"Sir, this is our new academy." Wang He took Song Zhen to a loft in the city.

The loft is divided into three floors, and the area of ​​each floor is about 200 square meters.

Song Zhilin has gone back in advance, and he wants to tell the elders of the clan the good news.

Song Zhen simply glanced at it, and he smiled and asked Wang He: "I wonder what was your original intention of founding this academy, Mr. Wang?"

"Let the people of the world learn something, gain something from learning, and use what they have learned."

Song Zhen shook his head: "The world is too big, ideals are full, and reality is very skinny."

Wang He pondered, thinking about Song Zhen's words, and then looked up and asked: "What do you think, sir?"

"Do you want to open the academy to the people of Jinyang County for free?"

"Yes, is there anything wrong with it?"

"No, have you ever thought about how to manage more people coming in?"

"Also, if some people who fish for three days and dry their nets for two days come in, won't it occupy the position of those who really want to learn?"

"The biggest problem is that your area is so small, how can it accommodate all the people of Jinyang?"

Wang He felt that Song Zhen's words made sense. In fact, his descendants also advised him, but he didn't listen.

However, he listened to Song Zhen's words.

It was very real.

Song Zhen sat on a chair, his eyes sparkling as he said, "In my opinion, knowledge must be paid for, so that they can cherish the hard-won learning opportunity."

"It costs money?" Wang He was shocked. Isn't this contradictory to what Song Zhen said before, "to establish a heart for heaven and earth, to establish a life for the people, to inherit the lost knowledge of the past sages, and to open peace for all generations."?

If it is just to educate the rich, how can we talk about serving heaven, earth, people and the people?

Seeing the other party's expression, Song Zhen knew that he had thought wrong, so he asked.

"What do you plan to use the three floors of this attic for?"

Wang He didn't think much and answered directly: "Nine Classics teaching."

Song Zhen laughed: "The imperial examination Mingjing subject tests the Nine Classics. Isn't this exam-oriented education?"

There was no such thing as the Four Books and Five Classics in the Tang Dynasty. The content of the Mingjing subject examination was a total of Nine Classics. "Book of Rites" and "Zuo Zhuan" were the major classics; "Book of Songs", "Zhou Li" and "Yili" were the middle classics; "Zhouyi", "Shangshu", "Gongyang Zhuan" and "Guliang Zhuan" were the minor classics. In addition, "Book of Filial Piety" and "Analects of Confucius" were required subjects.

Wang He was puzzled: "What is exam-oriented education?"

"It is education for the purpose of coping with exams."


Song Zhen stood up and asked Wang He in a guiding way: "What is the first sentence of the first chapter of the Book of Rites, The Great Learning?"

"The way of the Great Learning is to manifest the bright virtue, to be close to the people, and to stop at the highest good."

"What is the bright virtue?"

"Let the world distinguish right from wrong, distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, and have the virtue of light."

"What is close to the people?"

"Walk among the people and educate them."

"Why stop at the highest good?"

"The Great Learning says: To be a ruler, stop at benevolence; to be a minister, stop at respect; to be a son, stop at filial piety; to be a father, stop at kindness; to be friends with the people, stop at trust. These are the highest virtues. What we need to do is to try our best to keep most people in this noble state."

Song Zhen nodded. This is Wang He's personal opinion.

Regarding the interpretation of "The Great Learning", Zhu Xi of the Song Dynasty corrected the previous typo of "be close to the people". He thought it should be "renew the people". "Renew" means to change the old. It encourages the rulers to change the customs through education, guide the ignorant people, and get rid of the old corrupt ideas.

However, Wang Yangming felt that Zhu Xi had ulterior motives to change the articles of sages and changed the Confucian self-disciplined moral doctrine into heteronomy, which was malicious.

Whether it was Zhu Xi or Wang Yangming, Song Zhen did not comment. He thought Wang He said it well anyway.

So Song Zhen nodded: "I suggest that the three floors of the attic be set up as Mingde Hall, Qinmin Hall, and Zhishan Hall respectively."

"Mingde Hall is to promote the bright virtues of saints. It is open to the public for free. There are no tables and chairs. Anyone can listen."

"Qinmin Hall, the main function is to teach people to read and recognize characters. This place charges for groups. For common people, for merchants, and for poor families, the charging standards should be very different. Moreover, it must be done without discrimination. Students should not be discriminated against."

"Zhishan Hall, this is a lecture hall. It combines cases in life and tells stories in the form of storytelling to warn students that a real man should do something and not do something."

Wang He was shocked after listening. He didn't expect Song Zhen to think so far.

Setting up the teaching content in this way can avoid the embarrassing situation of teaching students and starving the teacher to death.

Second, this is the real heart for heaven and earth and the life for the people.

Although the Jinyang Wang family cannot make everyone a good person,But as long as one person listens and does it, it is a merit.

Reading should not be just a means to fame and fortune.

The purpose of reading should be pure.

Zixia said: "If you are good at being an official, you should study, and if you are good at studying, you should be an official." However, most people now only see the last sentence and wrongly interpret it as: good academic performance can lead to an official career.

This kind of thinking is not advisable.

Song Zhen thought about it, and he actually had another idea, which was to let the Jinyang Wang family open a free library.

However, such a proposal is not reliable, and don’t look at Wang He’s one or two words. In fact, who doesn’t have some selfish thoughts?

Books are the treasures that the Wang family relies on for survival. One of the advantages of the Jinyang Wang family, which belongs to the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Names, is its strong cultural strength.

However, it is interesting that in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, Li Zhao believed that the Taiyuan Wang family was not worthy of being called the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Names, but should be the Four Surnames.

"The Wang family of Taiyuan, the four surnames are beautiful, so they are called 'the Wang family of the 鈒雕 Wang family', which means silver and gold ornaments."

The Wang family of Jinyang was prominent in the Wei and Jin dynasties, but until now, I don't know how many years it has been since there have been talents.

People all call the Wang family of Jinyang, the Wang family of Qixian and the Wang family of Zhongshan the Wang family of Taiyuan, forming this aircraft carrier-level county.

Have you seen the Cui family of Boling and the Cui family of Qinghe, the Li family of Longxi and the Li family of Zhaojun playing like this?

In fact, the Wang family of Jinyang and the Wang family of Qixian are not familiar with each other, but are just relatives in the same county. They are even less familiar with the Wang family of Zhongshan, and are just affiliated with each other.

The ancestors of the Wang family of Jinyang can be traced back to the branch of Wang Huilong-Wang Qiong. However, from the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Tang and Five Dynasties, there are only a dozen officials above the fifth rank recorded in history books among their descendants.

There is no comparison with other Shandong noble families. For example, the first, second, and third branches of the Cui family in Boling... Any one of them can beat the three families of the Wang family in Taiyuan combined.

The Wang family in the Tang Dynasty had a large population, and the genealogy must be traced back to Taiyuan or Langya. Seven or eight out of ten were from other places to add luster to their family.

This gave the world a false impression that the Wang family in Taiyuan seemed to be very powerful.

As the head of the family, Wang He knew his own family affairs, and he had a sense of crisis.

He knew that if he continued like this, it would not work, and he had to find a new way out.

Until Song Zhen appeared, he saw the dawn.

Whether his descendants in the future can succeed is beyond his control.

What can be done now is to improve the reputation of the Jinyang Wang family among the people.

Let the Jinyang Wang family be worthy of the title of the Five Surnames and Seven Famous ...

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