"Shouzheng, did you get anything?"

"Yes." Song Zhen told Di Renjie everything that Lao Gou had said.

The two of them pondered. Although Feng Chang was the most suspicious according to the testimony they had, it was still far from enough to convict him.

Now they couldn't find him at all, and even fingerprints couldn't be verified.

He seemed to have suddenly evaporated from the face of the earth.

If he ran away, how could he be found in the vast sea of ​​people?

In the end, Dong Feng would become the biggest suspect because he couldn't prove his innocence.

Of course, everything was just a hypothesis.

The most important thing now was to find Feng Chang first.

Di Renjie didn't reply, but left in silence.

He planned to go back and study the "Book of Changes" carefully.

Since he couldn't find the key witness, that is, the old man who had told fortunes for Dong Feng.

It would be better for him to go on stage himself, read the book "Book of Changes" thoroughly, and interpret Dong Feng's dream again.

Di Renjie had a hunch that the other party had probably figured out who the murderer was.

Maybe, he could use divination to find Feng Chang's current location.


Unconsciously, a day had passed.

When the two returned to Jinyang County, the sun had already set.

"Shouzheng, are you going to Wang's?"

"Okay." I have nothing to do today, so I just have time to go and have some fun.

So, Song Zhen let Tian Qi go back home by himself, and he got on Wang's carriage.

The next moment, he regretted it.

I saw Di Renjie and his wife Wang Muzhi holding hands and leaning against each other, with tenderness in their eyes, which made Song Zhen, a single dog, feel pain in his balls.

Damn it, why do you have to find dog food for yourself?

Humph! When I find a wife, I will also show my affection in front of you!

"Ahem——" Song Zhen saw that the two were getting more and more excessive, so he reminded them.

Di Renjie and Wang Muzhi blushed at the same time.

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Song Zhen took the initiative to find a topic to talk about.

"I'm curious, what brought you two together?"

"Poetry gathering." Wang Muzhi answered first.

Song Zhen suddenly realized: "So that's it, Huaiying must have shown off his literary talent in the poetry gathering, surpassed the others, attracted the attention of his sister-in-law, and finally the lovers got married."

Unexpectedly, Wang Muzhi covered his mouth and laughed.

"Shouzheng, you guessed wrong."


Di Renjie felt uncomfortable and his face turned redder.

"The truth is, he sat stiffly in the corner of the poetry gathering without saying a word, and was out of tune with others, and then I became curious about him..."

Song Zhen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Damn, this is okay?

What kind of domineering CEO routine is this?

Wang Muzhi saw Di Renjie standing aside like a minion, and the corner of his mouth raised: "Man, you have successfully attracted my attention."

It can only be said that two people destined to meet will eventually get together no matter how they meet.

"Okay, okay, Muzhi, stop talking."


Di Renjie hurriedly changed the subject: "Shouzheng, what about you? What are your plans?"

"What plans?"

"Get married and start a business. You are not young anymore. The Khan of Heaven once issued an edict that men over 20 and women over 15 must get married, otherwise..."

This is the age stipulated by Emperor Taizong of Tang. When it came to Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, it became 15 for men and 13 for women.

The edict that Di Renjie mentioned is called "The edict to order officials to persuade common people to get married in time."

This is an edict issued to local governments, one of which has a saying.

"Those common people, men and women who have no family, shall be married by county officials with courtesy, and they shall be allowed to ask for their own kind, and they shall not be suppressed."

Pay attention to two key words. First, common people refer to the common people.

Second, people of the same kind seek each other. What does it mean? In short, common people marry common people, common people marry common people, and miscellaneous households marry miscellaneous households. They must be of equal status and cannot cross the level.

Officials mainly play the role of matchmakers. If they find that there are unmarried young men of older age, they will take the initiative to go to the door to matchmake and persuade you to get married quickly.

Just matchmaking, you can't force others to get married.

Article 188 of "Tang Law Commentary" stipulates: "All the young and the humble outside will be engaged after respecting the elders."

From this, it can be seen that the Tang Dynasty is a ritual country that respects the words of matchmakers and the orders of parents.

Therefore, there is no scene where the government brings a group of women to the village gate and lets men choose at will.

Of course, there may be some poor families who are eager to marry their daughters and ask the government to do so, but the government will not accept such business.

If a commoner is matched with a householder, or a married person falsely claims his wife, the punishment is either a beating or exile. Which official would be so stupid as to take such a risk?At this time, some Yanzu may ask, I have no money, how can I marry a wife?

Don't worry, Li Shimin has thought of these problems.

"If the poor and destitute will marry the needy, they will rely on their relatives and the rich families in the village, and the poor will be given money to help them."

For poor young people, his relatives and the rich families in the same village will pay for the betrothal gifts to help you get married.

In order to improve the enthusiasm of officials, Li Shimin used "timely marriage" and "increase in household registration" as the performance of local officials. Those who are capable will be promoted and make money, and those who do not meet the standards will be "lost by the palace."

In fact, Song Zhen's original identity as a vagrant should belong to a miscellaneous household, but Yan Liben has helped him solve the household registration problem. Otherwise, how could a miscellaneous household become an official?

Song Zhen smiled indifferently: "What else? Fine? It's just two pieces of cloth, I can still afford it."

Two pieces of cloth per year, this is the single tax. In the early Tang Dynasty, a piece of silk was about 200 wen.

For Song Zhen, can this be considered money?

Di Renjie was speechless. It can be seen that he was more anxious than Song Zhen.

Because he was a local, he had a deep understanding of the officialdom of the Tang Dynasty. Commoners could not go far as officials.

As mentioned earlier, it is not allowed to cross the class to marry, but what if the girl's parents accept it? This is not a problem.

Di Renjie wanted to introduce him to the daughter of the Di family. As for the Taiyuan Wang family, he dared not think about it, and he did not have the ability.

But Song Zhen's stubborn look made Di Renjie a little speechless.

I don't know what he is thinking. Could it be that? He already has a favorite woman? Has he already decided to spend his life together?

Thinking of this, Di Renjie felt that it would be better for him not to match couples randomly.

Soon, the Taiyuan Wang family's mansion arrived. As soon as he saw the door, he knew it was a wealthy family.

The Wang Mansion is very large, the kind that you can't see the end of at a glance.

The Wang Mansion's family guards saw that Song Zhen was unfamiliar and stopped him immediately.

Wang Muzhi gave them a few instructions, and seeing that they were good friends of the daughter, they let them go.

As soon as they entered the door, they could see the birds singing and the flowers blooming.

There was a group of children chasing each other.

"Hey, be careful." Di Renjie reminded them too late. Song Zhen had been hit by a Cuju, but fortunately it was made of bamboo, so it didn't hurt.

He smiled and shook his head, indicating that he was fine, then picked up the ball and dribbled it flexibly on his toes.

This scene made the little brats dumbfounded.

Song Zhen put down the Cuju, handed it to the little brat standing in front of him, and touched his head.

"Little friend, what's your name?"

"My name is Wang Zian."



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