"My cooking will be better in the future!"

Zhao Minghao is very proud. It's just an internship. After absorbing all the cooking skills of Tianhai, the cooking skills will certainly be better.

"But I think Dr. Zhao, you should still focus on medical skills. I'll ask the chef to do these things. "

Xiao Yuyao thinks she is right. How can a doctor, especially a doctor with excellent medical skills, put his energy on cooking.

"But I don't think so. It's good for Zhao to make love with his cooking skills. "

Arnold has eaten a lot of delicious food, which makes people feel good. Hearing Xiao Yuyao say that, I can't help but speak out.

Zhao Minghao nodded with a smile. Standing up to clean up the dishes, Xiao Yuyao said

"Well, sister anno is right."

When the dishes and chopsticks are cleaned up, Zhao Minghao goes to wash the dishes. Annuo rushed to help, but Xiao Yuyao remembered that she should help. But now it seems a bit abrupt to deliberately go by.

"Pay attention in the future, or handsome Zhao won't have a good impression on me. In fact, these can be done by nannies. "

Xiao Yuyao saw that Zhao Minghao soon packed up. Come here with a small paper box. Ann Nuo and Xiao Yuyao are sitting on the sofa, and Zhao Minghao is sitting opposite them. Put the box on the tea table.

"I made eight bigger beads, and some smaller ones. Annuo elder sister, you look for the thread to string up is the hand string

Zhao Minghao opened the box. There are some jadeite beads in it, eight of which are the size of peanuts. The small ones are only the size of mung beans. They all have a hole to go through the rope.

"Well, there are carvings on it."

Xiao Yuyao's eyes are very sharp. She picks up a jade bead and looks surprised. There are carvings on the eight big dots.

"Eight Immortals. The carving is a little rough. Sister Ann Nuo just... "

Zhao Minghao is very modest. But the words are elated. Last night, I used a small scalpel to inject Zhenyuan and cut the pieces of jadeite into beads. The eight immortals are carved again, which is the completion.

As for his carving skill, it also comes from Tianhai. This guy is really versatile.

"It's so beautiful. But the details are not very clear. But it's so lifelike. "

Anno was very surprised. He didn't expect that Zhao Minghao had such skills. It's really versatile. Arnold almost swallowed the food with her tongue.

"Yes. It's like living. Who is this scholar? What a handsome look. " On the beads Xiao Yuyao took, Han Xiangzi was carved.

"That's Han Xiangzi."

Ann Nuo is very surprised. She knows who the scholar in the eight immortals is. Why doesn't Xiao Yuyao know? But now the focus is not here.

"Zhao Xiaodi, then you go to my house. You help me put the beads on. I really can't do such delicate work. "

Anno water Oh, look at your jade finger like scallion white. I can't do such a clever job.

"Well, Dr. Zhao's hand was operated on. If you can connect all the nerves, don't talk about a bead. "

Xiao Yuyao herself can feel that there is something sour in her words. Xiao Yuyao thinks this jade bracelet should be hers.

"OK, let's go."

Zhao Minghao stood up and went out of the room with anno and Xiao Yuyao. Close the door with a bang and follow.

It's also a spacious place with elevators. See a face of bad luck Yang Qingquan out of the elevator to go home in a hurry. It seems that Zhao Minghao will be installed, but there is no meaning of avoiding or stopping.

Zhao Minghao takes a look at the camera, moves his wrist and stands to the side. That Yang Qingquan is like a top whipped by a whip, which turns rapidly.

Yang Qingquan quickly turned more than ten circles, and the whole person put his head on the wall. Then he fell to the ground.

"What's the matter with my son? What's the matter with you? " Old man Yang just came out. He's holding bits and pieces. It looks like it's moving.

"Don't touch me." Yang Qingquan cried out:

"I feel dizzy and vomit!"

"Let's go. This guy's got a lot of horns. "

What Zhao Minghao said was a little elated. Just now, Yang Qingquan wanted to hit him. He pushed him with Taiji cloud hand, which made Yang Qingquan become a spinning top.

"But if you get the Capricorn wind, it won't turn like a top."

Xiao Yuyao was very surprised, but she was very happy to see Yang Qingquan's embarrassed appearance.

"My son has no Capricorn!" Old man Yang said angrily.

"Xiao Xiaomei, Zhao Xiaodi, come in." Said Arnold.

Then Arnold opened the door and called. Arnold just now because of the angle problem. See Xiao Yuyao did not see, that is Zhao Minghao manual. However, anno is not sure whether it has something to do with Yang Qingquan's changing into a top.

Looking at Zhao Minghao, he put on beads of different sizes. Both anno and Xiao Yuyao are envious. They also want to have such dexterous hands.

"Then I'll go back first." Zhao Minghao left.

Ann sent him to the door, Xiao Yuyao stayed here. After seeing Zhao Minghao go out, she wants the bracelet in anno's hand.

Arnold has been holding the string in his hand, and now he comes back to sit down and looks directly at it. Take your cell phone and send photos here.

"Sister anno, what are you doing?"

Xiao Yuyao asked. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get this thing. But she knows it's not going to be easy.

"I just took a lot of photos and videos. Send it to an expert in this game. " Ann Nuo said with a smile.

"I want this bracelet."

Xiao Yuyao said directly after turning her mind. She remembered, especially the use of little tricks. It's better to say it directly.

"Xiao Xiaomei, why don't you remember. You want to find Zhao Xiaodi to make a bracelet for you. He can do whatever he wants

Anno reminds Xiao Yuyao. Arnold had a decision in mind. That's why this bracelet has a special meaning. You can't give it to anyone else.

"This is my broken bracelet. So I can't give you Xiao Xiaomei. "

Xiao Yuyao was stunned for a moment, which was also a reason. She can't say anything more, she can only find Zhao Minghao to do one.

Annuo's mobile phone rings with hands-free answer: "Mr. Zhang, how about this bracelet?"

"It's always like this. I love this bracelet. I want you to give it up. One hundred thousand will be used as the money for your fat powder... "

An old man on the other side of the phone said it was very polite. You can buy it for 300000 yuan with one mouth.

"Well, Mr. Zhang, my friend made it for me. I can't do it, just let you evaluate it. Now I understand your assessment. "

Ann Nuo and old man Zhang hang up with a look of joy. Xiao Yuyao said at this time:

"Dr. Zhao's skill is so valuable. Just those pieces, just a hundred thousand? "

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