di Renjie's eyes became stern, and he said in a deep voice: "Unless Zhao Siniang happened to see the murderer doing something bad, and the murderer killed her in order to cover up the truth!"

"And the reason why it was faked as humiliation is to make you more guilty!"

Then he shook his head and denied it.This idea.

"No, no, the Yonghui Law says: Those who murder people shall be sentenced to three years in prison; those who have injured people shall be strangled; those who have killed people shall be beheaded. Whether you have raped or not, you will not be able to escape death."

"Why did the murderer do this? Doesn't he know how important a woman's reputation is..."

"That's right! Reputation!" Di Renjie clapped his hands fiercely!

"That's right, the murderer must not want Zhao Wenyu to be buried in the Zhao family's ancestral tomb or her husband's tomb. It will facilitate his subsequent actions, or is it a revenge crime?"

Di Renjie saw some subtle marks on both sides of the coffin!

This means that when Zhao Wenyu woke up, she was strangled again in the coffin by the murderer!

Song Zhen caught the blind spot: "Wait, she got married?"

"Yes, she married into the Wang family two years ago."

How can she still be a virgin after getting married? This amount of information is a bit too much.

However, it seems that the murderer's goal was indeed achieved. Zhao Wenyu was buried in a desolate wilderness. The tomb was built in a simple way. Since he died suddenly, it was very likely that he bought the tomb directly.

Moreover, it has only been a week, and most of the incense in front of the hall has gone out.

"What a vicious heart, what did Zhao Wenyu accidentally encounter? Why did he do such a cruel thing?"

Song Zhen saw that Di Renjie was thinking, so he didn't interrupt.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps outside. Without thinking, he took out a burial gauze dress from the coffin and put it on his body, and then covered his face with his long hair.

"Wow, I died so miserably..."

"Zhao Siniang turned into a fierce ghost! Run!" Another group of people were scared away!

After doing all this, Song Zhen said to Di Renjie with a gloomy face: "We are leaving."


However, just as the two were sorting out the burial objects in Zhao Wenyu's coffin, they found two more details.

"Zhao Siniang doesn't like purple clothes?"

Generally speaking, burial objects are usually placed with the things that the deceased liked before his death.

For example, in the coffin of a general, there will be weapons and equipment placed inside.

As for Zhao Wenyu, most of the burial objects are clothes, books, and a pipa. It can be seen that she was indeed a woman who was proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

However, among the various clothes, there is only no purple.

That means that the piece of purple cloth found in the temple is not Zhao Wenyu's, but the murderer's?

Maybe it was the evidence left behind when she accidentally tore it off when she resisted.

Before closing the coffin, Song Zhen gently opened Zhao Wenyu's cherry mouth and put a jade bead back into her mouth.

"In fact, she looks pretty, very pure and cute." Song Zhen thought to himself, secretly regretting it.

The two of them lifted the coffin lid together and pushed it up with force.



In the darkness, the jade beads slid down silently, and the corners of Zhao Wenyu's mouth seemed to rise slightly.

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