Zhao Minghao and Leng Xiaodie return home. Here, I put a round table down in the living room. Tablecloths and tableware are all taken out of the storage space.

"I'll bring out all the dishes before anyone comes." Zhao Minghao nodded. I was very satisfied with the arrangement of the table.

"Ho, I'll go back." "I don't want to eat with them," said Leng Xiaodie

"That's OK." Zhao Minghao nodded and said, "I'll go through the space door later. So you don't have to drive back. "

Zhao Minghao opens the space door and lets Leng Xiaodie go back to Shicheng. As for the car in the yard, Zhao Minghao also threw it in the yard of his villa.

After finishing everything, Zhao Minghao took out his mobile phone and called Secretary Li first, inviting him to come over for dinner this evening. And call Mayor Zhang.

"Well, I'll treat you to dinner." Zhang Zhenchang was surprised and said, "I have agreed with the secretary. I'm going to the restaurant to make a reservation here. "

"I'm ready. Just come here. " Zhao Minghao said with a smile: "by the way, we'll arrive at six o'clock on time."

"All right, all right. There are two investors. I don't know if it's convenient or not. " Mayor Zhang is in a dilemma.

It's not his treat. And this is Zhao Minghao's treat at home. It's not hospitable to treat others. It's even harder to go to Zhao Minghao's house now.

"It's OK, it's OK." Zhao Minghao said with a smile: "as long as it's not the kind of people who don't know the greatness of heaven and earth, you can bring it with you."

"All right, all right. Boss Xiang is a very good person. " Zhang Zhenchang let go: "he wants to invest in a medical equipment factory."

"Good. I'll wait for you." Zhao Minghao nodded.

At six o'clock, three cars stopped in front of Zhao Minghao's courtyard. Secretary Li, Mayor Zhang, got out of the car and came in, followed by a short, fat man of more than 40, who was smiling like Maitreya.

Beside the short fat man was a charming woman in her twenties. It looks like it's the secretaries.

Behind them are director Dong and two deputy mayors.

"Professor Zhao, this is boss Xiang Jianshan. Mr. Xiang, this is Professor Zhao Minghao Zhang Zhenchang gave a quick introduction.

"Hello, Professor Zhao. I've heard a lot about you. Today, it's really... "Boss Xiang said politely.

"You're welcome. You're welcome." Zhao Minghao said with a smile: "everyone come in and sit down. I've prepared the dishes. Let's have a drink together. "

He entered the living room. You can see that a round table here is full of dishes. Still steaming, there are two small jars on the table. That porcelain jar can hold five Jin of wine.

Two big crystal bottles are shining like rubies. Needless to say, it's red wine in it. These two bottles of wine look very high-end.

"So rich." Secretary Li said in surprise.

"Yes, I brought them all from the wuxingtang hotel in Shicheng." Zhao Minghao said faintly: "everyone sit down quickly. By the way, what kind of wine do you drink... "

"Baijiu, of course, baijiu." Secretary Li said with a smile: "Lao Zhang, what do you say? The red wine is on the side

"Of course, I want to drink baijiu." Zhang said with a smile: "I can't help so many good dishes. Tut Tut, I don't know many dishes

"I'll pour. I'll pour." Deputy mayor Ren quickly stood up and reached for the wine jar. Open it and pour out wine for everyone, and pour it into a glass wine distributor.

Director Dong also picked up a jar and poured wine together. This will soon be good.

"Come and have a drink." Zhao Minghao raised his glass.

After a few drinks and some dishes, Secretary Li sighed: "these dishes are really delicious. And the wine is very good. It's really good

"I had dinner in Professor Zhao's Wu Xing Tang restaurant." Xiang Jianshan sighed: "this kind of wine costs 15000 yuan per kilo. And these dishes are even more wonderful. This white cut chicken is estimated to be more than 2000 years old. And the Buddha jumps over the wall. Don't think about it without 30000 yuan. "

"Well, it's such a big expense." Secretary Li and Mayor Zhang's face became dignified and said, "isn't this table worth several hundred thousand?"

"Don't worry about eating and drinking." Zhao Minghao said with a smile: "this is not in wuxingtang hotel. It's in my family. It's a regular meal. For example, this wine is made by myself. How much is a chicken worth? It's just a dish of stew. This is what the fans did. "

Zhao Minghao said that the thing made with fans is braised shark's fin.

"This..." Secretary Li was embarrassed. But it's too late to say no now. But if you want to eat like this, you really can't explain in your heart.

"Well, yes, yes. This is not the five elements hall in Shicheng. " Xiang Jianshan said in a hurry: "it's all routine."

Xiang Jianshan, this is a regret. What are you showing off? It's not easy for us to use chopsticks. That's redundant.

"Yes, everyone, everyone. It's not worth a lot of money to me. " Zhao Minghao said with a smile: "let go to eat, let go to eat."

"Then let's eat." Zhang Zhenchang said with a bitter smile.

"By the way, director Dong, what about the two men you just arrested?" Zhao Minghao told director Dong. That's a distraction.

"The interrogation has come out. The two guys came from other places, tangled with a few little gangsters here and opened a gambling house. It's on the river not far from Zhaoji town. " Director Dong said angrily: "we have arrested them just now."

If director Dong hadn't come here, he would be interrogating those gangsters now.

"These bastards do a lot of harm." Zhao Minghao said: "but how to open a casino on the river? Is it on the boat

"These bastards get a couple of big boats, and they open casinos on them." Director Dong said, "we didn't care. Otherwise, it's impossible... "

"Old Dong, that's the lesson." Secretary Li said: "we must have subjective initiative in future work. Otherwise something will happen sooner or later. "

"Yes, yes. That's because it gives me a headache. Just now, the Bureau called to give me this batch. " Director Dong said with a bitter smile.

"It's a good thing you've caught all these people, and you've made up for them." Zhang Zhenchang said: "we have to explain this to the top. In the future, we should pay attention to these places. We've got the casinos here. "

"Yes, yes. There are also a lot of gamblers coming from the county. " Director Dong said: "when we went to arrest, the gambler arrested more than 20 people. Fortunately, I brought a lot of joint defense team members, otherwise I couldn't clean up so many people! "

The meal lasted more than eight o'clock. All the guests left with satisfaction. Zhang asked about Zhao Minghao's return when he left. Ask if you want to send a driver. If you need to, you can call someone over.

"No, no, the driver will not." Zhao Minghao said hastily, "I can't go up tonight. We'll start early tomorrow morning. You don't have to worry, Mayor Zhang. "

"Well, we'll leave." Zhang Zhenchang said, "Professor Zhao, please call me when you come back. We must invite you next time. "

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