"What bad luck. But I found one thing Bai Yiqing said with some doubts: "how can Zhao Minghao be there every time. As long as we go, we'll see. "

"That's true. And that kid's accomplishments are rising very fast. " Black handle way: "is long Jingjing gave some resources to Zhao Minghao?"

"That's for sure. Otherwise, how could that boy upgrade so fast? " Bai Yiqing is positive.

"That's not right. The cultivation of Longkai mountain didn't rise much. If long Jingjing has such resources, it must first give long Kaishan. Is it to exchange something with Zhao Minghao? After all, that guy is good at alchemy. " Black handle frowned and said, "those who step on horses will take advantage of alchemy."

"Hehe, in fact, you think of another thing. That's whether long Jingjing and Zhao Minghao have a good relationship. " Bai Yiqing said: "why don't you say..."

"It's impossible, it's impossible!" Black handle said in a loud voice: "what is Zhao Minghao. It's impossible for long Jingjing to take a fancy to it. "

"Tut Tut, you are not dead to long Jingjing." Bai Yiqing shook his head and said, "you don't think about long Jingjing's accomplishments. You can never catch up with him."

"Yes, I should give up on long Jingjing. But long Jingjing is not the bastard Zhao Minghao can covet! " Heibing doesn't believe in Tao at all. It's like firming up some of his beliefs.

"Then there is no other explanation. It's long Jingjing who wants Zhao Minghao to make the pill Lingbao or something. Then their relationship can't be so close. " Bai Yiqing said, "but this is also an opportunity for us."

"What opportunities can the impossible be for us?" Black handle a face firm way.

"As long as we get hold of both of them, we'll have a chance to turn over." Bai Yiqing said with a smile.

"It's impossible to get hold of them. What's more, they don't have to. " Black handle had doubted for a long time, but he still didn't want to believe it. Only time and again to strengthen their own beliefs in the heart.

"Yes, it's really hard to catch the horse rider." Bai Yiqing said: "we can't find a way from long Jingjing. There's nothing we can do with her, so we can only do it from Zhao Minghao. "

"What are you going to do?" Black handle asked hesitantly.

"Find a chance to catch that kid." Bai Yiqing said: "we two immortal kings grasp one who just entered the cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian."

"But I want to find a good place. Otherwise, it will make a big deal. " Black handle frowned.

"It's easy. Let's find a chance to explore, just take Zhao Minghao with us. He said that it would not work to take long Jingjing with him, because there are too many things that long Jingjing gets. I know there is such a small space that people have removed all the things in it. But this place can cover the sky Bai Yiqing.

"Well, how about we send him a messenger now?" Said Heibing. He would like to take down Zhao Minghao now and ask him what the relationship between him and long Jingjing is. Otherwise he had such an idea in his heart that he would not eat well.

"No, I can't send him a messenger now. Try not to make him suspicious. We'll find him after three or five days. " Bai Yiqing.

"Then we have a hard time in these three or five days." Black handle worried.

After returning to guanlingshan cave, Zhao Minghao was ready to go to Tianlong continent from here. Just about to leave, I received a message from Cui Wuhuan. This guy is very careful to ask Zhao Minghao how the array is going.

After hearing this, Zhao Minghao remembered what he had promised Cui Wuhuan. The dish has been refined. This way, he threw it to Niu Dalang and sent a messenger to Cui Wuhuan to ask him to come and get it.

Zhao Minghao opened the space channel and left after the messenger was sent out. I came to the five elements building on the five elements island of Tianlong mainland. He called Lang Yunyi and Jiang Heze. Zhao Minghao has something to say to these two people.

"Well, brother Zhao, what can I do for you?" Lang Yunyi asked Zhao Minghao.

"This is the jade amulet that goes in and out of my cave on the Venetian lake." Zhao Minghao lost two jade amulets to them: "you two can go through the robbery and fly up now."

"Well, let's go through the robbery. All right, we've arranged things. " Jiang Heze said.

"Well, you fly up to the louver city. I'll find the cave I left there. Don't come out there. I'll be looking for you soon. " Zhao Minghao said.

"Well, that's easy. We'll follow brother Zhao's instructions. " Lang Yunyi said: "even if we build a network on it..."

"That's impossible." Zhao Minghao shook his head and said, "there can't be vulgar things in the fairyland. Go up and you'll see. "

"Yes, yes. Let's go up there. As long as there are people, there will be space. " Jiang Heze was full of confidence.

"Come on, you're going to rob and fly tomorrow." Zhao Minghao nodded.

After the two went out, Zhao opened the space channel and returned to the hotel office of the main world. It was five o'clock in the afternoon.

"How's the matter with brother hao?" Ye still asked in a delicate voice.

"Very good. The restaurant is well managed by Xiaodie's sister." Zhao Minghao said: "there is nothing wrong with long Jingjing. I thought there was a little space to explore. "

"Not to mention that, the production line of the factory over there has been assembled. We are going to start production tomorrow. " Anno said to Zhao Minghao, "and Donald is here. Will you meet him tonight or tomorrow? "

"I'll see him tonight." Zhao Minghao touched his chin and said, "I also cheated him so much money. Why do you want to invite him to dinner? "

"Well, let's call Li Bin and general manager Wu." "It's in our private room on the third floor," she said

"In the private room on the third floor, you can join us." Zhao Minghao said.

"Xiaodie and I won't go there. Sister Ann Nuo, stay with brother Hao. " Ye still said in a delicate voice: "my parents called me to go home for dinner, just as I and Xiao die went back."

So it was decided. Zhao Minghao called Wu and Li Bin. I told them to have two drinks tonight.

"Yes, yes. Then we'll be right there. " Li Bin some excited way: "by the way, Yuyao and Mingyue two people also in the past ha."

"Yes, that's no problem. I'll treat a white skin to dinner tonight. " Zhao Minghao said: "this guy has been cheated a lot by me."

Zhao Minghao told the story. This made Li Bin laugh: "well, this guy is really sad. I want to beat Professor Zhao for your idea

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